[dts] [PATCH v1]test_plans: adapt to rss refactor

Peng Yuan yuan.peng at intel.com
Thu Jan 28 00:03:08 CET 2021

From: pengyuan <yuan.peng at intel.com>

According to the RSS refactor, we changed the negative case, toeplitz case and symmetric cases
in such three test plans:

Signed-off-by: pengyuan <yuan.peng at intel.com>

diff --git a/test_plans/cvl_advanced_rss_gtpu_test_plan.rst b/test_plans/cvl_advanced_rss_gtpu_test_plan.rst
index 1d5a1a2f..3b72dcdb 100644
--- a/test_plans/cvl_advanced_rss_gtpu_test_plan.rst
+++ b/test_plans/cvl_advanced_rss_gtpu_test_plan.rst
@@ -60,51 +60,51 @@ Pattern and input set
     | IPv4/IPv6 transport           |                           |                                                                                  |
     | IPv4/IPv6 payload             |                           |                                                                                  |
-    |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_IPV4_UDP    | gtpu, ipv4-udp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only               |
+    |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_IPV4_UDP    | gtpu, ipv4-udp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv4         |
-    |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_IPV4_TCP    | gtpu, ipv4-tcp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only               |
+    |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_IPV4_TCP    | gtpu, ipv4-tcp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv4         |
     |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_IPV6        | gtpu, ipv6, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only                                             |
-    |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_IPV6_UDP    | gtpu, ipv6-udp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only               |
+    |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_IPV6_UDP    | gtpu, ipv6-udp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv6         |
-    |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_IPV6_TCP    | gtpu, ipv6-tcp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only               |
+    |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_IPV6_TCP    | gtpu, ipv6-tcp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv6         |
     |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_IPV4        | gtpu, ipv4, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only                                             |
-    |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_IPV4_UDP    | gtpu, ipv4-udp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only               |
+    |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_IPV4_UDP    | gtpu, ipv4-udp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv4         |
-    |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_IPV4_TCP    | gtpu, ipv4-tcp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only               |
+    |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_IPV4_TCP    | gtpu, ipv4-tcp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv4         |
     |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_IPV6        | gtpu, ipv6, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only                                             |
-    |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_IPV6_UDP    | gtpu, ipv6-udp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only               |
+    |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_IPV6_UDP    | gtpu, ipv6-udp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv6         |
-    |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_IPV6_TCP    | gtpu, ipv6-tcp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only               |
+    |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_IPV6_TCP    | gtpu, ipv6-tcp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv6         |
     |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_EH_IPV4     | gtpu, ipv4, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only                                             |
-    |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_EH_IPV4_UDP | gtpu, ipv4-udp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only               |
+    |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_EH_IPV4_UDP | gtpu, ipv4-udp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv4         |
-    |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_EH_IPV4_TCP | gtpu, ipv4-tcp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only               |
