[dts] [next][PATCH V1 9/14] framework/pktgen: ixia packet generator relevant classes

yufengmx yufengx.mo at intel.com
Sun Apr 28 04:49:06 CEST 2019

ixia packet generator relevant classes

Use etgen class IxiaPacketGenerator as ixia tool class and rename it to Ixia.
Use IxiaPacketGenerator as PacketGenerator subclass to wrap ixia tool behavior to
a series of unified interfaces as suite script API. Class Ixia add protocol layer fields
behavior setting process, unify statistics return value format and add some methods
to be compatible with pktgen design.

Signed-off-by: yufengmx <yufengx.mo at intel.com>
 framework/pktgen_ixia.py | 1750 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 1750 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 framework/pktgen_ixia.py

diff --git a/framework/pktgen_ixia.py b/framework/pktgen_ixia.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80481fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/framework/pktgen_ixia.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1750 @@
+# Copyright(c) 2010-2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+# are met:
+#   * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+#     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+#   * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+#     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+#     the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+#     distribution.
+#   * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its
+#     contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+#     from this software without specific prior written permission.
+import os
+import re
+import string
+import time
+from pprint import pformat
+from ssh_connection import SSHConnection
+from settings import SCAPY2IXIA
+from logger import getLogger
+from utils import (convert_int2ip, convert_ip2int,
+                   convert_mac2long, convert_mac2str)
+from pktgen_base import (PacketGenerator, PKTGEN_IXIA,
+from scapy.packet import Packet
+from scapy.utils import wrpcap
+class Ixia(SSHConnection):
+    """
+    IXIA performance measurement class.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, tester, ixiaPorts):
+        self.tester = tester
+        self.NAME = PKTGEN_IXIA
+        self.logger = getLogger(self.NAME)
+        super(Ixia, self).__init__(
+                            self.get_ip_address(),
+                            self.NAME,
+                            self.tester.get_username(),
+                            self.get_password())
+        super(Ixia, self).init_log(self.logger)
+        self.tcl_cmds = []
+        self.chasId = None
+        self.conRelation = {}
+        ixiaRef = self.NAME
+        if ixiaRef is None or ixiaRef not in ixiaPorts:
+            return
+        self.ixiaVersion = ixiaPorts[ixiaRef]["Version"]
+        self.ports = ixiaPorts[ixiaRef]["Ports"]
+        if ixiaPorts[ixiaRef].has_key('force100g'):
+            self.enable100g = ixiaPorts[ixiaRef]['force100g']
+        else:
+            self.enable100g = 'disable'
+        self.logger.info(self.ixiaVersion)
+        self.logger.info(self.ports)
+        self.tclServerIP = ixiaPorts[ixiaRef]["IP"]
+        # prepare tcl shell and ixia library
+        self.send_expect("tclsh", "% ")
+        self.send_expect("source ./IxiaWish.tcl", "% ")
+        self.send_expect("set ::env(IXIA_VERSION) %s" % self.ixiaVersion, "% ")
+        out = self.send_expect("package req IxTclHal", "% ")
+        self.logger.debug("package req IxTclHal return:" + out)
+        if self.ixiaVersion in out:
+            if not self.tcl_server_login():
+                self.close()
+                self.session = None
+            for port in self.ports:
+                port['speed'] = self.get_line_rate(self.chasId, port)
+        # ixia port stream management table
+        self.stream_index = {}
+        self.stream_total = {}
+    def get_line_rate(self, chasid, port):
+        ixia_port = "%d %d %d" % (self.chasId, port['card'], port['port'])
+        return self.send_expect("stat getLineSpeed %s" % ixia_port, '%')
+    def get_ip_address(self):
+        return self.tester.get_ip_address()
+    def get_password(self):
+        return self.tester.get_password()
+    def add_tcl_cmd(self, cmd):
+        """
+        Add one tcl command into command list.
+        """
+        self.tcl_cmds.append(cmd)
+    def add_tcl_cmds(self, cmds):
+        """
+        Add one tcl command list into command list.
+        """
+        self.tcl_cmds += cmds
+    def clean(self):
+        """
+        Clean ownership of IXIA devices and logout tcl session.
+        """
+        self.send_expect("clearOwnershipAndLogout", "% ")
+        self.close()
+    def parse_pcap(self, fpcap):
+        # save Packet instance to pcap file
+        if isinstance(fpcap, Packet):
+            pcap_path = '/root/temp.pcap'
+            if os.path.exists(pcap_path):
+                os.remove(pcap_path)
+            wrpcap(pcap_path, fpcap)
+        else:
+            pcap_path = fpcap
+        dump_str1 = "cmds = []\n"
+        dump_str2 = "for i in rdpcap('%s', -1):\n" % pcap_path
+        dump_str3 = "    if 'Vxlan' in i.command():\n" + \
+                    "        vxlan_str = ''\n" + \
+                    "        l = len(i[Vxlan])\n" + \
+                    "        vxlan = str(i[Vxlan])\n" + \
+                    "        first = True\n" + \
+                    "        for j in range(l):\n" + \
+                    "            if first:\n" + \
+                    "                vxlan_str += \"Vxlan(hexval='%02X\" %ord(vxlan[j])\n" + \
+                    "                first = False\n" + \
+                    "            else:\n" + \
+                    "                vxlan_str += \" %02X\" %ord(vxlan[j])\n" + \
+                    "        vxlan_str += \"\')\"\n" + \
+                    "        command = re.sub(r\"Vxlan(.*)\", vxlan_str, i.command())\n" + \
+                    "    else:\n" + \
+                    "        command = i.command()\n" + \
+                    "    cmds.append(command)\n" + \
+                    "print(cmds)\n" + \
+                    "exit()"
+        f = open("dumppcap.py", "w")
+        f.write(dump_str1)
+        f.write(dump_str2)
+        f.write(dump_str3)
+        f.close()
+        self.session.copy_file_to("dumppcap.py")
+        out = self.send_expect("scapy -c dumppcap.py 2>/dev/null", "% ", 120)
+        flows = eval(out)
+        return flows
+    def macToTclFormat(self, macAddr):
+        """
+        Convert normal mac address format into IXIA's format.
+        """
+        macAddr = macAddr.upper()
+        return "%s %s %s %s %s %s" % (
+                                macAddr[:2], macAddr[3:5], macAddr[6:8],
+                                macAddr[9:11], macAddr[12:14], macAddr[15:17])
+    def set_ether_fields(self, fields, default_fields):
+        """
+        Configure Ether protocol field value.
+        """
+        addr_mode = {
+            # decrement the MAC address for as many numSA/numDA specified
+            'dec':      'decrement',
+            # increment the MAC address for as many numSA/numDA specified
+            'inc':      'increment',
+            # Generate random destination MAC address for each frame
+            'random':   'ctrRandom',
+            # set RepeatCounter mode to be idle as default
+            'default':  'idle'}
+        cmds = []
+        for name, config in fields.iteritems():
+            default_config = default_fields.get(name)
+            mac_start = config.get('start') or default_config.get('start')
+            mac_end = config.get('end')
+            step = config.get('step') or 1
+            action = config.get('action') or default_config.get('action')
+            prefix = 'sa' if name == 'src' else 'da'
+            if action == 'dec' and mac_end:
+                cmds.append('stream config -{0} "{1}"'.format(
+                                                            prefix, mac_end))
+            else:
+                cmds.append('stream config -{0} "{1}"'.format(
+                                                            prefix, mac_start))
+            if step:
+                cmds.append('stream config -{0}Step {1}'.format(prefix, step))
+            if action:
+                cmds.append('stream config -{0}RepeatCounter {1}'.format(
+                                                prefix, addr_mode.get(action)))
+            if mac_end:
+                mac_start_int = convert_mac2long(mac_start)
+                mac_end_int = convert_mac2long(mac_end)
+                flow_num = mac_end_int - mac_start_int + 1
+                if flow_num <= 0:
+                    msg = "end mac should not be bigger than start mac"
+                    raise Exception(msg)
+            else:
+                flow_num = None
+            if flow_num:
+                cmds.append('stream config -num{0} {1}'.format(
+                                                prefix.upper(), flow_num))
+            # clear default field after it has been set
+            default_fields.pop(name)
+        # if some filed not set, set it here
+        if default_fields:
+            for name, config in default_fields.iteritems():
+                ip_start = config.get('start')
+                prefix = 'sa' if name == 'src' else 'da'
+                cmds.append('stream config -{0} "{1}"'.format(prefix, ip_start))
+        return cmds
+    def ether(self, port, vm, src, dst, type):
+        """
+        Configure Ether protocol.
