[dts] [PATCH]Add Checksum/tso test plan: vf_offload_test_plan.rst

Pei, Yulong yulong.pei at intel.com
Thu Feb 4 05:47:18 CET 2016

Hi Lijuan,

one comment,

I only saw "checksum on the transmit packet" test, no "checksum on the receive packet" test.

Best Regards
Yulong Pei

-----Original Message-----
From: dts [mailto:dts-bounces at dpdk.org] On Behalf Of Lijuan Tu
Sent: Friday, January 29, 2016 4:39 PM
To: dts at dpdk.org
Cc: Lijuan Tu <lijuanx.tu.a at intel.com>
Subject: [dts] [PATCH]Add Checksum/tso test plan: vf_offload_test_plan.rst

From: Lijuan Tu <lijuanx.tu.a at intel.com>

Signed-off-by: Lijuan Tu <lijuanx.tu.a at intel.com>
 test_plans/vf_offload_test_plan.rst | 246 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 246 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 test_plans/vf_offload_test_plan.rst

diff --git a/test_plans/vf_offload_test_plan.rst b/test_plans/vf_offload_test_plan.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5aa1c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_plans/vf_offload_test_plan.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+Create Two VF interfaces from two kernel PF ineterfaces, and then attach them to VM. Suppose PF is 0000:04:00.0. Generate 2VFs using commands below and make them in pci-stub mods.
+1. Get the pci device id of DUT::
+    ./dpdk_nic_bind.py --st
+    0000:04:00.0 '82599ES 10-Gigabit SFI/SFP+ Network Connection' 
+ if=ens261f0 drv=ixgbe unused=igb_uio
+2. Create 2 VFs from 2 PFs::
+    echo 2 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000\:04\:00.0/sriov_numvfs
+VFs 04:10.0 & 04:10.1 have been created::
+    ./dpdk_nic_bind.py --st
+    0000:04:00.0 '82599ES 10-Gigabit SFI/SFP+ Network Connection' if=ens261f0 drv=ixgbe unused=
+    0000:04:10.0 '82599 Ethernet Controller Virtual Function' if=enp4s16 drv=ixgbevf unused=
+    0000:04:10.1 '82599 Ethernet Controller Virtual Function' 
+ if=enp4s16f1 drv=ixgbevf unused=
+3. detach VFs from the host, bind them to pci-stub driver::
+    /sbin/modprobe pci-stub
+    echo "8086 10ed" > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/pci-stub/new_id
+    echo 0000:04:10.0 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000\:04\:10.0/driver/unbind
+    echo 0000:04:10.0 > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/pci-stub/bind
+    echo 0000:04:10.1 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000\:04\:10.1/driver/unbind
+    echo 0000:04:10.1 > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/pci-stub/bind
+or using the following more easy way::
+    ./dpdk_nic_bind.py -b pci-stub 04:10.0 04:10.1
+it can be seen that VFs 04:10.0 & 04:10.1 's drv is pci-stub::
+    ./dpdk_nic_bind.py --st
+    0000:04:00.0 '82599ES 10-Gigabit SFI/SFP+ Network Connection' if=ens261f0 drv=ixgbe unused=vfio-pci
+    0000:04:10.0 '82599 Ethernet Controller Virtual Function' if= drv=pci-stub unused=ixgbevf,vfio-pci
+    0000:04:10.1 '82599 Ethernet Controller Virtual Function' if= 
+ drv=pci-stub unused=ixgbevf,vfio-pci
+4. Do not forget bring up PFs::
+    ifconfig ens261f0 up
+Passthrough VFs 04:10.0 & 04:10.1 to vm0, and start vm0, you can refer to below command::
+    taskset -c 6-12 qemu-system-x86_64 \
+    -enable-kvm -m 8192  -smp 6 -cpu host -name dpdk15-vm1 \
+    -drive file=/home/image/fedora23.img \
