[RFC] [PATCH V1] framework/*: Add function to support ASan test

Dong JunX junx.dong at intel.com
Fri Dec 10 10:57:50 CET 2021

AddressSanitizer a.k.a. ASan is a widely-used debugging tool to detect 
memory access errors. ASan is integrated with gcc and clang and can be 
enabled via some meson option.

The framework supports ASan testing in the following ways:
- Supports configuring meson options for ASan test by ASan conf file,
  after recompiling application, if memory leak is detected when APP 
  executing, the leak information will be record in suite log file.

- Supports configuring filter key word of the memory leak, framework
  will rewrite case running result through filtering the key word from 
  log file, if having key word in case log, the case fail. the leak 
  information also record to case running result. if not exist memory
  leak, framework will not rewrite case running result.

- Provides a new report to distinguish it from old report.

- Supports manual generating ASan report after DTS test finished through
  analyzing original test report and suite logs.

- In the scenario of multiple tests, supports obtaining the latest test

Signed-off-by: Dong JunX <junx.dong at intel.com>
 conf/asan.cfg          |  11 ++
 framework/asan_test.py | 385 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 framework/dts.py       |  10 +-
 main.py                |   6 +-
 4 files changed, 409 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 conf/asan.cfg
 create mode 100644 framework/asan_test.py