+        """
+        fields = vm.get('mac')
+        srcMac = self.macToTclFormat(src)
+        dstMac = self.macToTclFormat(dst)
+        # common command setting
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("protocol config -ethernetType ethernetII")
+        cmds = []
+        # if vm has been set, pick pcap fields' as default value
+        if fields:
+            default_fields = {
+                'src': { 'action': 'default', 'start': src,},
+                'dst': { 'action': 'default', 'start': dst,},}
+            # set custom setting for field actions
+            cmds = self.set_ether_fields(fields, default_fields)
+            # set them in tcl commands group
+            self.add_tcl_cmds(cmds)
+        else:
+            self.add_tcl_cmd('stream config -sa "%s"' % srcMac)
+            self.add_tcl_cmd('stream config -da "%s"' % dstMac)
+    def set_ip_fields(self, fields, default_fields):
+        addr_mode = {
+            # increment the host portion of the IP address for as many
+            # IpAddrRepeatCount specified
+            'dec':      'ipDecrHost',
+            # increment the host portion of the IP address for as many
+            # IpAddrRepeatCount specified
+            'inc':      'ipIncrHost',
+            # Generate random IP addresses
+            'random':   'ipRandom',
+            # no change to IP address regardless of IpAddrRepeatCount
+            'idle':     'ipIdle',
+            # set default
+            'default':  'ipIdle',}
+        cmds = []
+        for name, config in fields.iteritems():
+            default_config = default_fields.get(name)
+            fv_name = 'IP.{0}'.format(name)
+            ip_start = config.get('start') or default_config.get('start')
+            ip_end = config.get('end')
+            if ip_end:
+                ip_start_int = convert_ip2int(ip_start)
+                ip_end_int = convert_ip2int(ip_end)
+                flow_num = ip_end_int - ip_start_int + 1
+                if flow_num <= 0:
+                    msg = "end ip address parameter is wrong"
+                    raise Exception(msg)
+            else:
+                flow_num = None
+            mask =  config.get('mask')
+            _step = config.get('step')
+            step = int(_step) if _step and isinstance(_step, (str, unicode)) else \
+                   _step or 1
+            action = config.get('action')
+            # get ixia command prefix
+            prefix = 'source' if name == 'src' else 'dest'
+            # set command
+            if action == 'dec' and ip_end:
+                cmds.append('ip config -{0}IpAddr "{1}"'.format(
+                                                        prefix, ip_end))
+            else:
+                cmds.append('ip config -{0}IpAddr "{1}"'.format(
+                                                        prefix, ip_start))
+            if flow_num:
+                cmds.append('ip config -{0}IpAddrRepeatCount {1}'.format(
+                                                            prefix, flow_num))
+            cmds.append('ip config -{0}IpAddrMode {1}'.format(
+                                  prefix, addr_mode.get(action or 'default')))
+            if mask:
+                cmds.append("ip config -{0}IpMask '{1}'".format(prefix, mask))
+            # clear default field after it has been set
+            default_fields.pop(name)
+        # if all fields are set
+        if not default_fields:
+            return cmds
+        # if some filed not set, set it here
+        for name, config in default_fields.iteritems():
+            ip_start = config.get('start')
+            prefix = 'source' if name == 'src' else 'dest'
+            cmds.append('ip config -{0}IpAddr "{1}"'.format(prefix, ip_start))
+            cmds.append('ip config -{0}IpAddrMode {1}'.format(
+                                  prefix, addr_mode.get('default')))
+        return cmds
+    def ip(self, port, vm, frag, src, proto, tos, dst, chksum, len, version,
+           flags, ihl, ttl, id, options=None):
+        """
+        Configure IP protocol.
+        """
+        fields = vm.get('ip')
+        # common command setting
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("protocol config -name ip")
+        # if fields has been set
+        if fields:
+            # pick pcap fields' as default value
+            default_fields = {
+                'src': { 'action': 'default', 'start': src,},
+                'dst': { 'action': 'default', 'start': dst,},}
+            # set custom setting for field actions
+            cmds = self.set_ip_fields(fields, default_fields)
+            # append custom setting
+            self.add_tcl_cmds(cmds)
+        else:
+            self.add_tcl_cmd('ip config -sourceIpAddr "%s"' % src)
+            self.add_tcl_cmd('ip config -destIpAddr "%s"' % dst)
+        # common command setting
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("ip config -ttl %d" % ttl)
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("ip config -totalLength %d" % len)
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("ip config -fragment %d" % frag)
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("ip config -ipProtocol {0}".format(proto))
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("ip config -identifier %d" % id)
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("stream config -framesize %d" % (len + 18))
+        # set stream setting in port
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("ip set %s" % port)
+    def ipv6(self, port, vm, version, tc, fl, plen, nh, hlim, src, dst):
+        """
+        Configure IPv6 protocol.
+        """
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("protocol config -name ipV6")
+        self.add_tcl_cmd('ipV6 setDefault')
+        self.add_tcl_cmd('ipV6 config -destAddr "%s"' %
+                                                self.ipv6_to_tcl_format(dst))
+        self.add_tcl_cmd('ipV6 config -sourceAddr "%s"' %
+                                                self.ipv6_to_tcl_format(src))
+        self.add_tcl_cmd('ipV6 config -flowLabel %d' % fl)
+        self.add_tcl_cmd('ipV6 config -nextHeader %d' % nh)
+        self.add_tcl_cmd('ipV6 config -hopLimit %d' % hlim)
+        self.add_tcl_cmd('ipV6 config -trafficClass %d' % tc)
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("ipV6 clearAllExtensionHeaders")
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("ipV6 addExtensionHeader %d" % nh)
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("stream config -framesize %d" % (plen + 40 + 18))
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("ipV6 set %s" % port)
+    def udp(self, port, vm, dport, sport, len, chksum):
+        """
+        Configure UDP protocol.
+        """
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("udp setDefault")
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("udp config -sourcePort %d" % sport)
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("udp config -destPort %d" % dport)
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("udp config -length %d" % len)
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("udp set %s" % port)
+    def vxlan(self, port, vm, hexval):
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("protocolPad setDefault")
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("protocol config -enableProtocolPad true")
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("protocolPad config -dataBytes \"%s\"" % hexval)
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("protocolPad set %s" % port)
+    def tcp(self, port, vm, sport, dport, seq, ack, dataofs, reserved, flags,
+            window, chksum, urgptr, options=None):
+        """
+        Configure TCP protocol.
+        """
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("tcp setDefault")
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("tcp config -sourcePort %d" % sport)
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("tcp config -destPort %d" % dport)
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("tcp set %s" % port)
+    def sctp(self, port, vm, sport, dport, tag, chksum):
+        """
+        Configure SCTP protocol.
+        """
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("tcp config -sourcePort %d" % sport)
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("tcp config -destPort %d" % dport)
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("tcp set %s" % port)
+    def set_dot1q_fields(self, fields):
+        '''
+        Configure 8021Q protocol field name.
