[dts] [PATCH v2 3/4] tests: add pipeline test suite

Churchill Khangar churchill.khangar at intel.com
Fri Nov 13 09:03:24 CET 2020

Add new test suite for pipeline TestSuite_pipeline.py

Signed-off-by: Yogesh Jangra <yogesh.jangra at intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Churchill Khangar <churchill.khangar at intel.com>
Tested-by: Venkata Suresh Kumar P <venkata.suresh.kumar.p at intel.com>
 tests/TestSuite_pipeline.py | 5833 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 5833 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 tests/TestSuite_pipeline.py

diff --git a/tests/TestSuite_pipeline.py b/tests/TestSuite_pipeline.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b13575
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/TestSuite_pipeline.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5833 @@
+# Copyright(c) 2020 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+# are met:
+#   * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+#     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+#   * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+#     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+#     the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+#     distribution.
+#   * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its
+#     contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+#     from this software without specific prior written permission.
+import utils
+import re
+import time
+from settings import HEADER_SIZE
+from test_case import TestCase
+from pmd_output import PmdOutput
+from settings import DRIVERS
+from crb import Crb
+from virt_dut import VirtDut
+from project_dpdk import DPDKdut
+from dut import Dut
+from packet import Packet
+import os
+import random
+from exception import VerifyFailure
+import scapy.layers.inet
+from scapy.utils import rdpcap
+from time import sleep
+# from scapy.all import conf
+from scapy.utils import wrpcap, rdpcap, hexstr
+from scapy.layers.inet import Ether, IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP
+from scapy.layers.l2 import Dot1Q, ARP, GRE
+from scapy.layers.sctp import SCTP, SCTPChunkData
+from scapy.route import *
+from scapy.packet import bind_layers, Raw
+from scapy.arch import get_if_hwaddr
+from scapy.sendrecv import sniff
+from scapy.sendrecv import sendp
+import itertools
+TIMESTAMP = re.compile(r'\d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2}\.\d{6}')
+PAYLOAD = re.compile(r'\t0x([0-9a-fA-F]+):  ([0-9a-fA-F ]+)')
+FILE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)).split(os.path.sep)
+DEP_DIR = os.path.sep.join(FILE_DIR[:-1]) + '/dep/'
+class TestPipeline(TestCase):
+    def pair_hex_digits(self, iterable, count, fillvalue=None):
+        args = [iter(iterable)] * count
+        return itertools.zip_longest(*args, fillvalue=fillvalue)
+    def convert_tcpdump_to_text2pcap(self, in_filename, out_filename):
+        with open(in_filename) as input, open(out_filename, 'w') as output:
+            output.write('# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause\n')
+            output.write('# Copyright(c) 2020 Intel Corporation\n')
+            output.write('#\n\n')
+            output.write('# text to pcap: text2pcap packet.txt packet.pcap\n')
+            output.write('# pcap to text: tcpdump -r packet.pcap -xx\n\n')
+            i = 0
+            flag_line_completed = 0
+            for line in input:
+                time = TIMESTAMP.match(line)
+                if time:
+                    # print("time match")
+                    if flag_line_completed == 1:
+                        flag_line_completed = 0
+                        output.write('\n# Packet {}\n'.format(i))
+                    else:
+                        output.write('# Packet {}\n'.format(i))
+                    i += 1
+                    continue
+                payload = PAYLOAD.match(line)
+                if payload:
+                    # print("payload match")
+                    address = payload.group(1)
+                    hex_data = payload.group(2).replace(' ', '')
+                    hex_data = ' '.join(''.join(part) for part in self.pair_hex_digits(hex_data, 2, ' '))
+                    # print('{}  {}'.format(address, hex_data))
+                    # print(len(hex_data))
+                    if (len(hex_data) < 47):
+                        output.write('{:0>6}  {:<47}\n'.format(address, hex_data))
+                        output.write('\n')
+                        flag_line_completed = 0
+                    else:
+                        output.write('{:0>6}  {:<47}\n'.format(address, hex_data))
+                        flag_line_completed = 1
+            if flag_line_completed == 1:
+                output.write('\n')
+    def get_flow_direction_param_of_tcpdump(self):
+        """
+        get flow dirction param depend on tcpdump version
+        """
+        param = ""
+        direct_param = r"(\s+)\[ (\S+) in\|out\|inout \]"
+        out = self.tester.send_expect('tcpdump -h', '# ')
+        for line in out.split('\n'):
+            m = re.match(direct_param, line)
+            if m:
+                opt = re.search("-Q", m.group(2))
+                if opt:
+                    param = "-Q" + " in"
+                else:
+                    opt = re.search("-P", m.group(2))
+                    if opt:
+                        param = "-P" + " in"
+        if len(param) == 0:
+            self.logger.info("tcpdump not support direction choice!!!")
