[dpdk-ci] [PATCH V1] tools: add a download patchset script

Fangfang Wei fangfangx.wei at intel.com
Mon Jul 3 09:39:34 CEST 2017

download_patchset.py can download all patches and patch information
about one patchset from dpdk.org. And stored this patch files in
the directory which named with the patch ID, such as "24-28".
24 is the first patch ID in the patch set,
28 is the last patch ID in the patch set.

Signed-off-by: Fangfang Wei <fangfangx.wei at intel.com>
 tools/download_patchset.py | 257 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 257 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 tools/download_patchset.py

diff --git a/tools/download_patchset.py b/tools/download_patchset.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ad4254
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/download_patchset.py
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
+import os
+import sys
+import re
+import time
+import argparse
+import requests
+class Patchwork(object):
+    '''
+    Get patch set information and patch set content from dpdk.org.
+    Download patch set information and stored it into patchsetInfo.txt.
+    Download patches of patchset, and stored them into the directory which
+    named with patchwork ID such as '27512-27514'.
+    27512 is the first patch ID, 27514 is the last patch ID in this patchset.
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, workPath, **kwargs):
+        self.basePath = workPath
+        self.patchId = kwargs["patchId"]
+        self.patchListDict = {}
+    def GetNewestPatchWorkID(self):
+        '''
+        get the newest patch id in dpdk.org
+        '''
+        PatternNewCommitID = "patch_row:(\d+)"
+        url = 'http://www.dpdk.org/dev/patchwork/project/dpdk/list/?page=1'
+        try:
+            r = requests.get(url)
+            time.sleep(1)
+        except Exception, e:
+            print "Can't access dpdk.org, the error is {}".format(str(e))
+            return 0
+        PatchWorkID = re.findall(PatternNewCommitID, r.content, re.MULTILINE)
+        if len(PatchWorkID) > 0:
+            Sorted_PatchWorkID = Sorted(PatchWorkID, reverse=True)
+            if PatchWorkID[0] > Sorted_PatchWorkID[0]:
+                newest_ID = PatchWorkID[0]
+            else:
+                newest_ID = Sorted_PatchWorkID[0]
+            print "Get the newest patch id in dpdk.org is {}".format(newest_ID)
+            rePatchWorkID = int(newest_ID)
+        else:
+            rePatchWorkID = 0
+        # check if the patch id is the newest one
+        cnt = 0
+        while cnt < 100:
+            url = "http://dpdk.org/dev/patchwork/patch/{}/mbox/".\
+                  format(str(cnt+rePatchWorkID))
+            try:
+                r = requests.get(url)
+                # if return code is not success flag, quit loop
+                if r.status_code != 200:
+                    rePatchWorkID += (cnt - 1)
+                    break
+                cnt += 1
+            except Exception, e:
+                print "error: {}".format(str(e))
+                rePatchWorkID = 0
+                break
+        return rePatchWorkID
+    def GetPatchSet(self, BeginID, EndID):
+        '''
+        Download patch set information and patch set files
+        '''
+        patSubmitterMail = r'From: (.*)'
+        patSubmitTime = r'Date: (.*)'
+        patSubmitComment = r'(?<=Date:).+?(?=[-]{3})'
+        patMessageIDExd = r'([0-9-]+)-git-send-email-.*'
+        patMessageID = r'Message-Id: <(.*)>'
+        patSubject = r'(?<=Subject:).+?(?=From:)'
+        patPatchset = r'.*\[.*\/(\d+)\,?.*\].*'
+        messgeIdPattern1 = r'(.*-.*)-\d+-git-send-email-(.*)'
+        messgeIdPattern2 = r'.*\.(.*)\.git.(.*)'
+        messgeIdPattern3 = r'(.*\..*)-\d+-(.*)'
+        self.beginID = BeginID
+        self.endID = EndID
+        if self.beginID > self.endID:
+            print "Begin patch ID is larger than the end patch ID"
+            return False
+        PatchesDict = dict()
+        for cnt in range(self.beginID, self.endID + 1):
+            url = 'http://dpdk.org/dev/patchwork/patch/{}/mbox/'.\
+                  format(str(cnt))
+            try:
+                r = requests.get(url)
+                time.sleep(1)
+            except Exception, e:
+                print "can't access patch {}, error: {}".\
+                      format(str(cnt), str(e))
+                continue
+            # if patchwork is empty, get the next patch info
+            if 'content-disposition' not in r.headers:
+                continue
+            # get patch message id
+            findMessgeID = re.findall(patMessageID, r.content, re.MULTILINE)
+            if len(findMessgeID) == 0:
+                continue
+            else:
+                # mail subject
+                subject = re.sub("\n", "", "".join(re.findall(patSubject,
+                                 r.content, re.S)))
+                messageID = "".join(findMessgeID)
+                # get patch number per patch set
+                findPatchset = re.findall(patPatchset, subject, re.MULTILINE)
+                if len(findPatchset) == 0:
+                    patch_num = "1"
+                else:
+                    patch_num = "".join(findPatchset)
+            findMail = re.findall(patSubmitterMail, r.content, re.MULTILINE)
+            if len(findMail) == 0:
+                continue
+            submitterMail = "".join(findMail[0])
+            findTime = re.findall(patSubmitTime, r.content, re.MULTILINE)
+            if len(findTime) == 0:
+                continue
+            submitTime = "".join(findTime)