+    |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_EH_IPV4_TCP | gtpu, ipv4-tcp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv4         |
     |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_EH_IPV6     | gtpu, ipv6, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only                                             |
-    |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_EH_IPV6_UDP | gtpu, ipv6-udp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only               |
+    |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_EH_IPV6_UDP | gtpu, ipv6-udp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv6         |
-    |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_EH_IPV6_TCP | gtpu, ipv6-tcp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only               |
+    |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_EH_IPV6_TCP | gtpu, ipv6-tcp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv6         |
     |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_EH_IPV4     | gtpu, ipv4, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only                                             |
-    |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_EH_IPV4_UDP | gtpu, ipv4-udp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only               |
+    |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_EH_IPV4_UDP | gtpu, ipv4-udp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv4         |
-    |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_EH_IPV4_TCP | gtpu, ipv4-tcp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only               |
+    |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_EH_IPV4_TCP | gtpu, ipv4-tcp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv4         |
     |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_EH_IPV6     | gtpu, ipv6, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only                                             |
-    |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_EH_IPV6_UDP | gtpu, ipv6-udp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only               |
+    |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_EH_IPV6_UDP | gtpu, ipv6-udp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv6         |
-    |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_EH_IPV6_TCP | gtpu, ipv6-tcp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only               |
+    |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_EH_IPV6_TCP | gtpu, ipv6-tcp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv6         |
 .. table::
@@ -590,6 +590,21 @@ hit pattern/not defined input set::
     sendp([Ether(dst="68:05:ca:a3:28:94")/IP()/UDP(dport=2152)/GTP_U_Header(gtp_type=255, teid=0x12345)/GTPPDUSessionContainer(type=0, P=1, QFI=0x34)/IP(dst="", src="")/UDP(sport=22, dport=33)/("X"*480)],iface="enp216s0f0")
+    flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / gtpu / gtp_psc pdu_t is 0 / ipv4 / udp / end actions rss types ipv4 end key_len 0 queues end / end
+hit pattern/defined input set::
+    sendp([Ether(dst="68:05:CA:BB:26:E0")/IP()/UDP(dport=2152)/GTP_U_Header(gtp_type=255, teid=0x123456)/GTPPDUSessionContainer(type=0, P=1, QFI=0x34)/IP(dst="", src="")/UDP(sport=22, dport=23)/("X"*480)],iface="enp216s0f0")
+    sendp([Ether(dst="68:05:CA:BB:26:E0")/IP()/UDP(dport=2152)/GTP_U_Header(gtp_type=255, teid=0x123456)/GTPPDUSessionContainer(type=0, P=1, QFI=0x34)/IP(dst="", src="")/UDP(sport=22, dport=23)/("X"*480)],iface="enp216s0f0")
+hit pattern/not defined input set::
+    sendp([Ether(dst="68:05:ca:a3:28:94")/IP()/UDP(dport=2152)/GTP_U_Header(gtp_type=255, teid=0x12345)/GTPPDUSessionContainer(type=0, P=1, QFI=0x34)/IP(dst="", src="")/UDP(sport=32, dport=33)/("X"*480)],iface="enp216s0f0")
@@ -698,6 +713,14 @@ rule::
 packets: change the pdu_type value(0->1/1->0) of packets of Subcase MAC_IPV4_GTPU_EH_DL_IPV4_UDP_L4SRC.
+    flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / gtpu / gtp_psc pdu_t is 1 / ipv4 / udp / end actions rss types ipv4 end key_len 0 queues end / end
+packets: change the pdu_type value(0->1/1->0) of packets of Subcase MAC_IPV4_GTPU_EH_DL_IPV4_UDP_IPV4.
@@ -1049,6 +1072,22 @@ hit pattern/not defined input set::
     sendp([Ether(dst="68:05:ca:a3:28:94")/IP()/UDP(dport=2152)/GTP_U_Header(gtp_type=255, teid=0x12345)/GTPPDUSessionContainer(type=0, P=1, QFI=0x34)/IP(dst="", src="")/UDP(sport=22, dport=33)/("X"*480)],iface="enp216s0f0")
     sendp([Ether(dst="68:05:ca:a3:28:94")/IP()/UDP(dport=2152)/GTP_U_Header(gtp_type=255, teid=0x12345)/GTPPDUSessionContainer(type=1, P=1, QFI=0x34)/IP(dst="", src="")/UDP(sport=22, dport=33)/("X"*480)],iface="enp216s0f0")