+        return param
+    def tcpdump_start_sniff(self, interface, filters=""):
+        """
+        Starts tcpdump in the background to sniff packets that received by interface.
+        """
+        command = 'rm -f /tmp/tcpdump_{0}.pcap'.format(interface)
+        self.tester.send_expect(command, '#')
+        command = 'tcpdump -nn -e {0} -w /tmp/tcpdump_{1}.pcap -i {1} {2} 2>/tmp/tcpdump_{1}.out &'\
+                  .format(self.param_flow_dir, interface, filters)
+        self.tester.send_expect(command, '# ')
+    def tcpdump_stop_sniff(self):
+        """
+        Stops the tcpdump process running in the background.
+        """
+        self.tester.send_expect('killall tcpdump', '# ')
+        # For the [pid]+ Done tcpdump... message after killing the process
+        sleep(1)
+        self.tester.send_expect('echo "Cleaning buffer"', '# ')
+        sleep(1)
+    def write_pcap_file(self, pcap_file, pkts):
+        try:
+            wrpcap(pcap_file, pkts)
+        except:
+            raise Exception("write pcap error")
+    def read_pcap_file(self, pcap_file):
+        pcap_pkts = []
+        try:
+            pcap_pkts = rdpcap(pcap_file)
+        except:
+            raise Exception("write pcap error")
+        return pcap_pkts
+    def send_and_sniff_pkts(self, from_port, to_port, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters=""):
+        """
+        Sent pkts that read from the pcap_file.
+        Return the sniff pkts.
+        """
+        tx_port = self.tester.get_local_port(self.dut_ports[from_port])
+        rx_port = self.tester.get_local_port(self.dut_ports[to_port])
+        tx_interface = self.tester.get_interface(tx_port)
+        rx_interface = self.tester.get_interface(rx_port)
+        self.tester.send_expect('rm -f /tmp/*.txt /tmp/*.pcap /tmp/*.out', '# ')
+        self.tcpdump_start_sniff(rx_interface, filters)
+        # Prepare the pkts to be sent
+        self.tester.scapy_foreground()
+        self.tester.send_expect('text2pcap -q {} /tmp/packet_tx.pcap'.format('/tmp/' + in_pcap_file), '# ')
+        self.tester.scapy_append('pkt = rdpcap("/tmp/packet_tx.pcap")')
+        self.tester.scapy_append('sendp(pkt, iface="{}", count=1)'.format(tx_interface))
+        self.tester.scapy_execute()
+        self.tcpdump_stop_sniff()
+        self.tester.send_expect(
+            'tcpdump -n -r /tmp/tcpdump_{}.pcap -xx > /tmp/packet_rx.txt'.format(rx_interface), '# ')
+        self.convert_tcpdump_to_text2pcap('/tmp/packet_rx.txt', '/tmp/packet_rx_rcv.txt')
+        out = self.tester.send_command(
+            'diff -sqw /tmp/packet_rx_rcv.txt {}'.format('/tmp/' + out_pcap_file), timeout=0.5)
+        if "differ" in out:
+            self.dut.send_expect('^C', '# ')
+        self.verify("are identical" in out, "Output pcap files mismatch error")
+    def setup_env(self, port_nums, driver):
+        """
+        This is to set up vf environment.