+        '''
+        addr_mode = {
+            # The VlanID tag is decremented by step for repeat number of times
+            'dec':      'vDecrement',
+            # The VlanID tag is incremented by step for repeat number of times
+            'inc':      'vIncrement',
+            # Generate random VlanID tag for each frame
+            'random':   'vCtrRandom',
+            # No change to VlanID tag regardless of repeat
+            'idle':     'vIdle',}
+        cmds = []
+        for name, config in fields.iteritems():
+            fv_name = '8021Q.{0}'.format(name)
+            vlan_start = config.get('start') or 0
+            vlan_end = config.get('end') or 256
+            if vlan_end:
+                flow_num = vlan_end - vlan_start + 1
+                if flow_num <= 0:
+                    msg = "end vlan id parameter is wrong"
+                    raise Exception(msg)
+            else:
+                flow_num = None
+            step = config.get('step') or 1
+            action = config.get('action')
+            #------------------------------------------------
+            # set command
+            if step:
+                cmds.append('vlan config -step {0}'.format(step))
+            if flow_num:
+                cmds.append('vlan config -repeat {0}'.format(flow_num))
+            if action:
+                cmds.append('vlan config -mode {0}'.format(
+                                                        addr_mode.get(action)))
+        return cmds
+    def dot1q(self, port, vm, prio, id, vlan, type):
+        """
+        Configure 8021Q protocol.
+        """
+        fields = vm.get('vlan')
+        # common command setting
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("protocol config -enable802dot1qTag true")
+        # if fields has been set
+        if fields:
+            # set custom setting for field actions
+            cmds = self.set_dot1q_fields(fields)
+            self.add_tcl_cmds(cmds)
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("vlan config -vlanID %d" % vlan)
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("vlan config -userPriority %d" % prio)
+        # set stream in port
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("vlan set %s" % port)
+    def config_stream(self, fpcap, vm, port_index, rate_percent, stream_id=1,
+                      latency=False):
+        """
+        Configure IXIA stream and enable multiple flows.
+        """
+        ixia_port = self.get_ixia_port(port_index)
+        flows = self.parse_pcap(fpcap)
+        if not flows:
+            msg = "flow has no format, it should be one."
+            raise Exception(msg)
+        if len(flows) >= 2:
+            msg = "flow contain more than one format, it should be one."
+            raise Exception(msg)
+        # set commands at first stream
+        if stream_id == 1:
+            self.add_tcl_cmd("ixGlobalSetDefault")
+        # set burst stream if burst stream is required
+        stream_config = vm.get('stream_config')
+        transmit_mode = stream_config.get('transmit_mode') or TRANSMIT_CONT
+        if transmit_mode == TRANSMIT_S_BURST:
+            cmds = self.config_single_burst_stream(
+                                    stream_config.get('txmode'), rate_percent)
+            self.add_tcl_cmds(cmds)
+        else:
+            self.config_ixia_stream(
+                rate_percent, self.stream_total.get(port_index), latency)
+        pat = re.compile(r"(\w+)\((.*)\)")
+        for flow in flows:
+            for header in flow.split('/'):
+                match = pat.match(header)
+                params = eval('dict(%s)' % match.group(2))
+                method_name = match.group(1)
+                if method_name == 'Vxlan':
+                    method = getattr(self, method_name.lower())
+                    method(ixia_port, vm.get('fields_config', {}), **params)
+                    break
+                if method_name in SCAPY2IXIA:
+                    method = getattr(self, method_name.lower())
+                    method(ixia_port, vm.get('fields_config', {}), **params)
+            self.add_tcl_cmd("stream set %s %d" % (ixia_port, stream_id))
+            # only use one packet format in pktgen
+            break
+        # set commands at last stream
+        if stream_id > 1:
+            self.add_tcl_cmd("stream config -dma gotoFirst")
+            self.add_tcl_cmd("stream set %s %d" % (ixia_port, stream_id))
+    def config_single_burst_stream(self, txmode, rate_percent):
+        """ configure burst stream. """
+        gapUnits = {
+        # (default) Sets units of time for gap to nanoseconds
+        'ns': 'gapNanoSeconds',
+        # Sets units of time for gap to microseconds
+        'us': 'gapMicroSeconds',
+        # Sets units of time for gap to milliseconds
+        'm': 'gapMilliSeconds',
+        # Sets units of time for gap to seconds
+        's': 'gapSeconds',}
+        pkt_count = 1
+        burst_count = txmode.get('total_pkts', 32)
+        frameType = txmode.get('frameType') or {}
+        time_unit = frameType.get('type', 'ns')
+        gapUnit = gapUnits.get(time_unit) \
+                        if time_unit in gapUnits.keys() else gapUnits.get('ns')
+        # The inter-stream gap is the delay in clock ticks between stream.
+        # This delay comes after the receive trigger is enabled. Setting this
+        # option to 0 means no delay. (default = 960.0)
+        isg = frameType.get('isg', 100)
+        # The inter-frame gap specified in clock ticks (default = 960.0).
+        ifg = frameType.get('ifg', 100)
+        # Inter-Burst Gap is the delay between bursts of frames in clock ticks
+        # (see ifg option for definition of clock ticks). If the IBG is set to
+        # 0 then the IBG is equal to the ISG and the IBG becomes disabled.
+        # (default = 960.0)
+        ibg = frameType.get('ibg', 100)
+        frame_cmds = [
+            "stream config -rateMode usePercentRate",
+            "stream config -percentPacketRate %s" % rate_percent,
+            "stream config -dma stopStream",
+            "stream config -rateMode useGap",
+            "stream config -gapUnit {0}".format(gapUnit),
+            "stream config -numFrames {0}".format(pkt_count),
+            "stream config -numBursts {0}".format(burst_count),
+            "stream config -ifg {0}".format(ifg),
+            "stream config -ifgType gapFixed",
+#             "stream config -enableIbg true",   # reserve
+#             "stream config -ibg {0}".format(ibg), # reserve
+#             "stream config -enableIsg true", # reserve
+#             "stream config -isg {0}".format(isg), # reserve
+            "stream config -frameSizeType sizeFixed",]
+        return frame_cmds
+    def config_ixia_stream(self, rate_percent, total_flows, latency):
+        """
+        Configure IXIA stream with rate and latency.
+        Override this method if you want to add custom stream configuration.
+        """
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("stream config -rateMode usePercentRate")
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("stream config -percentPacketRate %s" % rate_percent)
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("stream config -numFrames 1")
+        if total_flows == 1:
+            self.add_tcl_cmd("stream config -dma contPacket")
+        else:
+            self.add_tcl_cmd("stream config -dma advance")
+        # request by packet Group
+        if latency is not False:
+            self.add_tcl_cmd("stream config -fir true")
+    def tcl_server_login(self):
+        """
+        Connect to tcl server and take ownership of all the ports needed.
+        """
+        out = self.send_expect("ixConnectToTclServer %s" % self.tclServerIP,
+                               "% ", 30)
+        self.logger.debug("ixConnectToTclServer return:" + out)
+        if out.strip()[-1] != '0':
+            return False
+        self.send_expect("ixLogin IxiaTclUser", "% ")
+        out = self.send_expect("ixConnectToChassis %s" % self.tclServerIP,
+                               "% ", 30)
+        if out.strip()[-1] != '0':
+            return False
+        out = self.send_expect(
+                    "set chasId [ixGetChassisID %s]" % self.tclServerIP, "% ")
+        self.chasId = int(out.strip())
+        self.send_expect("ixClearOwnership [list %s]" % string.join(
+            ['[list %d %d %d]' % (self.chasId, item['card'], item['port'])
+                for item in self.ports], ' '),
+            "% ", 10)
+        self.send_expect("ixTakeOwnership [list %s] force" % string.join(
+            ['[list %d %d %d]' % (self.chasId, item['card'], item['port'])
+                for item in self.ports], ' '),
+            "% ", 10)
+        return True
+    def tcl_server_logout(self):
+        """
+        Disconnect to tcl server and make sure has been logged out.
+        """
+        self.send_expect("ixDisconnectFromChassis %s" % self.tclServerIP, "%")
+        self.send_expect("ixLogout", "%")
+        self.send_expect("ixDisconnectTclServer %s" % self.tclServerIP, "%")
+    def config_port(self, pList):
+        """
+        Configure ports and make them ready for performance validation.