diff --git a/conf/asan.cfg b/conf/asan.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5123853
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conf/asan.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+        "begin": "LeakSanitizer",
+        "end": "SUMMARY"
+    },
+    {
+        "begin": "AddressSanitizer",
+        "end": "SUMMARY"
+    }
+    ]
+param=-Dbuildtype=debug -Db_lundef=false -Db_sanitize=address
diff --git a/framework/asan_test.py b/framework/asan_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc9b38e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/framework/asan_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+import os
+import re
+import xlrd
+import sys
+import json
+DTS_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
+sys.path.insert(0, DTS_PATH)
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from framework.excel_reporter import ExcelReporter
+from framework.settings import FOLDERS
+from framework.test_result import Result
+from framework.config import UserConf
+CONFIG_FILE_NAME = 'asan.cfg'
+ASAN_FILTER_KEY = 'filter'
+ASAN_PARAM_KEY = 'param'
+ORIGIN_TEST_REPORT_FILE = 'test_results.xls'
+NEW_TEST_REPORT_FILE = 'asan_test_results.xls'
+COMMAND_PATTERN_OF_ADDRESS_RANDOM_SWITCH = 'echo %s > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space'
+REPORT_OUTPUT_PATH = os.path.join(DTS_PATH, FOLDERS['Output'])
+def asan_test(asan_switch):
+    ASANTestProcess.test_prepare(asan_switch)
+    ASANTestProcess.test_process(asan_switch)
+class ASANTestProcess(object):
+    @staticmethod
+    def test_prepare(is_support_ASAN_test):
+        if is_support_ASAN_test:
+            _FrameworkADAPTER.decorator_dts_run()
+            _FrameworkADAPTER.decorator_send_expect()
+            _FrameworkADAPTER.decorator_build_install_dpdk()
+    @staticmethod
+    def test_process(is_support_ASAN_test):
+        if is_support_ASAN_test:
+            report_process_obj = _NewReport()
+            report_process_obj.process_report_header()
+            report_process_obj.process_report_detail()
+            report_process_obj.save_report_to_excel()
+class _FrameworkADAPTER(object):
+    @staticmethod
+    def decorator_build_install_dpdk():
+        added_param = _ASANConfig().build_param
+        if added_param is not None:
+            from framework.project_dpdk import DPDKdut
+            origin_func = DPDKdut.build_install_dpdk
+            def new_func(*args, **kwargw):
+                kwargw['extra_options'] = ' '.join([kwargw.get('extra_options', ''), added_param])
+                origin_func(*args, **kwargw)
+            DPDKdut.build_install_dpdk = new_func
+    @staticmethod
+    def decorator_dts_run():
+        import framework.dts as dts
+        origin_func = dts.dts_run_suite
+        def new_func(*args, **kwargs):
+            duts = args[0]
+            for dut in duts:
+                dut.send_expect(COMMAND_OF_CLOSE_ADDRESS_RANDOM, "#")
+            origin_func(*args, **kwargs)
+            for dut in duts:
+                dut.send_expect(COMMAND_OF_OPEN_ADDRESS_RANDOM, "#")
+        dts.dts_run_suite = new_func
+    @staticmethod
+    def decorator_send_expect():
+        import framework.ssh_pexpect as ssh_pexpect
+        origin_func = ssh_pexpect.SSHPexpect._SSHPexpect__flush
+        def new_func(self):
+            DELETE_CONTENT_PATTERN = r'^\s*\[?PEXPECT\]?#?\s*$'
+            befored_info = re.sub(DELETE_CONTENT_PATTERN, '', self.session.before).strip()
+            if len(befored_info) > MIN_LENGTH_OF_FILTERED_OUTPUT and self.logger:
+                self.logger.info(f'Buffered info: {befored_info}')
+            origin_func(self)
+        ssh_pexpect.SSHPexpect._SSHPexpect__flush = new_func
+class _ASANConfig(object):
+    def __init__(self, ):
+        self.config = UserConf(os.path.join(DTS_PATH, CONFIG_FILE_PARENT_DIR, CONFIG_FILE_NAME))
+        self.conf_sect = self.config.conf._sections[ASAN_CONFIG_SECT]
+        self._filter_list = None
+        self._build_params = None
+    def _read_ASAN_sect_conf(self, section_key):
+        return self.conf_sect[section_key]
+    def _set_ASAN_filter(self):
+        try:
+            origin_filter_string = self._read_ASAN_sect_conf(ASAN_FILTER_KEY)
+            self._filter_list = json.loads(origin_filter_string)
+        except KeyError:
+            self._filter_list = []
+    def _set_ASAN_param(self):
+        try:
+            param_string = self._read_ASAN_sect_conf(ASAN_PARAM_KEY)
+        except KeyError:
+            param_string = ''
+        self._build_params = param_string
+    @property
+    def filter_list(self):
+        self._set_ASAN_filter()
+        return self._filter_list
+    @property
+    def build_param(self):
+        self._set_ASAN_param()
+        return self._build_params
+class _OldReport(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._report_file = os.path.join(REPORT_OUTPUT_PATH, ORIGIN_TEST_REPORT_FILE)
+        self._workbook: xlrd.Book = xlrd.open_workbook(self._report_file)
+        self._sheet_obj: xlrd.sheet.Sheet = self._workbook.sheets()[0]
+        self._rows = self._sheet_obj.nrows
+        self.current_row_num = 0
+    def generator_rows(self):
+        while True:
+            if self.current_row_num >= self._rows:
+                raise IndexError
+            row_number_of_jump_to = yield self._sheet_obj.row(self.current_row_num)
+            row = row_number_of_jump_to if row_number_of_jump_to is not None else self.current_row_num + 1
+            self.current_row_num = row
+class _OldReportReader(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._old_report = _OldReport()
+        self._header_line_num = 1
+        self._test_env_content_column = None
+        self._test_suite_content_column = None