+        The pf is bound to dpdk driver.
+        """
+        self.dut.send_expect("modprobe vfio-pci", "# ")
+        if driver == 'default':
+            for port_id in self.dut_ports:
+                port = self.dut.ports_info[port_id]['port']
+                port.bind_driver()
+        # one PF generate one VF
+        for port_num in range(port_nums):
+            self.dut.generate_sriov_vfs_by_port(self.dut_ports[port_num], 1, driver)
+            self.sriov_vfs_port.append(self.dut.ports_info[self.dut_ports[port_num]]['vfs_port'])
+        if driver == 'default':
+            self.dut.send_expect("ip link set %s vf 0 mac %s" % (self.pf0_interface, self.vf0_mac), "# ", 3)
+            self.dut.send_expect("ip link set %s vf 0 mac %s" % (self.pf1_interface, self.vf1_mac), "# ", 3)
+            self.dut.send_expect("ip link set %s vf 0 mac %s" % (self.pf2_interface, self.vf2_mac), "# ", 3)
+            self.dut.send_expect("ip link set %s vf 0 mac %s" % (self.pf3_interface, self.vf3_mac), "# ", 3)
+            self.dut.send_expect("ip link set %s vf 0 spoofchk off" % self.pf0_interface, "# ", 3)
+            self.dut.send_expect("ip link set %s vf 0 spoofchk off" % self.pf1_interface, "# ", 3)
+            self.dut.send_expect("ip link set %s vf 0 spoofchk off" % self.pf2_interface, "# ", 3)
+            self.dut.send_expect("ip link set %s vf 0 spoofchk off" % self.pf3_interface, "# ", 3)
+        try:
+            for port_num in range(port_nums):
+                for port in self.sriov_vfs_port[port_num]:
+                    port.bind_driver(driver="vfio-pci")
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.destroy_env(port_nums, driver)
+            raise Exception(e)
+    def destroy_env(self, port_nums, driver):
+        """
+        This is to stop testpmd and destroy vf environment.
+        """
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.session_secondary.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        time.sleep(5)
+        if driver == self.drivername:
+            self.dut.send_expect("quit", "# ")
+            time.sleep(5)
+        for port_num in range(port_nums):
+            self.dut.destroy_sriov_vfs_by_port(self.dut_ports[port_num])
+    def set_up_all(self):
+        """
+        Run at the start of each test suite.
+        """
+        self.dut_ports = self.dut.get_ports()
+        self.port_nums = 4
+        self.verify(len(self.dut_ports) >= self.port_nums,
+                    "Insufficient ports for speed testing")
+        self.dut_p0_pci = self.dut.get_port_pci(self.dut_ports[0])
+        self.dut_p1_pci = self.dut.get_port_pci(self.dut_ports[1])
+        self.dut_p2_pci = self.dut.get_port_pci(self.dut_ports[2])
+        self.dut_p3_pci = self.dut.get_port_pci(self.dut_ports[3])
+        self.dut_p0_mac = self.dut.get_mac_address(self.dut_ports[0])
+        self.dut_p1_mac = self.dut.get_mac_address(self.dut_ports[1])
+        self.dut_p2_mac = self.dut.get_mac_address(self.dut_ports[2])
+        self.dut_p3_mac = self.dut.get_mac_address(self.dut_ports[3])
+        self.pf0_interface = self.dut.ports_info[self.dut_ports[0]]['intf']
+        self.pf1_interface = self.dut.ports_info[self.dut_ports[1]]['intf']
+        self.pf2_interface = self.dut.ports_info[self.dut_ports[2]]['intf']
+        self.pf3_interface = self.dut.ports_info[self.dut_ports[3]]['intf']
+        self.vf0_mac = "00:11:22:33:44:55"
+        self.vf1_mac = "00:11:22:33:44:56"
+        self.vf2_mac = "00:11:22:33:44:57"
+        self.vf3_mac = "00:11:22:33:44:58"
+        self.sriov_vfs_port = []
+        self.session_secondary = self.dut.new_session()
+        out = self.dut.build_dpdk_apps("./examples/pipeline")
+        self.verify("Error" not in out, "Compilation error")
+        self.app_pipeline_path = self.dut.apps_name['pipeline']
+        self.app_testpmd_path = self.dut.apps_name['test-pmd']
+        self.param_flow_dir = self.get_flow_direction_param_of_tcpdump()
+        # update the ./dep/pipeline.tar.gz file for any new changes
+        P4_PIPILINE_TAR_FILE = DEP_DIR + 'pipeline.tar.gz'
+        self.tester.send_expect('rm -rf /tmp/pipeline', '# ')
+        self.tester.send_expect('tar -zxf {} --directory /tmp'.format(P4_PIPILINE_TAR_FILE), "# ", 20)
+        # copy the ./dep/pipeline.tar.gz file to DUT
+        self.dut.send_expect('rm -rf /tmp/pipeline.tar.gz /tmp/pipeline', "# ", 20)
+        self.session_secondary.copy_file_to('dep/pipeline.tar.gz', '/tmp/')
+        self.dut.send_expect('tar -zxf /tmp/pipeline.tar.gz --directory /tmp', "# ", 20)
+    def set_up(self):
+        """
+        Run before each test case.
+        """
+        pass
+    def test_rx_tx_001(self):
+        """
+        rx_tx_001: revert the received packet on the same port without any change
+        """
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/rx_tx_001/rx_tx_001.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/rx_tx_001/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/rx_tx_001/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_extract_emit_001(self):
+        """
+        extract_emit_001: revert the received packet on the same port without any change
+        """
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/extract_emit_001/extract_emit_001.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/extract_emit_001/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/extract_emit_001/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_extract_emit_002(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/extract_emit_002/extract_emit_002.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/extract_emit_002/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/extract_emit_002/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_extract_emit_003(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/extract_emit_003/extract_emit_003.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/extract_emit_003/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/extract_emit_003/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_extract_emit_004(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/extract_emit_004/extract_emit_004.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/extract_emit_004/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/extract_emit_004/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_extract_emit_005(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/extract_emit_005/extract_emit_005.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/extract_emit_005/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/extract_emit_005/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "vlan"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_extract_emit_006(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/extract_emit_006/extract_emit_006.