+        """
+        pl = list()
+        for item in pList:
+            ixia_port = "%d %d %d" % (self.chasId, item['card'], item['port'])
+            self.add_tcl_cmd("port setFactoryDefaults %s" % ixia_port)
+            # if the line rate is 100G and we need this port work in 100G mode,
+            # we need to add some configure to make it so.
+            if int(self.get_line_rate(self.chasId, item).strip()) == 100000 and \
+               self.enable100g == 'enable':
+                self.add_tcl_cmd("port config -ieeeL1Defaults 0")
+                self.add_tcl_cmd("port config -autonegotiate false")
+                self.add_tcl_cmd("port config -enableRsFec true")
+                self.add_tcl_cmd("port set %d %d %d" % (
+                                        self.chasId,item['card'], item['port']))
+            pl.append('[list %d %d %d]' % (
+                                       self.chasId, item['card'], item['port']))
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("set portList [list %s]" % string.join(pl, ' '))
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("ixClearTimeStamp portList")
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("ixWritePortsToHardware portList")
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("ixCheckLinkState portList")
+    def set_ixia_port_list(self, pList):
+        """
+        Implement ports/streams configuration on specified ports.
+        """
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("set portList [list %s]" %
+                string.join(['[list %s]' % ixia_port for ixia_port in pList], ' '))
+    def send_ping6(self, pci, mac, ipv6):
+        """
+        Send ping6 packet from IXIA ports.
+        """
+        port = self.pci_to_port(pci)['card']
+        ixia_port = "%d %d %d" % (self.chasId, port['card'], port['port'])
+        self.send_expect("source ./ixTcl1.0/ixiaPing6.tcl", "% ")
+        cmd = 'ping6 "%s" "%s" %s' % (self.ipv6_to_tcl_format(ipv6),
+                                      self.macToTclFormat(mac), ixia_port)
+        out = self.send_expect(cmd, "% ", 90)
+        return out
+    def ipv6_to_tcl_format(self, ipv6):
+        """
+        Convert normal IPv6 address to IXIA format.
+        """
+        ipv6 = ipv6.upper()
+        singleAddr = ipv6.split(":")
+        if '' == singleAddr[0]:
+            singleAddr = singleAddr[1:]
+        if '' in singleAddr:
+            tclFormatAddr = ''
+            addStr = '0:' * (8 - len(singleAddr)) + '0'
+            for i in range(len(singleAddr)):
+                if singleAddr[i] == '':
+                    tclFormatAddr += addStr + ":"
+                else:
+                    tclFormatAddr += singleAddr[i] + ":"
+            tclFormatAddr = tclFormatAddr[0:len(tclFormatAddr) - 1]
+            return tclFormatAddr
+        else:
+            return ipv6
+    def get_ports(self):
+        """
+        API to get ixia ports for dts `ports_info`
+        """
+        plist = list()
+        if self.session is None:
+            return plist
+        for p in self.ports:
+            plist.append({'type': 'ixia',
+                          'pci': 'IXIA:%d.%d' % (p['card'], p['port'])})
+        return plist
+    def get_ixia_port_pci(self, port_id):
+        ports_info = self.get_ports()
+        pci = ports_info[port_id]['pci']
+        return pci
+    def pci_to_port(self, pci):
+        """
+        Convert IXIA fake pci to IXIA port.
+        """
+        ixia_pci_regex = "IXIA:(\d*).(\d*)"
+        m = re.match(ixia_pci_regex, pci)
+        if m is None:
+            msg = "ixia port not found"
+            self.logger.warning(msg)
+            return {'card': -1, 'port': -1}
+        return {'card': int(m.group(1)), 'port': int(m.group(2))}
+    def get_ixia_port_info(self, port):
+        if port == None or port >= len(self.ports):
+            msg = "<{0}> exceed maximum ixia ports".format(port)
+            raise Exception(msg)
+        pci_addr = self.get_ixia_port_pci(port)
+        port_info = self.pci_to_port(pci_addr)
+        return port_info
+    def get_ixia_port(self, port):
+        port_info= self.get_ixia_port_info(port)
+        ixia_port = "%d %d %d" % (self.chasId,
+                                  port_info['card'], port_info['port'])
+        return ixia_port
+    def loss(self, portList, ratePercent, delay=5):
+        """
+        Run loss performance test and return loss rate.
+        """
+        rxPortlist, txPortlist = self._configure_everything(portList,
+                                                            ratePercent)
+        return self.get_loss_packet_rate(rxPortlist, txPortlist, delay)
+    def get_loss_packet_rate(self, rxPortlist, txPortlist, delay=5):
+        """
+        Get RX/TX packet statistics and calculate loss rate.
+        """
+        time.sleep(delay)
+        self.send_expect("ixStopTransmit portList", "%", 10)
+        time.sleep(2)
+        sendNumber = 0
+        for port in txPortlist:
+            self.stat_get_stat_all_stats(port)
+            sendNumber += self.get_frames_sent()
+            time.sleep(0.5)
+        self.logger.info("send :%f" % sendNumber)
+        assert sendNumber != 0
+        revNumber = 0
+        for port in rxPortlist:
+            self.stat_get_stat_all_stats(port)
+            revNumber += self.get_frames_received()
+        self.logger.info("rev  :%f" % revNumber)
+        return float(sendNumber - revNumber) / sendNumber, sendNumber, revNumber
+    def latency(self, portList, ratePercent, delay=5):
+        """
+        Run latency performance test and return latency statistics.
+        """
+        rxPortlist, txPortlist = self._configure_everything(
+                                                portList, ratePercent, True)
+        return self.get_packet_latency(rxPortlist)
+    def get_packet_latency(self, rxPortlist):
+        """
+        Stop IXIA transmit and return latency statistics.
+        """
+        latencyList = []
+        time.sleep(10)
+        self.send_expect("ixStopTransmit portList", "%", 10)
+        for rx_port in rxPortlist:
+            self.pktGroup_get_stat_all_stats(rx_port)
+            latency = {"port": rx_port,
+                       "min": self.get_min_latency(),
+                       "max": self.get_max_latency(),
+                       "average": self.get_average_latency()}
+            latencyList.append(latency)
+        return latencyList
+    def throughput(self, port_list, rate_percent=100, delay=5):
+        """
+        Run throughput performance test and return throughput statistics.
+        """
+        rxPortlist, txPortlist = self._configure_everything(
+                                                    port_list, rate_percent)
+        return self.get_transmission_results(rxPortlist, txPortlist, delay)
+    def is_packet_ordered(self, port_list, delay):
+        """
+        This function could be used to check the packets' order whether same as
+        the receive sequence.
+        Please notice that this function only support single-stream mode.
+        """
+        port = self.ports[0]
+        ixia_port = "%d %d %d" % (self.chasId, port['card'], port['port'])
+        rxPortlist, txPortlist = self.prepare_port_list(port_list)
+        self.prepare_ixia_for_transmission(txPortlist, rxPortlist)
+        self.send_expect('port config -receiveMode [expr $::portCapture|$::portRxSequenceChecking|$::portRxModeWidePacketGroup]', '%')
+        self.send_expect('port config -autonegotiate true', '%')
+        self.send_expect('ixWritePortsToHardware portList', '%')
+        self.send_expect('set streamId 1', '%')
+        self.send_expect('stream setDefault', '%')
+        self.send_expect('ixStartPortPacketGroups %s' % ixia_port, '%')
+        self.send_expect('ixStartTransmit portList', '%')
+        # wait `delay` seconds to make sure link is up
+        self.send_expect('after 1000 * %d' % delay, '%')
+        self.send_expect('ixStopTransmit portList', '%')
+        self.send_expect('ixStopPortPacketGroups %s' % ixia_port, '%')
+        self.send_expect('packetGroupStats get %s 1 1' % ixia_port, '%')
+        self.send_expect('packetGroupStats getGroup 1', '%')
+        self.send_expect('set reverseSequenceError [packetGroupStats cget -reverseSequenceError]]', '%')
+        output = self.send_expect('puts $reverseSequenceError', '%')
+        return int(output[:-2])
+    def _configure_everything(self, port_list, rate_percent, latency=False):
+        """
+        Prepare and configure IXIA ports for performance test.
