CentOs End of Life?

Stephen Hemminger stephen at networkplumber.org
Tue Jan 30 18:45:15 CET 2024

On Tue, 30 Jan 2024 17:33:06 +0000
Bruce Richardson <bruce.richardson at intel.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 30, 2024 at 09:18:49AM -0800, Stephen Hemminger wrote:
> > While reworking tap device, one issue is how to keep (or drop) the support
> > of older Enterprise releases. The tap flow support is doing some workarounds
> > to include missing support, but these are not the right way to do it.
> > 
> > The question is: is this even worth keeping?
> > CentOS 7 reaches end of life in June 2024.
> > CentOS 7 is using a kernel which is no longer supported.
> > 
> > If we drop CentOS 7, that means dropping RHEL7 and would need to be hightlighted
> > in the docs.  
> I thought we had already dropped it. Centos 7 doesn't come by default with
> a C11-supporting compiler.
> /Bruce

Well my recent patches were getting hit in CI by:

Meson Build Summary: 24 Builds Done, 23 Successful, 1 Failures, 0 Blocked

| os                | gcc-static | clang-static | icc-static | gcc-shared | gcc-debug | document | gcc-16byte |
| OpenAnolis8.8-64  | pass       |              |            |            |           |          |            |
| FreeBSD13-64      | pass       | pass         |            | pass       | pass      |          |            |
| RHEL92-64         | pass       | pass         |            | pass       | pass      |          |            |
| SUSE15-64         | pass       | pass         |            |            |           |          |            |
| CBL-Mariner2.0-64 | pass       |              |            |            |           |          |            |
| UB2204-32         | pass       |              |            |            |           |          |            |
| RHEL89-64         | pass       |              |            |            |           |          |            |
| UB2204-64         | pass       | pass         |            |            |           | pass     | pass       |
| CentOS79-64       | fail       |              |            |            |           |          |            | <<<<<<< This needs to go
| RHEL92-64Rt       | pass       |              |            |            |           |          |            |
| UB2310-64         | pass       |              |            |            |           |          |            |
| FC39-64           | pass       | pass         |            |            |           |          |            |
| UB2204-64Rt       | pass       |              |            |            |           |          |            |

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