[dts] [PATCH V1] test:add test suite about multicast

changqingxwu changqingx.wu at intel.com
Wed Aug 28 11:20:35 CEST 2019

Signed-off-by: changqingxwu <changqingx.wu at intel.com>
 tests/TestSuite_multicast.py | 147 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 147 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 tests/TestSuite_multicast.py

diff --git a/tests/TestSuite_multicast.py b/tests/TestSuite_multicast.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcdb0bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/TestSuite_multicast.py
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+DPDK Test suite.
+multicast test script.
+import time
+from test_case import TestCase
+import utils
+routeTbl = [
+    ["", "P1"], ["", "P2"],
+    ["", "P1,P2"], ["", "P3"],
+    ["", "P1,P3"], ["", "P2,P3"],
+    ["", "P1,P2,P3"], ["", "P4"],
+    ["", "P1,P4"], ["", "P2,P4"],
+    ["", "P1,P2,P4"], ["", "P3,P4"],
+    ["", "P1,P3,P4"], ["", "P2,P3,P4"],
+    ["", "P1,P2,P3,P4"]
+trafficFlow = {
+    "F1": ["TG0", "TG0", "", ""],
+    "F2": ["TG0", "TG1", "", ""],
+    "F3": ["TG0", "TG0,TG1", "", ""],
+    "F4": ["TG1", "TG1", "", ""],
+    "F5": ["TG1", "TG0", "", ""],
+    "F6": ["TG1", "TG0,TG1", "", ""]
+measureTarget = [
+    ["1S/1C/1T", "F1,F4", "ipv4_multicast -c %s -n 3 -- -p %s -q 2"],
+    ["1S/1C/2T", "F1,F4", "ipv4_multicast -c %s -n 3 -- -p %s -q 1"],
+    ["1S/2C/1T", "F1,F4", "ipv4_multicast -c %s -n 3 -- -p %s -q 1"],
+    ["1S/1C/1T", "F2,F5", "ipv4_multicast -c %s -n 3 -- -p %s -q 2"],
+    ["1S/1C/2T", "F2,F5", "ipv4_multicast -c %s -n 3 -- -p %s -q 1"],
+    ["1S/2C/1T", "F2,F5", "ipv4_multicast -c %s -n 3 -- -p %s -q 1"],
+    ["1S/1C/1T", "F3,F6", "ipv4_multicast -c %s -n 3 -- -p %s -q 2"],
+    ["1S/1C/2T", "F3,F6", "ipv4_multicast -c %s -n 3 -- -p %s -q 1"],
+    ["1S/2C/1T", "F3,F6", "ipv4_multicast -c %s -n 3 -- -p %s -q 1"]
+class TestMulticast(TestCase):
+    def set_up_all(self):
+        """
+        Run at the start of each test suite.
+        Multicast Prerequisites
+        """
+        global dutPorts
+        # Based on h/w type, choose how many ports to use
+        dutPorts = self.dut.get_ports(self.nic)
+        # Verify that enough ports are available
+        self.verify(len(dutPorts) >= 4, "Insufficient ports for testing")
+        # Verify that enough threads are available
+        cores = self.dut.get_core_list("1S/2C/2T")
+        self.verify(cores is not None, "Insufficient cores for speed testing")
+        global P1, P3, TG0, TG1, TGs
+        # prepare port mapping TG0<=>P1, TG1<=>P3
+        P1 = dutPorts[0]
+        P2 = dutPorts[1]
+        P3 = dutPorts[2]
+        P4 = dutPorts[3]
+        TGs = [P1, P3]
+        TG0 = self.tester.get_local_port(TGs[0])
+        TG1 = self.tester.get_local_port(TGs[1])
+        # Prepare multicast route table, replace P(x) port pattern
+        repStr = "static struct mcast_group_params mcast_group_table[] = {\\\n"
+        for [ip, ports] in routeTbl:
+            mask = 0
+            for _ in ports.split(','):
+                mask = mask | (1 << eval(_))
+            entry = '{' + 'RTE_IPV4(' + ip.replace('.', ',') + '),' + str(mask) + '}'
+            repStr = repStr + ' ' * 4 + entry + ",\\\n"
+        repStr = repStr + "};"
+        self.dut.send_expect(r"sed -i '/mcast_group_table\[\].*{/,/^\}\;/c\\%s' examples/ipv4_multicast/main.c" % repStr, "# ")
+        # make application
+        out = self.dut.send_expect("make -C examples/ipv4_multicast", "#")
+        self.verify("Error" not in out, "compilation error 1")
+        self.verify("No such file" not in out, "compilation error 2")
+    def set_up(self):
+        """
+        Run before each test case.
+        """
+        pass
+    def test_multicast_forwarding(self):
+        """
+        IP4 Multicast Forwarding F1~F6
+        """
+        cores = self.dut.get_core_list("1S/2C/1T")
+        coremask = utils.create_mask(cores)
+        self.dut.send_expect("examples/ipv4_multicast/build/ipv4_multicast -c %s -n 4 -- -p %s -q 2" % (
+            coremask, '0x5'), "IPv4_MULTICAST:", 60)
+        for flow in trafficFlow.keys():
+            for tx_port in trafficFlow[flow][0].split(","):
+                for rx_port in trafficFlow[flow][1].split(","):
+                    sniff_src = "not 00:00:00:00:00:00"
+                    inst = self.tester.tcpdump_sniff_packets(intf=self.tester.get_interface(eval(rx_port)), timeout=5,
+                        count=1, filters=[{"layer": "ether", "config": {"src": sniff_src}}] )
+                    dmac = self.dut.get_mac_address(TGs[int(trafficFlow[flow][0][2])])
+                    self.tester.scapy_append('sendp([Ether(src="00:00:00:00:00:00", dst="%s")/IP(dst="%s",src="%s")\
+                            /Raw(load="%s")], iface="%s")' % (
+                            dmac, trafficFlow[flow][3], trafficFlow[flow][2], payload, self.tester.get_interface(eval(tx_port))))
+                    self.tester.scapy_execute()
+                    time.sleep(5)  # Wait for the sniffer to finish.
+                    pkts = self.tester.load_tcpdump_sniff_packets(inst)
+                    for packet in pkts:
+                        result = str(packet.pktgen.pkt.show)
+                        print result
+                        self.verify("Ether" in result, "No packet received")
+                        self.verify("src=" + trafficFlow[flow][2] + " dst=" + trafficFlow[flow][3] in result,
+                            "Wrong IP address")
+                        self.verify("load='%s'" % payload in result, "Wrong payload")
+                        splitIP = trafficFlow[flow][3].rsplit(".")
+                        expectedMac = "01:00:5e:%s:%s:%s" % (str(int(splitIP[1], 8) & 0b01111111).zfill(2),
+                            str(int(splitIP[2], 8)).zfill(2), str(int(splitIP[3], 8)).zfill(2))
+                        self.verify("dst=%s" % expectedMac in result, "Wrong MAC address")
+        self.dut.send_expect("^C", "#")
+    def tear_down(self):
+        """
+        Run after each test case.
+        """
+        self.dut.send_expect("^C", "#")
+    def tear_down_all(self):
+        """
+        Run after each test suite.
+        """
+        self.dut.kill_all()

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