+        """
+        rxPortlist, txPortlist = self.prepare_port_list(
+                                            port_list, rate_percent, latency)
+        self.prepare_ixia_for_transmission(txPortlist, rxPortlist)
+        self.configure_transmission()
+        self.start_transmission()
+        self.clear_tcl_commands()
+        return rxPortlist, txPortlist
+    def clear_tcl_commands(self):
+        """
+        Clear all commands in command list.
+        """
+        del self.tcl_cmds[:]
+    def start_transmission(self):
+        """
+        Run commands in command list.
+        """
+        fileContent = "\n".join(self.tcl_cmds) + "\n"
+        self.tester.create_file(fileContent, 'ixiaConfig.tcl')
+        self.send_expect("source ixiaConfig.tcl", "% ", 75)
+    def configure_transmission(self, option=None):
+        """
+        Start IXIA ports transmission.
+        """
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("ixStartTransmit portList")
+    def prepare_port_list(self, portList, rate_percent=100, latency=False):
+        """
+        Configure stream and flow on every IXIA ports.
+        """
+        txPortlist = set()
+        rxPortlist = set()
+        for subPortList in portList:
+            txPort, rxPort = subPortList[:2]
+            txPortlist.add(txPort)
+            rxPortlist.add(rxPort)
+        # port init
+        self.config_port([self.get_ixia_port_info(port)
+                                for port in txPortlist.union(rxPortlist)])
+        # calculate total streams of ports
+        for (txPort, rxPort, pcapFile, option) in portList:
+            if txPort not in self.stream_total.keys():
+                self.stream_total[txPort] = 1
+            else:
+                self.stream_total[txPort] += 1
+        # stream/flow setting
+        for (txPort, rxPort, pcapFile, option) in portList:
+            if txPort not in self.stream_index.keys():
+                self.stream_index[txPort] = 1
+            frame_index = self.stream_index[txPort]
+            self.config_stream(pcapFile, option, txPort,
+                               rate_percent, frame_index, latency)
+            self.stream_index[txPort] += 1
+        # clear stream ids table
+        self.stream_index.clear()
+        self.stream_total.clear()
+        # config stream before packetGroup
+        if latency is not False:
+            for subPortList in portList:
+                txPort, rxPort = subPortList[:2]
+                flow_num = len(self.parse_pcap(pcapFile))
+                self.config_pktGroup_rx(self.get_ixia_port(rxPort))
+                self.config_pktGroup_tx(self.get_ixia_port(txPort))
+        return rxPortlist, txPortlist
+    def prepare_ixia_for_transmission(self, txPortlist, rxPortlist):
+        """
+        Clear all statistics and implement configuration to IXIA hardware.
+        """
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("ixClearStats portList")
+        self.set_ixia_port_list([self.get_ixia_port(port)
+                                                 for port in txPortlist])
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("ixWriteConfigToHardware portList")
+        # Wait for changes to take affect and make sure links are up
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("after 1000")
+        for port in txPortlist:
+            self.start_pktGroup(self.get_ixia_port(port))
+        for port in rxPortlist:
+            self.start_pktGroup(self.get_ixia_port(port))
+    def hook_transmission_func(self):
+        pass
+    def get_transmission_results(self, rx_port_list, tx_port_list, delay=5):
+        """
+        Override this method if you want to change the way of getting results
+        back from IXIA.
+        """
+        time.sleep(delay)
+        bpsRate = 0
+        rate = 0
+        oversize = 0
+        for port in rx_port_list:
+            self.stat_get_rate_stat_all_stats(port)
+            out = self.send_expect("stat cget -framesReceived", '%', 10)
+            rate += int(out.strip())
+            out = self.send_expect("stat cget -bitsReceived", '% ', 10)
+            self.logger.debug("port %d bits rate:" % (port) + out)
+            bpsRate += int(out.strip())
+            out = self.send_expect("stat cget -oversize", '%', 10)
+            oversize += int(out.strip())
+        self.logger.info("Rate: %f Mpps" % (rate * 1.0 / 1000000))
+        self.logger.info("Mbps rate: %f Mbps" % (bpsRate * 1.0 / 1000000))
+        self.hook_transmission_func()
+        self.send_expect("ixStopTransmit portList", "%", 30)
+        if rate == 0 and oversize > 0:
+            return (bpsRate, oversize)
+        else:
+            return (bpsRate, rate)
+    def config_ixia_dcb_init(self, rxPort, txPort):
+        """
+        Configure Ixia for DCB.
+        """
+        self.send_expect("source ./ixTcl1.0/ixiaDCB.tcl", "% ")
+        self.send_expect("configIxia %d %s" % (
+                            self.chasId,
+                            string.join(["%s" % (
+                                repr(self.conRelation[port][n]))
+                                    for port in [rxPort, txPort]
+                                            for n in range(3)])),
+                         "% ", 100)
+    def config_port_dcb(self, direction, tc):
+        """
+        Configure Port for DCB.
+        """
+        self.send_expect("configPort %s %s" % (direction, tc), "% ", 100)
+    def config_port_flow_control(self, ports, option):
+        ''' configure the type of flow control on a port '''
+        if not ports:
+            return
+        #  mac address, default is "01 80 C2 00 00 01"
+        dst_mac = option.get('dst_mac') or "\"01 80 C2 00 00 01\""
+        if not dst_mac:
+            return
+        pause_time = option.get('pause_time') or 255
+        flow_ctrl_cmds = [
+            "protocol setDefault",
+            "port config -flowControl true",
+            "port config -flowControlType ieee8023x"]
+        for port in ports:
+            ixia_port = self.get_ixia_port(port)
+            flow_ctrl_cmds = [
+                # configure a pause control packet.
+                "port set {0}".format(ixia_port),
+                "protocol config -name pauseControl",
+                "pauseControl setDefault",
+                "pauseControl config -pauseControlType ieee8023x",
+                'pauseControl config -da "{0}"'.format(dst_mac),
+                "pauseControl config -pauseTime {0}".format(pause_time),
+                "pauseControl set {0}".format(ixia_port),]
+        self.add_tcl_cmds(flow_ctrl_cmds)
+    def cfgStreamDcb(self, stream, rate, prio, types):
+        """
+        Configure Stream for DCB.
+        """
+        self.send_expect("configStream %s %s %s %s" % (stream, rate, prio, types), "% ", 100)
+    def get_connection_relation(self, dutPorts):
+        """
+        Get the connect relations between DUT and Ixia.
+        """
+        for port in dutPorts:
+            info = self.tester.get_pci(self.tester.get_local_port(port)).split('.')
+            self.conRelation[port] = [
+                            int(info[0]), int(info[1]),
+                            repr(self.tester.dut.get_mac_address(port).replace(':', ' ').upper())]
+        return self.conRelation
+    def config_pktGroup_rx(self, ixia_port):
+        """
+        Sets the transmit Packet Group configuration of the stream
+        Default streamID is 1
+        """
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("port config -receiveMode $::portRxModeWidePacketGroup")
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("port set %s" % ixia_port)
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("packetGroup setDefault")
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("packetGroup config -latencyControl cutThrough")
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("packetGroup setRx %s" % ixia_port)
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("packetGroup setTx %s 1" % ixia_port)
+    def config_pktGroup_tx(self, ixia_port):
+        """
+        Configure tx port pktGroup for latency.
+        """
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("packetGroup setDefault")
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("packetGroup config -insertSignature true")
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("packetGroup setTx %s 1" % ixia_port)
+    def start_pktGroup(self, ixia_port):
+        """
+        Start tx port pktGroup for latency.
+        """
+        self.add_tcl_cmd("ixStartPortPacketGroups %s" % ixia_port)
+    def pktGroup_get_stat_all_stats(self, port_number):
+        """
+        Stop Packet Group operation on port and get current Packet Group
+        statistics on port.