+        self._gen_report_rows = self._old_report.generator_rows()
+        next(self._gen_report_rows)
+        self._report_content_dict = dict()
+        self._current_suite = None
+    def get_report_info(self):
+        try:
+            self._get_first_line()
+            self._get_test_env()
+            self._get_cases_result()
+        except IndexError:
+            pass
+        return self._report_content_dict
+    def _get_first_line(self):
+        header_row_title = self._gen_report_rows.send(self._header_line_num - 1)
+        header_row_content = self._gen_report_rows.send(self._header_line_num)
+        cell_num = 0
+        while header_row_title[cell_num].value != 'Test suite':
+            header_cell_title: str = header_row_title[cell_num].value
+            header_cell_content = header_row_content[cell_num].value
+            self._report_content_dict[header_cell_title.lower().replace(' ', '_')] = header_cell_content
+            cell_num = cell_num + 1
+        self._test_env_content_column = cell_num - 1
+        self._test_suite_content_column = cell_num
+    @staticmethod
+    def _get_value_from_cell(cells_list_of_row):
+        return [cell.value for cell in cells_list_of_row]
+    def _get_test_env(self):
+        env_key_list = ['driver', 'kdriver', 'firmware', 'package']
+        for env_key in env_key_list:
+            env_info_row = next(self._gen_report_rows)
+            env_cell_value = env_info_row[self._test_env_content_column].value
+            if env_cell_value:
+                env_value = env_cell_value.split(': ')[1]
+                self._report_content_dict[env_key] = env_value
+            else:
+                self._report_content_dict[env_key] = None
+                # back to previous line
+                self._gen_report_rows.send(self._old_report.current_row_num - 1)
+    def _get_cases_result(self):
+        for row_cells in self._gen_report_rows:
+            suite_content_column_begin = self._test_suite_content_column
+            suite_content_column_end = self._test_suite_content_column + 3
+            suite_name, case_name, original_result_msg = \
+                self._get_value_from_cell(row_cells[suite_content_column_begin:suite_content_column_end])
+            EMPTY_LINE_CONDITION = not suite_name and not case_name
+            NO_CASE_LINE_CONDITION = not case_name
+            SUITE_BEGIN_LINE_CONDITON = suite_name
+                continue
+                self._add_suite_info(suite_name)
+            self._add_case_info(case_name, original_result_msg)
+    def _add_suite_info(self, _suite):
+        self._report_content_dict.setdefault(_suite, dict())
+        self._current_suite = _suite
+    def _add_case_info(self, _case, _result_msg):
+        self._report_content_dict.get(self._current_suite)[_case] = _result_msg
+class _SuiteLogReader(object):
+    def __init__(self, suite_name):
+        self._suite_name = suite_name
+    @contextmanager
+    def suite_log_file(self):
+        from framework.utils import get_subclasses
+        from framework.test_case import TestCase
+        suite_full_name = 'TestSuite_' + self._suite_name
+        suite_module = __import__('tests.' + suite_full_name, fromlist=[suite_full_name])
+        suite_class_name = [test_case_name for test_case_name, _ in get_subclasses(suite_module, TestCase)][0]
+        log_file_path = os.path.join(REPORT_OUTPUT_PATH, suite_class_name)
+        log_file_obj = open(log_file_path + '.log', 'r')
+        yield log_file_obj
+        log_file_obj.close()
+class _NewReport(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._report_file = os.path.join(REPORT_OUTPUT_PATH, NEW_TEST_REPORT_FILE)
+        self._remove_history_asan_report()
+        self._excel_report = ExcelReporter(self._report_file)
+        self._result_obj = Result()
+        self._old_report_reader = _OldReportReader()
+        self._old_report_content: dict = self._old_report_reader.get_report_info()
+        self._new_suites_result = dict()
+        self._ASAN_filter = _ASANConfig().filter_list
+        self._current_case = None
+        self._current_suite = None
+        self._filtered_line_cache = []
+        self._filter_begin = None
+        self._filter_end = None
+    def process_report_header(self):
+        head_key_list = ['dut', 'kdriver', 'firmware', 'package', 'driver', 'dpdk_version', 'target', 'nic']
+        for head_key in head_key_list:
+            head_value = self._old_report_content.setdefault(head_key, None)
+            self._old_report_content.pop(head_key)
+            setattr(self._result_obj, head_key, head_value)
+    def process_report_detail(self):
+        for suite in self._old_report_content.keys():
+            self._get_suite_new_result(suite)
+            self._parse_suite_result_to_result_obj()
+    def _get_suite_new_result(self, suite):
+        suite_log_reader = _SuiteLogReader(suite)
+        self._current_suite = suite
+        gen_suite_lines = suite_log_reader.suite_log_file()
+        self._get_case_result(gen_suite_lines)
+    def _parse_suite_result_to_result_obj(self):
+        self._result_obj.test_suite = self._current_suite
+        for case in self._old_report_content[self._current_suite]:
+            self._result_obj.test_case = case
+            if case in self._new_suites_result:
+                self._result_obj._Result__set_test_case_result(*self._new_suites_result[case])
+            else:
+                origin_result = self._get_origin_case_result(case)
+                self._result_obj._Result__set_test_case_result(*origin_result)
+    def save_report_to_excel(self):
+        self._excel_report.save(self._result_obj)
+    def _remove_history_asan_report(self):
+        if os.path.exists(self._report_file):
