[dpdk-dev] [PATCH v2 0/3] split programmers guide a bit

Iremonger, Bernard bernard.iremonger at intel.com
Wed Apr 1 11:19:27 CEST 2015

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas Monjalon [mailto:thomas.monjalon at 6wind.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 1:23 PM
> To: Mcnamara, John
> Cc: Butler, Siobhan A; Iremonger, Bernard; dev at dpdk.org
> Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] [PATCH v2 0/3] split programmers guide a bit
> 2015-03-31 11:34, Mcnamara, John:
> > Any objection to an additional patch to move the figure captions below
> > the figures in the docs?
> No objection.
> We should use figure:: keyword instead of image:: to add a caption.
> > The caption above the figure was the format used in the initial docs,
> > and it looks okay in the HTML output, but in the PDF output it tends
> > to get merged into the preceding paragraph and isn't always on the
> > same page as the figure.
> Yes, it's a bit strange.
> Why moving it below will ensure to keep it in the same page?
> I think figure:: keyword may solve it.

Hi John,

My preference would be to keep the caption above the figure.
This was the way it was done in the original 1.7 MSword documents (the starting point for the conversion to rst files).




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