+        """
+        ixia_port = self.get_ixia_port(port_number)
+        self.send_expect("ixStopPortPacketGroups %s" % ixia_port, "%", 100)
+        self.send_expect("packetGroupStats get %s 0 16384" % ixia_port, "%", 100)
+        self.send_expect("packetGroupStats getGroup 0", "%", 100)
+    def close(self):
+        """
+        We first close the tclsh session opened at the beginning,
+        then the SSH session.
+        """
+        if self.isalive():
+            self.send_expect('exit', '# ')
+            super(Ixia, self).close()
+    def stat_get_stat_all_stats(self, port_number):
+        """
+        Sends a IXIA TCL command to obtain all the stat values on a given port.
+        """
+        ixia_port = self.get_ixia_port(port_number)
+        command = 'stat get statAllStats {0}'.format(ixia_port)
+        self.send_expect(command, '% ', 10)
+    def prepare_ixia_internal_buffers(self, port_number):
+        """
+        Tells IXIA to prepare the internal buffers were the frames were captured.
+        """
+        ixia_port = self.get_ixia_port(port_number)
+        command = 'capture get {0} {1} {2}'.format(ixia_port)
+        self.send_expect(command, '% ', 30)
+    def stat_get_rate_stat_all_stats(self, port_number):
+        """
+        All statistics of specified IXIA port.
+        """
+        ixia_port = self.get_ixia_port(port_number)
+        command = 'stat getRate statAllStats {0}'.format(ixia_port)
+        out = self.send_expect(command, '% ', 30)
+        return out
+    def ixia_capture_buffer(self, port_number, first_frame, last_frame):
+        """
+        Tells IXIA to load the captured frames into the internal buffers.
+        """
+        ixia_port = self.get_ixia_port(port_number)
+        command = 'captureBuffer get {0} {1} {2}'.format(
+                                ixia_port, first_frame, last_frame)
+        self.send_expect(command, '%', 60)
+    def ixia_export_buffer_to_file(self, frames_filename):
+        """
+        Tells IXIA to dump the frames it has loaded in its internal buffer to a
+        text file.
+        """
+        command = 'captureBuffer export %s' % frames_filename
+        self.send_expect(command, '%', 30)
+    def _stat_cget_value(self, requested_value):
+        """
+        Sends a IXIA TCL command to obtain a given stat value.
+        """
+        command = "stat cget -" + requested_value
+        result = self.send_expect(command, '%', 10)
+        return int(result.strip())
+    def _capture_cget_value(self, requested_value):
+        """
+        Sends a IXIA TCL command to capture certain number of packets.
+        """
+        command = "capture cget -" + requested_value
+        result = self.send_expect(command, '%', 10)
+        return int(result.strip())
+    def _packetgroup_cget_value(self, requested_value):
+        """
+        Sends a IXIA TCL command to get pktGroup stat value.
+        """
+        command = "packetGroupStats cget -" + requested_value
+        result = self.send_expect(command, '%', 10)
+        return int(result.strip())
+    def number_of_captured_packets(self):
+        """
+        Returns the number of packets captured by IXIA on a previously set
+        port. Call self.stat_get_stat_all_stats(port) before.
+        """
+        return self._capture_cget_value('nPackets')
+    def get_frames_received(self):
+        """
+        Returns the number of packets captured by IXIA on a previously set
+        port. Call self.stat_get_stat_all_stats(port) before.
+        """
+        if self._stat_cget_value('framesReceived') != 0:
+            return self._stat_cget_value('framesReceived')
+        else:
+            # if the packet size is large than 1518, this line will avoid return
+            # a wrong number
+            return self._stat_cget_value('oversize')
+    def get_flow_control_frames(self):
+        """
+        Returns the number of control frames captured by IXIA on a
+        previously set port. Call self.stat_get_stat_all_stats(port) before.
+        """
+        return self._stat_cget_value('flowControlFrames')
+    def get_frames_sent(self):
+        """
+        Returns the number of packets sent by IXIA on a previously set
+        port. Call self.stat_get_stat_all_stats(port) before.
+        """
+        return self._stat_cget_value('framesSent')
+    def get_transmit_duration(self):
+        """
+        Returns the duration in nanosecs of the last transmission on a
+        previously set port. Call self.stat_get_stat_all_stats(port) before.
+        """
+        return self._stat_cget_value('transmitDuration')
+    def get_min_latency(self):
+        """
+        Returns the minimum latency in nanoseconds of the frames in the
+        retrieved capture buffer. Call packetGroupStats get before.
+        """
+        return self._packetgroup_cget_value('minLatency')
+    def get_max_latency(self):
+        """
+        Returns the maximum latency in nanoseconds of the frames in the
+        retrieved capture buffer. Call packetGroupStats get before.
+        """
+        return self._packetgroup_cget_value('maxLatency')
+    def get_average_latency(self):
+        """
+        Returns the average latency in nanoseconds of the frames in the
+        retrieved capture buffer. Call packetGroupStats get before.
+        """
+        return self._packetgroup_cget_value('averageLatency')
+    def _transmission_pre_config(self, port_list, rate_percent, latency=False):
+        """
+        Prepare and configure IXIA ports for performance test. And remove the
+        transmission step in this config sequence.
+        This function is set only for function send_number_packets for
+        nic_single_core_perf test case use
+        """
+        rxPortlist, txPortlist = self.prepare_port_list(
+                                            port_list, rate_percent, latency)
+        self.prepare_ixia_for_transmission(txPortlist, rxPortlist)
+        self.start_transmission()
+        self.clear_tcl_commands()
+        return rxPortlist, txPortlist
+    def send_number_packets(self, portList, ratePercent, packetNum):
+        """
+        Configure ixia to send fixed number of packets
+        Note that this function is only set for test_suite nic_single_core_perf,
+        Not for common use
+        """
+        rxPortlist, txPortlist = self._transmission_pre_config(portList,
+                                                               ratePercent)
+        self.send_expect("stream config -numFrames %s" % packetNum, "%", 5)
+        self.send_expect("stream config -dma stopStream", "%", 5)
+        for txPort in txPortlist:
+            ixia_port = self.get_ixia_port(txPort)
+            self.send_expect("stream set %s 1" % ixia_port, "%", 5)
+        self.send_expect("ixWritePortsToHardware portList", "%", 5)
+        self.send_expect("ixClearStats portList", "%", 5)
+        self.send_expect("ixStartTransmit portList", "%", 5)
+        time.sleep(10)
+        rxPackets = 0
+        for port in txPortlist:
+            self.stat_get_stat_all_stats(port)
+            txPackets = self.get_frames_sent()
+            while txPackets != packetNum:
+                time.sleep(10)
+                self.stat_get_stat_all_stats(port)
+                txPackets = self.get_frames_sent()
+            rxPackets += self.get_frames_received()
+        self.logger.info("Received packets :%s" % rxPackets)
+        return rxPackets
+    #---------------------------------------------------------
+    # extend methods for pktgen subclass `IxiaPacketGenerator
+    #---------------------------------------------------------
+    def disconnect(self):
+        ''' quit from ixia server '''
+        pass
+    def start(self, **run_opt):
+        ''' start ixia ports '''
+        self.configure_transmission(run_opt)
+        self.start_transmission()
+        time.sleep(run_opt.get('duration') or 5)
+    def remove_all_streams(self):
+        ''' delete all streams on all ixia ports '''
+        if not self.ports:
+            return
+        for item in self.ports:
+            cmd = 'port reset {0} {1} {2}'.format(
+                                self.chasId, item['card'], item['port'])
+            self.send_expect(cmd, "%", 10)
+    def reset(self, ports=None):
+        ''' reset ixia configuration for ports '''
+        pass
+    def clear_tcl_buffer(self):
+        ''' clear tcl commands buffer '''
+        self.tcl_cmds = []
+    def clear_stats(self):
+        pass
+    def stop_transmit(self):
+        '''
+        Stop IXIA transmit
+        '''
+        time.sleep(2)
+        self.send_expect("ixStopTransmit portList", "%", 40)
+    def get_latency_stat(self, port_list):
+        """
+        get latency statistics.
