DPDK 23.03 released

Thomas Monjalon thomas at monjalon.net
Fri Mar 31 19:17:21 CEST 2023

A new major release is available:

Winter release numbers are quite small as usual:
	1048 commits from 161 authors
	1379 files changed, 85721 insertions(+), 25814 deletions(-)

It is not planned to start a maintenance branch for 23.03.
This version is ABI-compatible with 22.11.

Below are some new features:
	- lock annotations
	- ARM power management monitor/wakeup
	- machine learning inference device API and test application
	- platform bus
	- 400G link speed
	- queue mapping of aggregated ports
	- flow quota
	- more flow matching (ICMPv6, IPv6 routing extension)
	- more flow actions (flex modify, congestion management)
	- Intel cpfl IPU driver
	- Marvell CNXK machine learning inference
	- SHAKE hash algorithm for crypto
	- LZ4 algorithm for compression
	- more telemetry endpoints
	- more tracepoints
	- DTS hello world

More details in the release notes:

The test framework DTS is being improved and migrated into the mainline.
Please join the DTS effort for contributing, reviewing or testing.

There are 34 new contributors (including authors, reviewers and testers).
Welcome to Alok Prasad, Alvaro Karsz, Anup Prabhu, Boleslav Stankevich,
Boris Ouretskey, Chenyu Huang, Edwin Brossette, Fengnan Chang,
Francesco Mancino, Haijun Chu, Hiral Shah, Isaac Boukris, J.J. Martzki,
Jesna K E, Joshua Washington, Kamalakshitha Aligeri, Krzysztof Karas,
Leo Xu, Maayan Kashani, Michal Schmidt, Mohammad Iqbal Ahmad,
Nathan Brown, Patrick Robb, Prince Takkar, Rushil Gupta,
Saoirse O'Donovan, Shivah Shankar S, Shiyang He, Song Jiale,
Vikash Poddar, Visa Hankala, Yevgeny Kliteynik, Zerun Fu,
and Zhuobin Huang.

Below is the number of commits per employer (with authors count):
	265     Marvell (33)
	256     Intel (49)
	175     NVIDIA (20)
	 98     Red Hat (6)
	 68     Huawei (3)
	 55     Corigine (9)
	 49     Microsoft (3)
	 13     Arm (5)
	 10     PANTHEON.tech (1)
	  9     Trustnet (1)
	  9     AMD (2)
	  8     Ark Networks (2)

A big thank to all courageous people who took on the non rewarding task
of reviewing other's job.
Based on Reviewed-by and Acked-by tags, the top non-PMD reviewers are:
	 48     Maxime Coquelin <maxime.coquelin at redhat.com>
	 46     Ferruh Yigit <ferruh.yigit at amd.com>
	 44     Morten Brørup <mb at smartsharesystems.com>
	 25     Ori Kam <orika at nvidia.com>
	 24     Tyler Retzlaff <roretzla at linux.microsoft.com>
	 23     Chengwen Feng <fengchengwen at huawei.com>
	 21     David Marchand <david.marchand at redhat.com>
	 21     Akhil Goyal <gakhil at marvell.com>

The next version will be 23.07 in July.
The new features for 23.07 can be submitted during the next 3 weeks:
Please share your roadmap.

One last ask; please fill this quick survey before April 7th
to help planning the next DPDK Summit:

Thanks everyone

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