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/extract_emit_006/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/extract_emit_006/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "udp port 4789"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_extract_emit_007(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/extract_emit_007/extract_emit_007.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/extract_emit_007/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/extract_emit_007/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "udp port 4789"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_extract_emit_008(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/extract_emit_008/extract_emit_008.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/extract_emit_008/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/extract_emit_008/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "udp port 4789"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_extract_emit_009(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/extract_emit_009/extract_emit_009.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/extract_emit_009/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/extract_emit_009/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_and_001(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/and_001/and_001.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/and_001/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/and_001/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_and_002(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/and_002/and_002.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/and_002/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/and_002/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_and_003(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/and_003/and_003.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/and_003/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/and_003/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_and_004(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/and_004/and_004.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/and_004/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/and_004/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_and_005(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/and_005/and_005.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/and_005/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/and_005/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_and_006(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/and_006/and_006.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/and_006/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/and_006/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_and_007(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/and_007/and_007.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/and_007/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/and_007/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_and_008(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/and_008/and_008.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/and_008/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/and_008/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_or_001(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/or_001/or_001.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/or_001/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/or_001/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_or_002(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/or_002/or_002.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/or_002/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/or_002/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_or_003(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/or_003/or_003.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/or_003/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/or_003/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_or_004(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/or_004/or_004.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/or_004/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/or_004/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_or_005(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/or_005/or_005.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/or_005/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/or_005/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_or_006(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/or_006/or_006.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/or_006/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/or_006/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_or_007(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/or_007/or_007.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/or_007/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/or_007/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_or_008(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/or_008/or_008.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/or_008/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/or_008/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_xor_001(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/xor_001/xor_001.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/xor_001/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/xor_001/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_xor_002(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/xor_002/xor_002.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/xor_002/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/xor_002/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_xor_003(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/xor_003/xor_003.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/xor_003/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/xor_003/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_xor_004(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/xor_004/xor_004.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/xor_004/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/xor_004/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_xor_005(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/xor_005/xor_005.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/xor_005/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/xor_005/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_xor_006(self):
+        """
+        find entry in the table based on the des mac address,
+        then update the src mac address to the mac address in the table.