+            patchID = str(cnt)
+            findComment = re.findall(patSubmitComment, r.content, re.S)
+            if len(findComment) == 0:
+                continue
+            submitComment = "".join(findComment).replace(submitTime, "")
+            patchWorkID = "PatchWork ID: {}".format(patchID)
+            gitComment = os.linesep.join([patchWorkID, submitComment])
+            # fetch out the submitter's patch content, store it as a patch file
+            url = 'http://dpdk.org/dev/patchwork/patch/{}/raw'.format(str(cnt))
+            try:
+                raw = requests.get(url)
+                time.sleep(1)
+            except Exception, e:
+                print "error: {}".format(str(e))
+                continue
+            if 'content-disposition' not in raw.headers:
+                continue
+            patchName = raw.headers['content-disposition'].split('=')[1]
+            patchID = str(cnt)
+            PatchesDict[patchName] = raw.content
+            self.patchListDict.setdefault(messageID, []).append(patch_num)
+            self.patchListDict.setdefault(messageID, []).append(patchID)
+            self.patchListDict.setdefault(messageID, []).append(patchName)
+            self.patchListDict.setdefault(messageID, []).append(submitterMail)
+            self.patchListDict.setdefault(messageID, []).append(submitTime)
+            self.patchListDict.setdefault(messageID, []).append(gitComment)
+            self.patchListDict.setdefault(messageID, []).append(subject)
+        patchsetGrp = dict()
+        patchKeyList = sorted(self.patchListDict.keys())
+        patchCount = len(patchKeyList)
+        firstPatchID = 0
+        lastPatchID = 0
+        patchset = dict()
+        for cnt in range(patchCount):
+            messageID = patchKeyList[cnt]
+            patchSet_num = int(self.patchListDict[messageID][0])
+            patchID = int(self.patchListDict[messageID][1])
+            patchName = self.patchListDict[messageID][2]
+            submitterMail = self.patchListDict[messageID][3]
+            submitTime = self.patchListDict[messageID][4]
+            submitComment = self.patchListDict[messageID][5]
+            subject = self.patchListDict[messageID][6]
+            if (patchName != "" and submitterMail != "" and
+                    submitTime != "" and submitComment != ""):
+                patchset[patchName] = self.patchListDict[messageID]
+                if firstPatchID == 0 and lastPatchID == 0:
+                    firstPatchID = patchID
+                    lastPatchID = patchID
+                else:
+                    firstPatchID = min(firstPatchID, patchID)
+                    lastPatchID = max(lastPatchID, patchID)
+                if patchSet_num > 1:
+                    for pattern in [messgeIdPattern1, messgeIdPattern2,
+                                    messgeIdPattern3]:
+                        foundResult = re.findall(pattern, messageID)
+                        if len(foundResult) != 0:
+                            break
+                    if len(foundResult) > 0 and cnt < patchCount - 1:
+                        nextMessageID = "".join(patchKeyList[cnt + 1])
+                        if (nextMessageID.find(foundResult[0][0]) != -1 and
+                           nextMessageID.find(foundResult[0][0]) != -1):
+                            continue
+                patchsetGrp["{}-{}".format(firstPatchID, lastPatchID)] = patchset
+                patchset = dict()
+                firstPatchID = 0
+                lastPatchID = 0
+        for PatchSetID in sorted(patchsetGrp.keys()):
+            if os.path.exists(self.basePath + os.sep + PatchSetID) == False:
+                os.makedirs(self.basePath + os.sep + PatchSetID)
+            with open(self.basePath + os.sep + PatchSetID + os.sep + "patchsetInfo.txt", "wb") as pi:
+                pi.write(str(patchsetGrp[PatchSetID]))
+            for patch in PatchesDict.keys():
+                if patch in patchsetGrp[PatchSetID].keys():
+                    with open(self.basePath + os.sep + PatchSetID + os.sep + patch, "wb") as code:
+                        code.write(PatchesDict[patch])
+        return True
+    def execute(self):
+        beginID, endID = self.patchId
+        # If the given endID is 0, get the newest patch ID from dpdk.org as endID
+        if endID == 0:
+            endID = self.GetNewestPatchWorkID()
+        self.GetPatchSet(beginID, endID)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    """
+    Download patch set information and patch set files from dpdk.org
+    Arguments:
+    -p/--dst-path: the destination path where the downloaded patch set will be stored
+    -b/--begin-id: the begin patchwork id of the patch set
+    -e/--end-id: the end patchwork id of the patch set
+    """
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Get patch set from dpdk.org')
+    parser.add_argument('-p', '--dst-path', type=str, help='the destination path where the downloaded patch set will be stored')
+    parser.add_argument('-b', '--begin-id', default=0, type=int, help='the begin id of the patch set')
+    parser.add_argument('-e', '--end-id', default=0, type=int, help='the end id of the patch set')
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    InputBeginID = args.begin_id
+    InputEndID = args.end_id
+    if os.path.exists(args.dst_path):
+        patchwork = Patchwork(args.dst_path, patchId=(InputBeginID, InputEndID))
+        patchwork.execute()
+    else:
+        print "{} is not existed".format(args.dst_path)

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