[dpdk-ci] [RFC] test lab database schema

Gema Gomez gema.gomez-solano at linaro.org
Tue Nov 28 18:26:48 CET 2017

On 28/11/17 17:13, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
> 28/11/2017 17:32, Gema Gomez:
>> Having the UI as something to think about/implement later worries me.
>> Representing the data in a way that it is consumable by engineering is
>> not an easy task, and it is important. It will also affect the database
>> design. I'd like to contribute an example performance graph/drawings
>> from a previous life that may or may not be useful:
>> http://ci.ubuntu.com/bootspeed/arch/amd64/
> Regarding the UI, I think we can use grafana which is highly customizable.

Agreed, but grafana is a tool and can be used in many different ways. I
was after what data is going to display, what is going to be tested,
what frequency, how are engineering decisions going to be made from that
data, etc. Test plan kind of information. I have heard that we want to
draw graphs but also make pass/fail decisions based on thresholds, all
of these will affect the data that needs to be stored in the database.


Gema Gomez-Solano
Tech Lead, SDI
Linaro Ltd
IRC: gema@#linaro on irc.freenode.net

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