+        """
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/xor_006/xor_006.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/xor_006/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/xor_006/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        # rule 0 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_xor_007(self):
+        """
+        find entry in the table based on the des mac address,
+        then update the src mac address to the mac address in the table.
+        """
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/xor_007/xor_007.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/xor_007/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/xor_007/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        # rule 0 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_xor_008(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/xor_008/xor_008.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/xor_008/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/xor_008/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_add_001(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/add_001/add_001.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/add_001/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/add_001/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_add_002(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/add_002/add_002.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/add_002/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/add_002/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_add_003(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/add_003/add_003.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/add_003/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/add_003/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_add_004(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/add_004/add_004.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/add_004/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/add_004/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_add_005(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/add_005/add_005.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/add_005/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/add_005/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_add_006(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/add_006/add_006.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/add_006/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/add_006/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_add_007(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/add_007/add_007.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/add_007/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/add_007/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_add_008(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/add_008/add_008.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/add_008/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/add_008/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "udp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_shl_001(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/shl_001/shl_001.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/shl_001/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/shl_001/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_shl_002(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/shl_002/shl_002.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/shl_002/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/shl_002/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_shl_003(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/shl_003/shl_003.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/shl_003/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/shl_003/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_shl_004(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/shl_004/shl_004.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/shl_004/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/shl_004/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_shl_005(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/shl_005/shl_005.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/shl_005/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/shl_005/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_shl_006(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/shl_006/shl_006.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/shl_006/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/shl_006/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_shl_007(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/shl_007/shl_007.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/shl_007/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/shl_007/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "udp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_shl_008(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/shl_008/shl_008.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/shl_008/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/shl_008/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "udp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_shr_001(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/shr_001/shr_001.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/shr_001/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/shr_001/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_shr_002(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/shr_002/shr_002.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/shr_002/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/shr_002/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_shr_003(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/shr_003/shr_003.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/shr_003/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/shr_003/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_shr_004(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/shr_004/shr_004.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/shr_004/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/shr_004/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_shr_005(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/shr_005/shr_005.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/shr_005/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/shr_005/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_shr_006(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/shr_006/shr_006.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/shr_006/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/shr_006/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_shr_007(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/shr_007/shr_007.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/shr_007/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/shr_007/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "udp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_shr_008(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/shr_008/shr_008.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/shr_008/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/shr_008/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "udp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_sub_001(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/sub_001/sub_001.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/sub_001/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/sub_001/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_sub_002(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/sub_002/sub_002.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/sub_002/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/sub_002/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_sub_003(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/sub_003/sub_003.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/sub_003/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/sub_003/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_sub_004(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/sub_004/sub_004.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/sub_004/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/sub_004/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_sub_005(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/sub_005/sub_005.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/sub_005/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/sub_005/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_sub_006(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/sub_006/sub_006.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/sub_006/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/sub_006/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_sub_007(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/sub_007/sub_007.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/sub_007/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/sub_007/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "udp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_sub_008(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/sub_008/sub_008.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/sub_008/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/sub_008/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "udp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_mov_001(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/mov_001/mov_001.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/mov_001/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/mov_001/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_mov_002(self):
+        """
+        mov_002: swap destination and source MAC address of packets received on port
+        """
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/mov_002/mov_002.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/mov_002/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/mov_002/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_mov_003(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/mov_003/mov_003.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/mov_003/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/mov_003/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_mov_004(self):
+        """
+        find entry in the table based on the des mac address,
+        then update the src mac address to the mac address in the table.