+        """
+        stats = {}
+        for port in port_list:
+            self.pktGroup_get_stat_all_stats(port)
+            stats[port] = {
+                'average': self.get_average_latency(),
+                'total_max': self.get_max_latency(),
+                'total_min': self.get_min_latency()}
+        return stats
+    def get_loss_stat(self, port_list):
+        """
+        Get RX/TX packet statistics.
+        """
+        stats = {}
+        for port in port_list:
+            self.stat_get_stat_all_stats(port)
+            stats[port] = {
+                'ibytes': 0,
+                'ierrors': 0,
+                'ipackets': self.get_frames_received(),
+                'obytes': 0,
+                'oerrors': 0,
+                'opackets': self.get_frames_sent(),
+                'rx_bps': 0,
+                'rx_pps': 0,
+                'tx_bps': 0,
+                'tx_pps': 0,}
+            time.sleep(0.5)
+        return stats
+    def get_throughput_stat(self, port_list):
+        """
+        Get RX transmit rate.
+        """
+        stats = {}
+        for port in port_list:
+            self.stat_get_rate_stat_all_stats(port)
+            out = self.send_expect("stat cget -framesReceived", '%', 10)
+            rate = int(out.strip())
+            out = self.send_expect("stat cget -bitsReceived", '% ', 10)
+            bpsRate = int(out.strip())
+            out = self.send_expect("stat cget -oversize", '%', 10)
+            oversize = int(out.strip())
+            rate = oversize if rate == 0 and oversize > 0 else rate
+            stats[port] = {
+                'ibytes': 0,
+                'ierrors': 0,
+                'ipackets': 0,
+                'obytes': 0,
+                'oerrors': 0,
+                'opackets': 0,
+                'rx_bps': bpsRate,
+                'rx_pps': rate,
+                'tx_bps': 0,
+                'tx_pps': 0,}
+        return stats
+    def get_stats(self, ports, mode):
+        '''
+        get statistics of custom mode
+        '''
+        methods = {
+            'throughput':   self.get_throughput_stat,
+            'loss':         self.get_loss_stat,
+            'latency':      self.get_latency_stat,}
+        if mode not in methods.keys():
+            msg = "not support mode <{0}>".format(mode)
+            raise Exception(msg)
+        # get custom mode stat
+        func = methods.get(mode)
+        stats = func(ports)
+        return stats
+class IxiaPacketGenerator(PacketGenerator):
+    """
+    Ixia packet generator
+    """
+    def __init__(self, tester):
+        # ixia management
+        self.pktgen_type = PKTGEN_IXIA
+        self._conn = None
+        # ixia configuration information of dts
+        conf_inst = self._get_generator_conf_instance()
+        self.conf = conf_inst.load_pktgen_config()
+        # ixia port configuration
+        self._traffic_opt = {}
+        self._traffic_ports = []
+        self._ports = []
+        self._rx_ports = []
+        # statistics management
+        self.runtime_stats = {}
+        # check configuration options
+        self.options_keys = [
+            'txmode', 'ip', 'vlan', 'transmit_mode', 'rate']
+        self.ip_keys = ['start', 'end','action', 'step', 'mask',]
+        self.vlan_keys = ['start', 'end', 'action', 'step', 'count',]
+        super(IxiaPacketGenerator, self).__init__(tester)
+        self.tester = tester
+    def get_ports(self):
+        ''' only used for ixia packet generator '''
+        return self._conn.get_ports()
+    def _prepare_generator(self):
+        ''' start ixia server '''
+        try:
+            self._connect(self.tester, self.conf)
+        except Exception as e:
+            msg = "failed to connect to ixia server"
+            raise Exception(msg)
+    def _connect(self, tester, conf):
+        # initialize ixia class
+        self._conn = Ixia(tester, conf)
+        for p in self._conn.get_ports():
+            self._ports.append(p)
+        self.logger.debug(self._ports)
+    def _disconnect(self):
+        '''
+        disconnect with ixia server
+        '''
+        try:
+            self._remove_all_streams()
+            self._conn.disconnect()
+        except Exception as e:
+            msg = 'Error disconnecting: %s' % e
+            self.logger.error(msg)
+        self._conn = None
+    def _get_port_pci(self, port_id):
+        '''
+        get ixia port pci address
+        '''
+        for pktgen_port_id, info in enumerate(self._ports):
+            if pktgen_port_id == port_id:
+                _pci = info.get('pci')
+                return _pci
+        else:
+            return None
+    def _get_gen_port(self, pci):
+        '''
+        get port management id of the packet generator
+        '''
+        for pktgen_port_id, info in enumerate(self._ports):
+            _pci = info.get('pci')
+            if _pci == pci:
+                return pktgen_port_id
+        else:
+            return -1
+    def _is_gen_port(self, pci):
+        '''
+        check if a pci address is managed by the packet generator
+        '''
+        for name, _port_obj in self._conn.ports.iteritems():
+            _pci = _port_obj.info['pci_addr']
+            self.logger.info((_pci, pci))
+            if _pci == pci:
+                return True
+        else:
+            return False
+    def _get_ports(self):
+        """
+        Return self ports information
+        """
+        ports = []
+        for idx in range(len(self._ports)):
+            ports.append('IXIA:%d' % idx)
+        return ports
+    @property
+    def _vm_conf(self):
+        # close it and wait for more discussion about pktgen framework
+        return None
+        conf = {}
+        #get the subnet range of src and dst ip
+        if self.conf.has_key("ip_src"):
+            conf['src'] = {}
+            ip_src = self.conf['ip_src']
+            ip_src_range = ip_src.split('-')
+            conf['src']['start'] = ip_src_range[0]
+            conf['src']['end'] = ip_src_range[1]
+        if self.conf.has_key("ip_dst"):
+            conf['dst'] = {}
+            ip_dst = self.conf['ip_dst']
+            ip_dst_range = ip_dst.split('-')
+            conf['dst']['start'] = ip_dst_range[0]
+            conf['dst']['end'] = ip_dst_range[1]
+        return conf if conf else None
+    def _clear_streams(self):
+        ''' clear streams in `PacketGenerator` '''
+        # if streams has been attached, remove them from trex server.
