[dpdk-announce] New DPDK hosted project: dpdk-burst-replay

jonathan.ribas at fraudbuster.mobi jonathan.ribas at fraudbuster.mobi
Thu Jan 31 14:10:48 CET 2019

Hello all,

A new project has come into the DPDK community, a tiny tool
named "dpdk-burst-replay" whitch tend to be a "tcpreplay" like
based on DPDK (so, with high performance concerns).

ATM, only few features are available:
- it can replay a pcap multiple times in a row.
- it can replay a pcap on multiple NIC ports.
- and it replay the pcap at maximum bitrate, by pre-caching
   the dump before starting to send packets.
- and at the end, it gave some statistics.

The main tool's objectives are to be simple (it manages itself
all the EAL/mempool/port initialization etc) and to be as fast
as possible.

You can have a look on the README here:

And at the source code here:

Finally, to fill an issue, use the dedicated bugzilla:

A presentation will be made at FOSDEM this Saturday, for those
who are interested and can't be there, it will be recorded and
should be available next week here:

Do not hesitate to give me feedback!

NB: This tool is released under BSD 3-clause license. All
     contributions will be welcomed! :)



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