+        """
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/mov_004/mov_004.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/mov_004/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/mov_004/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        # rule 0 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_mov_005(self):
+        """
+        find entry in the table based on the des mac address,
+        then update the src mac address to the mac address in the table.
+        """
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/mov_005/mov_005.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/mov_005/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/mov_005/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        # rule 0 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_mov_007(self):
+        """
+        find entry in the table based on the des mac address,
+        then update the src mac address to the mac address in the table.
+        """
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/mov_007/mov_007.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/mov_007/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/mov_007/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        # rule 0 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_mov_008(self):
+        """
+        find entry in the table based on the des mac address,
+        then update the src mac address to the mac address in the table.
+        """
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/mov_008/mov_008.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/mov_008/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/mov_008/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        # rule 0 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_table_001(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/table_001/table_001.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/table_001/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/table_001/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_vxlan_001(self):
+        """
+        example application: vxlan pipeline
+        """
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/vxlan_001/vxlan_001.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/vxlan_001/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/vxlan_001/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "udp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/vxlan_001/pcap_files/in_2.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/vxlan_001/pcap_files/out_2.txt'
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/vxlan_001/pcap_files/in_3.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/vxlan_001/pcap_files/out_3.txt'
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/vxlan_001/pcap_files/in_4.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/vxlan_001/pcap_files/out_4.txt'
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_dma_001(self):
+        """
+        example application: vxlan pipeline
+        """
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/dma_001/dma_001.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/dma_001/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/dma_001/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_dma_002(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/dma_002/dma_002.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/dma_002/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/dma_002/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_dma_003(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/dma_003/dma_003.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/dma_003/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/dma_003/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_dma_004(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/dma_004/dma_004.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/dma_004/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/dma_004/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_dma_005(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/dma_005/dma_005.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/dma_005/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/dma_005/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "vlan"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_dma_006(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/dma_006/dma_006.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/dma_006/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/dma_006/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "udp port 4532"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_dma_007(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/dma_007/dma_007.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/dma_007/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/dma_007/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "udp port 4532"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_dma_008(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/dma_008/dma_008.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/dma_008/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/dma_008/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "udp port 4532"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_001(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_001/jump_001.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_001/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_001/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_002(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_002/jump_002.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_002/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_002/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_003(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_003/jump_003.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_003/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_003/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_004(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_004/jump_004.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_004/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_004/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_005(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_005/jump_005.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_005/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_005/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_006(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_006/jump_006.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_006/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_006/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_007(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_007/jump_007.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_007/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_007/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_008(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_008/jump_008.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_008/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_008/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_009(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_009/jump_009.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_009/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_009/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_010(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_010/jump_010.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_010/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_010/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_011(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_011/jump_011.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_011/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_011/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_012(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_012/jump_012.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_012/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_012/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_013(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_013/jump_013.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_013/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_013/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_014(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_014/jump_014.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_014/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_014/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_015(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_015/jump_015.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_015/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_015/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_016(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_016/jump_016.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_016/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_016/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_017(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_017/jump_017.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_017/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_017/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_018(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_018/jump_018.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_018/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_018/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_019(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_019/jump_019.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_019/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_019/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_020(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_020/jump_020.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_020/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_020/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_021(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_021/jump_021.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_021/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_021/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_022(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_022/jump_022.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_022/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_022/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_023(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_023/jump_023.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_023/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_023/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_024(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_024/jump_024.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_024/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_024/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_025(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_025/jump_025.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_025/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_025/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_026(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_026/jump_026.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_026/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_026/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_027(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_027/jump_027.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_027/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_027/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = ""