+    -netdev tap,id=hostnet1,ifname=tap1,script=/etc/qemu-ifup,vhost=on \
+    -device rtl8139,netdev=hostnet1,id=net1,mac=52:54:01:6b:10:61,bus=pci.0,addr=0xa \
+    -device pci-assign,bus=pci.0,addr=0x6,host=04:10.0 \
+    -device pci-assign,bus=pci.0,addr=0x7,host=04:10.1 \
+    -vnc :11 -daemonize
+the /etc/qemu-ifup can be below script, need you to create first::
+    #!/bin/sh
+    set -x
+    switch=br0
+    if [ -n "$1" ];then
+        /usr/sbin/tunctl -u `whoami` -t $1
+        /sbin/ip link set $1 up
+        sleep 0.5s
+        /usr/sbin/brctl addif $switch $1
+        exit 0
+    else
+        echo "Error: no interface specified"
+    exit 1
+    fi
+Set up bridge br0 before create /etc/qemu-ifup, for example::
+    cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
+    vim ifcfg-enp1s0f0
+    HWADDR=00:1e:67:fb:0f:d4
+    TYPE=Ethernet
+    NAME=enp1s0f0
+    ONBOOT=yes
+    DEVICE=enp1s0f0
+    BRIDGE=br0
+    vim ifcfg-br0
+    TYPE=Bridge
+    DEVICE=br0
+    ONBOOT=yes
+    BOOTPROTO=dhcp
+    HOSTNAME="dpdk-test58"
+Login vm0, got VFs pci device id in vm0, assume they are 00:06.0 & 
+00:07.0, bind them to igb_uio driver, and then start testpmd, set it in 
+mac forward mode::
+    ./tools/dpdk_nic_bind.py --bind=igb_uio 00:06.0 00:07.0
+                                                                                                                                                                               102,5         32%
+Prerequisites for checksum
+Support igb_uio and vfio driver, if used vfio, kernel need 3.6+ and enable vt-d in bios.
+When used vfio , used "modprobe vfio" and "modprobe vfio-pci" insmod 
+vfiod driver, then used "./tools/dpdk_nic_bind.py --bind=vfio-pci device_bus_id" to bind vfio driver to test driver.
+Assuming that ports ``0`` and ``2`` are connected to a traffic 
+generator, launch the ``testpmd`` with the following arguments::
+  ./build/app/testpmd -cffffff -n 1 -- -i --burst=1 --txpt=32 \
+  --txht=8 --txwt=0 --txfreet=0 --rxfreet=64 --mbcache=250 
+ --portmask=0x5  enable-rx-checksum
+Set the verbose level to 1 to display informations for each received packet::
+  testpmd> set verbose 1
+Test Case: Insert IPv4/IPv6 UDP/TCP/SCTP checksum on the transmit 
+Setup the ``csum`` forwarding mode::
+  testpmd> set fwd csum
+  Set csum packet forwarding mode
+Enable the IPv4/UDP/TCP/SCTP checksum offload on port 0::
+  testpmd>
+  testpmd> tx_checksum set ip hw 0
+  testpmd> tx_checksum set udp hw 0
+  testpmd> tx_checksum set tcp hw 0
+  testpmd> tx_checksum set sctp hw 0
+  testpmd> start
+    csum packet forwarding - CRC stripping disabled - packets/burst=32
+    nb forwarding cores=1 - nb forwarding ports=10
+    RX queues=1 - RX desc=128 - RX free threshold=64
+    RX threshold registers: pthresh=8 hthresh=8 wthresh=4
+    TX queues=1 - TX desc=512 - TX free threshold=0
+    TX threshold registers: pthresh=32 hthresh=8 wthresh=8
+Configure the traffic generator to send the multiple packets for the 
+combination: IPv4/UDP, IPv4/TCP, IPv4/SCTP, IPv6/UDP, IPv6/TCP.
+Except that SCTP header + payload length must be a multiple of 4 bytes.
+IPv4 + UDP/TCP packet length can range from the minimum length to 1518 bytes.
+Then verify that the same number of packet are correctly received on 
+the traffic generator side. And IPv4 checksum, TCP checksum, UDP 