+            os.remove(self._report_file)
+    def _get_origin_case_result(self, case_name):
+        origin_cases_result: dict = self._old_report_content.get(self._current_suite)
+        origin_case_result: str = origin_cases_result.get(case_name)
+        CASE_RESULT_AND_MSG_PATTERN = r'(\S+)\s?(.*)'
+        result, msg = re.search(CASE_RESULT_AND_MSG_PATTERN, origin_case_result).groups()
+        if msg:
+            msg = msg.replace("'", '').replace('"', '')
+        return result, msg
+    def _get_case_result(self, suite_log_reader):
+        with suite_log_reader as log_file:
+            for line in log_file:
+                self._filter_asan_except(line)
+            self._log_file_end_handler()
+    def _filter_asan_except(self, line):
+        CASE_LOG_BEGIN_PATTERN = r'Test Case test_(\w+) Begin'
+        case_begin_match = re.search(CASE_LOG_BEGIN_PATTERN, line)
+        if case_begin_match:
+            case_name = case_begin_match.groups()[0]
+            self._case_begin_handler(case_name)
+            return
+        for filter_parse_dict in self._ASAN_filter:
+            begin_filter = filter_parse_dict['begin']
+            end_filter = filter_parse_dict['end']
+            if begin_filter in line:
+                self._filter_matched_begin_handler(begin_filter, line)
+                return
+            if self._filter_begin is not None:
+                self._filter_matched_line_handler(line)
+                return
+            if end_filter in line:
+                self._filter_matched_end_handler(end_filter, line)
+                return
+    def _case_begin_handler(self, case_name):
+        self._save_previous_case_result_and_clean_env()
+        self._current_case = case_name
+    def _filter_matched_begin_handler(self, begin_key,  line):
+        self._filter_begin = begin_key
+        self._filtered_line_cache.append(line)
+    def _filter_matched_line_handler(self, line):
+        self._filtered_line_cache.append(line)
+    def _filter_matched_end_handler(self, end_key, line):
+        self._filtered_line_cache.append(line)
+        self._filter_begin = end_key
+    def _log_file_end_handler(self):
+        self._save_previous_case_result_and_clean_env()
+    def _save_previous_case_result_and_clean_env(self):
+        exist_previous_case_condition = self._current_case is not None
+        origin_report_contain_previous_case_result = \
+            self._current_case in self._old_report_content.get(self._current_suite)
+        if exist_previous_case_condition and origin_report_contain_previous_case_result:
+            self._save_case_result()
+        self._filtered_line_cache.clear()
+        self._filter_begin = None
+        self._filter_end = None
+    def _save_case_result(self):
+        cached_content = self._get_filtered_cached_result()
+        if self._current_case in self._new_suites_result:
+            # Run multiple times and keep the last result
+            self._new_suites_result.pop(self._current_case)
+        if cached_content:
+            # filter hit scene
+            self._new_suites_result[self._current_case] = ('FAILED', cached_content)
+        else:
+            # filter not hit scene
+            self._new_suites_result[self._current_case] = self._get_origin_case_result(self._current_case)
+    def _get_filtered_cached_result(self):
+        ASAN_FILTER_CONTENT_PATTERN = rf"{self._filter_begin}[\s\S]+(?!{self._filter_end})?"
+        key_search_result = re.findall(ASAN_FILTER_CONTENT_PATTERN, ''.join(self._filtered_line_cache))
+        return key_search_result[0] if key_search_result else ''
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    asan_test(True)
diff --git a/framework/dts.py b/framework/dts.py
index 892aa1f..da5cf54 100644
--- a/framework/dts.py
+++ b/framework/dts.py
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ from .utils import (
+from framework.asan_test import ASANTestProcess
 requested_tests = None
@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ def dts_run_suite(duts, tester, test_suites, target, subtitle):
 def run_all(config_file, pkgName, git, patch, skip_setup,
             read_cache, project, suite_dir, test_cases,
             base_dir, output_dir, verbose, virttype, debug,
-            debugcase, re_run, commands, subtitle, update_expected):
+            debugcase, re_run, commands, subtitle, update_expected, asan):
     Main process of DTS, it will run all test suites in the config file.
@@ -517,6 +517,9 @@ def run_all(config_file, pkgName, git, patch, skip_setup,
     global log_handler
     global check_case_inst
+    # prepare asan test
+    ASANTestProcess.test_prepare(asan)
     # check the python version of the server that run dts 
@@ -635,6 +638,9 @@ def run_all(config_file, pkgName, git, patch, skip_setup,
+    # process asan test report
+    ASANTestProcess.test_process(asan)
 def show_speedup_options_messages(read_cache, skip_setup):
     if read_cache:
diff --git a/main.py b/main.py
index 10ed88b..852854b 100755
--- a/main.py
+++ b/main.py
@@ -158,6 +158,10 @@ parser.add_argument('--update-expected',
                     help='update expected values based on test results')
+                    action='store_true',
+                    help='add function to support asan test')
 args = parser.parse_args()
@@ -175,4 +179,4 @@ dts.run_all(args.config_file, args.snapshot, args.git,
             args.project, args.suite_dir, args.test_cases,
             args.dir, args.output, args.verbose,args.virttype,
             args.debug, args.debugcase, args.re_run, args.commands,
-            args.subtitle, args.update_expected)
+            args.subtitle, args.update_expected, args.asan)

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