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_028(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_028/jump_028.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_028/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_028/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_029(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_029/jump_029.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_029/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_029/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_030(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_030/jump_030.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_030/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_030/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_031(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_031/jump_031.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_031/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_031/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_032(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_032/jump_032.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_032/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_032/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_033(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_033/jump_033.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_033/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_033/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_034(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_034/jump_034.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_034/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_034/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_035(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_035/jump_035.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_035/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_035/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_036(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_036/jump_036.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_036/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_036/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_037(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_037/jump_037.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_037/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_037/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_038(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_038/jump_038.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_038/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_038/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_039(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_039/jump_039.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_039/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_039/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = ""
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_040(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_040/jump_040.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_040/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_040/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_041(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_041/jump_041.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_041/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_041/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_042(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_042/jump_042.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_042/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_042/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_043(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_043/jump_043.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_043/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_043/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_044(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_044/jump_044.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_044/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_044/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_045(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_045/jump_045.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_045/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_045/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_046(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_046/jump_046.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_046/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_046/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_047(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_047/jump_047.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_047/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_047/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = ""
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_048(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_048/jump_048.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_048/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_048/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_049(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_049/jump_049.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_049/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_049/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_050(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_050/jump_050.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_050/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_050/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_051(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_051/jump_051.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_051/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_051/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_052(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_052/jump_052.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_052/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_052/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_053(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_053/jump_053.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_053/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_053/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = ""
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_054(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_054/jump_054.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_054/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_054/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = ""
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_jump_055(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/jump_055/jump_055.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_055/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/jump_055/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = ""
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_ckadd_001(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/ckadd_001/ckadd_001.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/ckadd_001/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/ckadd_001/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_ckadd_009(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/ckadd_009/ckadd_009.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/ckadd_009/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/ckadd_009/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_ckadd_010(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/ckadd_010/ckadd_010.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/ckadd_010/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/ckadd_010/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_cksub_001(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/cksub_001/cksub_001.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/cksub_001/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/cksub_001/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_invalidate_001(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/invalidate_001/invalidate_001.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/invalidate_001/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/invalidate_001/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def test_validate_001(self):
+        cli_file = '/tmp/pipeline/validate_001/validate_001.cli'
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:04.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p0_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:05.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p1_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:06.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p2_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        cmd = "sed -i -e 's/0000:00:07.0/%s/' {}".format(cli_file) % self.dut_p3_pci
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+        DUT_PORTS = " -w {0} -w {1} -w {2} -w {3} "\
+                    .format(self.dut_p0_pci, self.dut_p1_pci, self.dut_p2_pci, self.dut_p3_pci)
+        cmd = "{0} -c 0x3 -n 4 {1} -- -s {2}".format(self.app_pipeline_path, DUT_PORTS, cli_file)
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "PIPELINE0 enable", 60)
+        # rule 0 test
+        in_pcap_file = 'pipeline/validate_001/pcap_files/in_1.txt'
+        out_pcap_file = 'pipeline/validate_001/pcap_files/out_1.txt'
+        filters = "tcp"
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(0, 0, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 1 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(1, 1, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 2 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(2, 2, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        # rule 3 test
+        sniff_pkts = self.send_and_sniff_pkts(3, 3, in_pcap_file, out_pcap_file, filters)
+        sleep(1)
+        cmd = "^C"
+        self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "# ", 20)
+    def tear_down(self):
+        """
+        Run after each test case.
+        """
+        pass
+    def tear_down_all(self):
+        """
+        Run after each test suite.
+        """
+        self.dut.close_session(self.session_secondary)
+        self.dut.kill_all()

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