[dpdk-dev] Problem while running dpdk

Bruce Richardson bruce.richardson at intel.com
Tue Jun 1 10:03:01 CEST 2021

On Thu, May 27, 2021 at 10:05:39PM +0000, Raunak Laddha wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using dpdk 20.11.1 . I tried to use your resource to build a custom application which uses dpdk. I compiled my app using meson and makefile to see if I get different result for my issue. I have used pkg-config to load cflags and ldflags in my application and linking it as a static library.
> Problem I am facing:
> No buses are loaded. I can see that RTE_INIT_PRIO is used as constructor to load the buses. But in my application, buses are not loaded.
> I tried to run the dpdk app named test-pipeline to check if it works and it does in that case. But same application with my makefile or meson file does not work.
> First call in my program is rte_eal_init(argc, argv); (the init call of dpdk).
> My app gets compiles. Also verified cflags and ldflags to check if dpdk flags are added.
> My assumption is whatever RTE_INIT_PRIO is loading, it gets loaded correctly in dpdk test-pipeline app but not in my custom app.
> Is there any config I am missing?
> I have attached the makefile and meson file.
> Thanks,
> Raunak

Hi Raunak,

I'm afraid that the attachments got stripped on the email. To help resolve
the problem you encountered, the first thing to check would be the actual
link-command used when linking your app. Check that the drivers are being
linked into the static binary appropriately.  Also, depending on the Linux
distro in use, some versions of pkg-config have a problem with reordering
the linker flags, so I'd recommend installing and using pkgconf package
rather than pkg-config to remove this as a source of error.


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