+        self._remove_all_streams()
+    def _remove_all_streams(self):
+        '''
+        remove all stream deployed on the packet generator
+        '''
+        if not self.get_streams():
+            return
+        self._conn.remove_all_streams()
+    def _get_port_features(self, port_id):
+        ''' get ports features '''
+        ports = self._conn.ports
+        if port_id not in ports:
+            return None
+        features = self._conn.ports[port_id].get_formatted_info()
+        return features
+    def _is_support_flow_control(self, port_id):
+        ''' check if a port support flow control '''
+        features = self._get_port_features(port_id)
+        if not features or features.get('fc_supported') == 'no':
+            return False
+        else:
+            return True
+    def _preset_ixia_port(self):
+        ''' set ports flow_ctrl attribute '''
+        rx_ports = self._rx_ports
+        flow_ctrl_opt = self._traffic_opt.get('flow_control')
+        if not flow_ctrl_opt:
+            return
+        # flow control of port running trex traffic
+        self._conn.config_port_flow_control(rx_ports, flow_ctrl_opt)
+    def _throughput_stats(self, stream, stats):
+        ''' convert ixia throughput statistics format to dts PacketGenerator format '''
+        # tx packet
+        tx_port_id = stream["tx_port"]
+        port_stats = stats.get(tx_port_id)
+        if not port_stats:
+            msg = "failed to get tx_port {0} statistics".format(tx_port_id)
+            raise Exception(msg)
+        tx_bps = port_stats.get("tx_bps")
+        tx_pps = port_stats.get("tx_pps")
+        msg = [
+            "Tx Port %d stats: " % (tx_port_id),
+            "tx_port: %d,  tx_bps: %f, tx_pps: %f " % (
+                                            tx_port_id, tx_bps, tx_pps)]
+        self.logger.info(pformat(port_stats))
+        self.logger.info(os.linesep.join(msg))
+        # rx bps/pps
+        rx_port_id = stream["rx_port"]
+        port_stats = stats.get(rx_port_id)
+        if not port_stats:
+            msg = "failed to get rx_port {0} statistics".format(rx_port_id)
+            raise Exception(msg)
+        rx_bps = port_stats.get("rx_bps")
+        rx_pps = port_stats.get("rx_pps")
+        msg = [
+            "Rx Port %d stats: " % (rx_port_id),
+            "rx_port: %d,  rx_bps: %f, rx_pps: %f" % (
+                                        rx_port_id, rx_bps, rx_pps)]
+        self.logger.info(pformat(port_stats))
+        self.logger.info(os.linesep.join(msg))
+        return rx_bps, rx_pps
+    def _loss_rate_stats(self, stream, stats):
+        ''' convert ixia loss rate statistics format to dts PacketGenerator format '''
+        # tx packet
+        port_id = stream.get("tx_port")
+        if port_id in stats.keys():
+            port_stats = stats[port_id]
+        else:
+            msg = "port {0} statistics is not found".format(port_id)
+            self.logger.error(msg)
+            return None
+        msg = "Tx Port %d stats: " % (port_id)
+        self.logger.info(msg)
+        opackets = port_stats["opackets"]
+        # rx packet
+        port_id = stream.get("rx_port")
+        port_stats = stats[port_id]
+        msg = "Rx Port %d stats: " % (port_id)
+        self.logger.info(msg)
+        ipackets = port_stats["ipackets"]
+        return opackets, ipackets
+    def _latency_stats(self, stream, stats):
+        ''' convert ixia latency statistics format to dts PacketGenerator format '''
+        port_id = stream.get("tx_port")
+        if port_id in stats.keys():
+            port_stats = stats[port_id]
+        else:
+            msg = "port {0} latency stats is not found".format(port_id)
+            self.logger.error(msg)
+            return None
+        latency_stats = {
+            'min':    port_stats.get('total_min'),
+            'max':    port_stats.get('total_max'),
+            'average':port_stats.get('average'),}
+        return latency_stats
+    def send_ping6(self, pci, mac, ipv6):
+        ''' Send ping6 packet from IXIA ports. '''
+        return self._conn.send_ping6(pci, mac, ipv6)
+    ##########################################################################
+    #
+    #  class ``PacketGenerator`` abstract methods should be implemented here
+    #
+    ##########################################################################
+    def _prepare_transmission(self, stream_ids=[], latency=False):
+        ''' add one/multiple streams in one/multiple ports '''
+        port_config = {}
+        for stream_id in stream_ids:
+            stream = self._get_stream(stream_id)
+            tx_port = stream.get('tx_port')
+            rx_port = stream.get('rx_port')
+            pcap_file = stream.get('pcap_file')
+            rate_percent = stream.get('rate')
+            # save port id list
+            if tx_port not in self._traffic_ports:
+                self._traffic_ports.append(tx_port)
+            if rx_port not in self._traffic_ports:
+                self._traffic_ports.append(rx_port)
+            if rx_port not in self._rx_ports:
+                self._rx_ports.append(rx_port)
+            # set all streams in one port to do batch configuration
+            options = stream['options']
+            if tx_port not in port_config.keys():
+                port_config[tx_port] = []
+            config = {}
+            config.update(options)
+            # In pktgen, all streams flow control option are the same by design.
+            self._traffic_opt['flow_control'] = options.get('flow_control') or {}
+            # if vm config by pktgen config file, set it here to take the place
+            # of setting on suite
+            if self._vm_conf: # TBD, remove this process later
+                config['fields_config'] = self._vm_conf
+            # get stream rate percent
+            stream_config = options.get('stream_config')
+            # set port list input parameter of ixia class
+            ixia_option = [tx_port, rx_port, pcap_file, options]
+            port_config[tx_port].append(ixia_option)
+        if not port_config:
+            msg = 'no stream options for ixia packet generator'
+            raise Exception(msg)
+        #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+        port_lists = []
+        for port_id, option in port_config.iteritems():
+            port_lists += option
+        self._conn.clear_tcl_buffer()
+        rxPortlist, txPortlist = self._conn.prepare_port_list(
+                                    port_lists, rate_percent or 100, latency)
+        self._conn.prepare_ixia_for_transmission(txPortlist, rxPortlist)
+        # preset port status before running traffic
+        self._preset_ixia_port()
+    def _start_transmission(self, stream_ids, options={}):
+        '''
+        :param sample_delay:
+        After traffic start ``sample_delay`` seconds, start get runtime statistics
+        '''
+        # get rate percentage
+        rate_percent = options.get('rate') or '100'
+        # get duration
+        duration = options.get("duration") or 5
+        duration = int(duration) if isinstance(duration, (str, unicode)) \
+                                      else duration
+        # get sample interval
+        _sample_delay = options.get("sample_delay") or duration/2
+        sample_delay = int(_sample_delay) \
+                            if isinstance(_sample_delay, (str, unicode)) \
+                            else _sample_delay
+        # get configuration from pktgen config file
+        warmup = int(self.conf["warmup"]) if self.conf.has_key("warmup") \
+                                          else 25
+        wait_interval, core_mask = (warmup+30, self.conf["core_mask"]) \
+                            if self.conf.has_key("core_mask") \
+                            else (warmup+5, None)
+        #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+        # run ixia server
+        try:
+            ###########################################
+            # Start traffic on port(s)
+            self.logger.info("begin traffic ......")
+            run_opt = {
+                'ports':    self._traffic_ports,
+                'mult':     rate_percent,
+                'duration': duration,
+                'core_mask':core_mask,
+                'force':    True,}
+            self._conn.start(**run_opt)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.logger.error(e)
+    def _stop_transmission(self, stream_id):
+        # using ixia server command
+        if self._traffic_ports:
+            self._conn.stop_transmit()
+    def _retrieve_port_statistic(self, stream_id, mode):
+        ''' ixia traffic statistics '''
+        stats = self._conn.get_stats(self._traffic_ports, mode)
+        stream = self._get_stream(stream_id)
+        self.logger.info(pformat(stream))
+        self.logger.info(pformat(stats))
+        if mode == 'throughput':
+            return self._throughput_stats(stream, stats)
+        elif mode == 'loss':
+            return self._loss_rate_stats(stream, stats)
+        elif mode == 'latency':
+            return self._latency_stats(stream, stats)
+        else:
+            msg = "not support mode <{0}>".format(mode)
+            raise Exception(msg)
+    def _check_options(self, opts={}):
+        # remove it to upper level class and wait for more discussion about
+        # pktgen framework
+        return True
+        for key in opts:
+            if key in self.options_keys:
+                if key == 'ip':
+                    ip = opts['ip']
+                    for ip_key in ip:
+                        if not ip_key in self.ip_keys:
+                            msg = " %s is invalid ip option" % ip_key
+                            self.logger.info(msg)
+                            return False
+                        if key == 'action':
+                            if not ip[key] == 'inc' or not ip[key] == 'dec':
+                                msg = " %s is invalid ip action" % ip[key]
+                                self.logger.info(msg)
+                                return False
+                elif key == 'vlan':
+                    vlan = opts['vlan']
+                    for vlan_key in vlan:
+                        if not vlan_key in self.vlan_keys:
+                            msg = " %s is invalid vlan option" % vlan_key
+                            self.logger.info(msg)
+                            return False
+                        if key == 'action':
+                            if not vlan[key] == 'inc' or not ip[key] == 'dec':
+                                msg = " %s is invalid vlan action" % vlan[key]
+                                self.logger.info(msg)
+                                return False
+            else:
+                msg = " %s is invalid option" % key
+                self.logger.info(msg)
+                return False
+        return True
+    def quit_generator(self):
+        ''' close ixia session '''
+        if self._conn is not None:
+            self._disconnect()
+        return
\ No newline at end of file

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