+checksum, SCTP CRC32c need be validated as pass by the IXIA.
+The IPv4 source address will not be changed by testpmd.
+Test Case: Do not insert IPv4/IPv6 UDP/TCP checksum on the transmit 
+Setup the ``csum`` forwarding mode::
+  testpmd> set fwd csum
+  Set csum packet forwarding mode
+Disable the IPv4/UDP/TCP/SCTP checksum offload on port 0::
+  testpmd> tx_checksum set 0x0 0
+  testpmd> start
+    csum packet forwarding - CRC stripping disabled - packets/burst=32
+    nb forwarding cores=1 - nb forwarding ports=10
+    RX queues=1 - RX desc=128 - RX free threshold=64
+    RX threshold registers: pthresh=8 hthresh=8 wthresh=4
+    TX queues=1 - TX desc=512 - TX free threshold=0
+    TX threshold registers: pthresh=32 hthresh=8 wthresh=8
+Configure the traffic generator to send the multiple packets for the 
+combination: IPv4/UDP, IPv4/TCP, IPv6/UDP, IPv6/TCP.
+IPv4 + UDP/TCP packet length can range from the minimum length to 1518 bytes.
+Then verify that the same number of packet are correctly received on 
+the traffic generator side. And IPv4 checksum, TCP checksum, UDP 
+checksum need be validated as pass by the IXIA.
+The first byte of source IPv4 address will be increment by testpmd. The 
+checksum is indeed recalculated by software algorithms.
+Prerequisites for TSO
+The DUT must take one of the Ethernet controller ports connected to a 
+port on another device that is controlled by the Scapy packet generator.
+The Ethernet interface identifier of the port that Scapy will use must be known.
+On tester, all offload feature should be disabled on tx port, and start rx port capture::
+  ethtool -K <tx port> rx off tx off tso off gso off gro off lro off
+  ip l set <tx port> up
+  tcpdump -n -e -i <rx port> -s 0 -w /tmp/cap
+On DUT, run pmd with parameter "--enable-rx-cksum". Then enable TSO on 
+tx port and checksum on rx port. The test commands is below::
+  #enable hw checksum on rx port
+  tx_checksum set ip hw 0
+  tx_checksum set udp hw 0
+  tx_checksum set tcp hw 0
+  tx_checksum set sctp hw 0
+  set fwd csum
+  # enable TSO on tx port
+  *tso set 800 1
+Test case: csum fwd engine, use TSO
+This test uses ``Scapy`` to send out one large TCP package. The dut 
+forwards package with TSO enable on tx port while rx port turns 
+checksum on. After package send out by TSO on tx port, the tester receives multiple small TCP package.
+Turn off tx port by ethtool on tester::
+  ethtool -K <tx port> rx off tx off tso off gso off gro off lro off
+  ip l set <tx port> up
+capture package rx port on tester::
+  tcpdump -n -e -i <rx port> -s 0 -w /tmp/cap
+Launch the userland ``testpmd`` application on DUT as follows::
+  testpmd> set verbose 1
+  # enable hw checksum on rx port
+  testpmd> tx_checksum set ip hw 0
+  testpmd> tx_checksum set udp hw 0
+  testpmd> tx_checksum set tcp hw 0
+  testpmd> tx_checksum set sctp hw 0
+  # enable TSO on tx port
+  testpmd> tso set 800 1
+  # set fwd engine and start
+  testpmd> set fwd csum
+  testpmd> start
+Test IPv4() in scapy:
+    sendp([Ether(dst="%s", 
+ort=1021,dport=1021)/Raw(load="\x50"*%s)], iface="%s")
+Test IPv6() in scapy:
+    sendp([Ether(dst="%s", src="52:00:00:00:00:00")/IPv6(src="FE80:0:0:0:200:1FF:FE00:200", dst="3555:5555:6666:6666:7777:7777:8888:8888")/UDP(sport=1021,dport=1021)/Raw(load="\x50"*%s)], iface="%s"

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