+    flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / gtpu / gtp_psc / ipv4 / udp / end actions rss types ipv4 end key_len 0 queues end / end
+hit pattern/defined input set::
+    sendp([Ether(dst="68:05:CA:BB:26:E0")/IP()/UDP(dport=2152)/GTP_U_Header(gtp_type=255, teid=0x123456)/GTPPDUSessionContainer(type=0, P=1, QFI=0x34)/IP(dst="", src="")/UDP(sport=22, dport=23)/("X"*480)],iface="enp216s0f0")
+    sendp([Ether(dst="68:05:CA:BB:26:E0")/IP()/UDP(dport=2152)/GTP_U_Header(gtp_type=255, teid=0x123456)/GTPPDUSessionContainer(type=0, P=1, QFI=0x34)/IP(dst="", src="")/UDP(sport=22, dport=23)/("X"*480)],iface="enp216s0f0")
+hit pattern/not defined input set::
+    sendp([Ether(dst="68:05:ca:a3:28:94")/IP()/UDP(dport=2152)/GTP_U_Header(gtp_type=255, teid=0x12345)/GTPPDUSessionContainer(type=0, P=1, QFI=0x34)/IP(dst="", src="")/UDP(sport=32, dport=33)/("X"*480)],iface="enp216s0f0")
+    sendp([Ether(dst="68:05:ca:a3:28:94")/IP()/UDP(dport=2152)/GTP_U_Header(gtp_type=255, teid=0x12345)/GTPPDUSessionContainer(type=1, P=1, QFI=0x34)/IP(dst="", src="")/UDP(sport=32, dport=33)/("X"*480)],iface="enp216s0f0")
@@ -1362,6 +1401,21 @@ hit pattern/not defined input set::
     sendp([Ether(dst="68:05:CA:BB:26:E0")/IP()/UDP(dport=2152)/GTP_U_Header(gtp_type=255, teid=0x12345)/IP(dst="", src="")/UDP(sport=22,dport=33)/("X"*480)],iface="enp216s0f0")
+    flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / gtpu / ipv4 / udp / end actions rss types ipv4 end key_len 0 queues end / end
+hit pattern/defined input set::
+    sendp([Ether(dst="68:05:CA:BB:26:E0")/IP()/UDP(dport=2152)/GTP_U_Header(gtp_type=255, teid=0x123456)/IP(dst="", src="")/UDP(sport=22,dport=23)/("X"*480)],iface="enp216s0f0")
+    sendp([Ether(dst="68:05:CA:BB:26:E0")/IP()/UDP(dport=2152)/GTP_U_Header(gtp_type=255, teid=0x123456)/IP(dst="", src="")/UDP(sport=22,dport=23)/("X"*480)],iface="enp216s0f0")
+hit pattern/not defined input set::
+    sendp([Ether(dst="68:05:ca:a3:28:94")/IP()/UDP(dport=2152)/GTP_U_Header(gtp_type=255, teid=0x12345)/IP(dst="", src="")/UDP(sport=32,dport=33)/("X"*480)],iface="enp216s0f0")
@@ -1486,9 +1540,6 @@ Subcase: invalid input set
     testpmd> flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / gtpu / ipv4 / udp / end actions rss types ipv6-udp end key_len 0 queues end / end
     ice_flow_create(): Failed to create flow
     port_flow_complain(): Caught PMD error type 2 (flow rule (handle)): Invalid input pattern: Invalid argument
-    testpmd> flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / gtpu / ipv4 / udp / end actions rss types ipv4 end key_len 0 queues end / end
-    ice_flow_create(): Failed to create flow
-    port_flow_complain(): Caught PMD error type 2 (flow rule (handle)): Invalid input pattern: Invalid argument
     testpmd> flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / gtpu / ipv4 / udp / end actions rss types udp end key_len 0 queues end / end
     ice_flow_create(): Failed to create flow
     port_flow_complain(): Caught PMD error type 2 (flow rule (handle)): Invalid input pattern: Invalid argument
@@ -1502,7 +1553,6 @@ Subcase: invalid input set
     flow validate 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / gtpu / ipv4 / udp / end actions rss types ipv4-tcp end key_len 0 queues end / end
     flow validate 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / gtpu / ipv4 / udp / end actions rss types ipv6-udp end key_len 0 queues end / end
-    flow validate 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / gtpu / ipv4 / udp / end actions rss types ipv4 end key_len 0 queues end / end
     flow validate 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / gtpu / ipv4 / udp / end actions rss types udp end key_len 0 queues end / end
     flow validate 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / gtpu / gtp_psc pdu_t is 0 / ipv4 / end actions rss types ipv4 gtpu end key_len 0 queues end / end
@@ -2547,11 +2597,8 @@ all the test cases run the same test steps as below:
    check both the packets are distributed to queues by rss.
    note: if there is not this type packet in the case, omit this step.
 7. distroy the rule and list rule.
-8. send the basic packet.
-   if the rule inner protocol is IPV4_UDP/TCP or IPV6_UDP/TCP,
-   check the received packet has different hash value in step 4.
-   if the rule inner protocol is IPV4/IPV6,
-   check the received packet has not hash value, and distributed to queue 0.
+8. send the same packets in step3, only switch ip address.
+   check the received packets which switched ip address have different hash value.
