[dpdk-dev] [dpdk-techboard] [PATCH 1/1] doc: add deprecation notice for CPU build flags

Thomas Monjalon thomas at monjalon.net
Wed Aug 5 16:57:42 CEST 2020

05/08/2020 16:21, Bruce Richardson:
> The RTE_MACHINE_CPUFLAGS_* macros in DPDK build just duplicate info from
> the compiler macros, so we can remove them and just use the compiler
> versions directly.
> Signed-off-by: Bruce Richardson <bruce.richardson at intel.com>
> ---
> --- a/doc/guides/rel_notes/deprecation.rst
> +++ b/doc/guides/rel_notes/deprecation.rst
> +* build macros: The macros defining RTE_MACHINE_CPUFLAG_* will be removed
> +  from the build. The information provided by these macros is available
> +  through standard compiler macros. For example, RTE_MACHINE_CPUFLAG_SSE3
> +  duplicates the compiler-provided macro __SSE3__.

I see 2 advantages of having alias:
	- if 2 compilers differ, we can manage
	- we can find all such macros with grep RTE_MACHINE_CPUFLAG

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