 Pattern: symmetric outer ipv4 + inner ipv4
@@ -2899,7 +2946,6 @@ Test case: symmetric negative cases
     flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / gtpu / gtp_psc pdu_t is 0 / ipv4 / end actions rss func symmetric_toeplitz types ipv4 l3-dst-only end key_len 0 queues end / end
     flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / gtpu / gtp_psc pdu_t is 0 / ipv4 / end actions rss func symmetric_toeplitz types ipv4-udp end key_len 0 queues end / end
     flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / gtpu / gtp_psc pdu_t is 1 / ipv4 / tcp / end actions rss func symmetric_toeplitz types ipv4-udp end key_len 0 queues end / end
-    flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / gtpu / gtp_psc pdu_t is 1 / ipv4 / tcp / end actions rss func symmetric_toeplitz types ipv4 end key_len 0 queues end / end
     flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / gtpu / gtp_psc pdu_t is 1 / ipv4 / tcp / end actions rss func symmetric_toeplitz types ipv6-tcp end key_len 0 queues end / end
     flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / gtpu / gtp_psc pdu_t is 1 / ipv4 / tcp / end actions rss func symmetric_toeplitz types tcp end key_len 0 queues end / end
     flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / gtpu / gtp_psc pdu_t is 1 / ipv4 / tcp / end actions rss func symmetric_toeplitz types ipv4-tcp l3-src-only end key_len 0 queues end / end
@@ -2914,7 +2960,6 @@ Test case: symmetric negative cases
     flow validate 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / gtpu / gtp_psc pdu_t is 0 / ipv4 / end actions rss func symmetric_toeplitz types ipv4 l3-dst-only end key_len 0 queues end / end
     flow validate 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / gtpu / gtp_psc pdu_t is 0 / ipv4 / end actions rss func symmetric_toeplitz types ipv4-udp end key_len 0 queues end / end
     flow validate 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / gtpu / gtp_psc pdu_t is 1 / ipv4 / tcp / end actions rss func symmetric_toeplitz types ipv4-udp end key_len 0 queues end / end
-    flow validate 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / gtpu / gtp_psc pdu_t is 1 / ipv4 / tcp / end actions rss func symmetric_toeplitz types ipv4 end key_len 0 queues end / end
     flow validate 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / gtpu / gtp_psc pdu_t is 1 / ipv4 / tcp / end actions rss func symmetric_toeplitz types ipv6-tcp end key_len 0 queues end / end
     flow validate 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / gtpu / gtp_psc pdu_t is 1 / ipv4 / tcp / end actions rss func symmetric_toeplitz types tcp end key_len 0 queues end / end
     flow validate 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / gtpu / gtp_psc pdu_t is 1 / ipv4 / tcp / end actions rss func symmetric_toeplitz types ipv4-tcp l3-src-only end key_len 0 queues end / end
diff --git a/test_plans/cvl_advanced_rss_pppoe_vlan_esp_ah_l2tp_pfcp_test_plan.rst b/test_plans/cvl_advanced_rss_pppoe_vlan_esp_ah_l2tp_pfcp_test_plan.rst
index 52702686..09928615 100644
--- a/test_plans/cvl_advanced_rss_pppoe_vlan_esp_ah_l2tp_pfcp_test_plan.rst
+++ b/test_plans/cvl_advanced_rss_pppoe_vlan_esp_ah_l2tp_pfcp_test_plan.rst
@@ -53,18 +53,18 @@ Pattern and input set
     |                               | MAC_PPPOE_IPV4_PAY        | eth, l2-src-only, l2-dst-only, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, ipv4                    |
     |                               +---------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
     |                               | MAC_PPPOE_IPV4_UDP_PAY    | eth, l2-src-only, l2-dst-only, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only,                         |
-    |                               |                           | l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv4-udp                                               |
+    |                               |                           | l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv4-udp, ipv4                                         |
     |                               +---------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
     |                               | MAC_PPPOE_IPV4_TCP_PAY    | eth, l2-src-only, l2-dst-only, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only,                         |
-    |                               |                           | l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv4-tcp                                               |
+    |                               |                           | l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv4-tcp, ipv4                                         |
     |            PPPOE              +---------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
     |                               | MAC_PPPOE_IPV6_PAY        | eth, l2-src-only, l2-dst-only, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, ipv6                    |
     |                               +---------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
     |                               | MAC_PPPOE_IPV6_UDP_PAY    | eth, l2-src-only, l2-dst-only, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only,                         |
-    |                               |                           | l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv6-udp                                               |
+    |                               |                           | l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv6-udp, ipv6                                         |
     |                               +---------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
     |                               | MAC_PPPOE_IPV6_TCP_PAY    | eth, l2-src-only, l2-dst-only, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only,                         |
-    |                               |                           | l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv6-tcp                                               |
+    |                               |                           | l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv6-tcp, ipv6                                         |
     |                               +---------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
     |                               | MAC_PPPOE_PAY             | eth, l2-src-only, l2-dst-only, pppoe                                             |
@@ -2110,6 +2110,59 @@ Subcase 12: MAC_PPPOE_IPV4_UDP_PAY_L3_SRC_ONLY_L3_DST_ONLY_L4_SRC_ONLY_L4_DST_ON
 4. send packets mismatched the pattern, check the hash values not exist.
+5. destroy the rule::
+     testpmd> flow destroy 0 rule 0
+     testpmd> flow list 0
+   check the rule not exists in the list.
+   send the matched packets, check the hash values of the packets are not exist.
+1. validate a rule for RSS type of MAC_PPPOE_IPV4_UDP_PAY::
+     testpmd> flow validate 0 ingress pattern eth / pppoes / ipv4 / udp / end actions rss types ipv4 end key_len 0 queues end / end
+   get the message::
+     Flow rule validated
+   check the flow list::
+     testpmd> flow list 0
+   check the rule not exists in the list.
+2. create a rule for RSS type of MAC_PPPOE_IPV4_UDP_PAY::
+     testpmd> flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / pppoes / ipv4 / udp / end actions rss types ipv4 end key_len 0 queues end / end
+     testpmd> flow list 0
+   check the rule exists in the list.
+3. send matched packets
+   * MAC_PPPOE_IPV4_UDP_PAY packet::
+       sendp([Ether(src="00:11:22:33:44:55", dst="10:22:33:44:55:66")/PPPoE(sessionid=3)/PPP(proto=0x0021)/IP(src="", dst="")/UDP(sport=25,dport=23)/Raw("x"*80)],iface="ens786f0")
+     change the fields [Source IP][Dest IP], send packets::
+       sendp([Ether(src="00:11:22:33:44:55", dst="10:22:33:44:55:66")/PPPoE(sessionid=3)/PPP(proto=0x0021)/IP(src="", dst="")/UDP(sport=25,dport=23)/Raw("x"*80)],iface="ens786f0")
+       sendp([Ether(src="00:11:22:33:44:55", dst="10:22:33:44:55:66")/PPPoE(sessionid=3)/PPP(proto=0x0021)/IP(src="", dst="")/UDP(sport=25,dport=23)/Raw("x"*80)],iface="ens786f0")
+       sendp([Ether(src="00:11:22:33:44:55", dst="10:22:33:44:55:66")/PPPoE(sessionid=3)/PPP(proto=0x0021)/IP(src="", dst="")/UDP(sport=25,dport=23)/Raw("x"*80)],iface="ens786f0")
+     check the hash values are different from the first packet.
+     change other fields, send packets::
+       sendp([Ether(src="00:11:22:33:44:53", dst="10:22:33:44:55:99")/PPPoE(sessionid=7)/PPP(proto=0x0021)/IP(src="", dst="")/UDP(sport=19,dport=99)/Raw("x"*80)],iface="ens786f0")
+     check the hash values are the same as the first packet.
+4. send packets mismatched the pattern, check the hash values not exist.
 5. destroy the rule::
      testpmd> flow destroy 0 rule 0
diff --git a/test_plans/cvl_advanced_rss_test_plan.rst b/test_plans/cvl_advanced_rss_test_plan.rst
index 729a6897..fc92e0f2 100644
--- a/test_plans/cvl_advanced_rss_test_plan.rst
+++ b/test_plans/cvl_advanced_rss_test_plan.rst
@@ -56,74 +56,74 @@ Pattern and input set
     | IPv4/IPv6 + TCP/UDP/SCTP      | MAC_IPV4                  | eth, l2-src-only, l2-dst-only, ipv4, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only                    |
     |                               | MAC_IPV4_UDP              | eth, l2-src-only, l2-dst-only, ipv4-udp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only,               |
-    |                               |                           | l4-src-only, l4-dst-only                                                         |
+    |                               |                           | l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv4                                                   |
     |                               | MAC_IPV4_TCP              | eth, l2-src-only, l2-dst-only, ipv4-tcp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only,               |
-    |                               |                           | l4-src-only, l4-dst-only                                                         |
+    |                               |                           | l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv4                                                   |
     |                               | MAC_IPV4_SCTP             | eth, l2-src-only, l2-dst-only, ipv4-sctp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only,              |
-    |                               |                           | l4-src-only, l4-dst-only                                                         |
+    |                               |                           | l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv4                                                   |
     |                               | MAC_IPV6                  | eth, l2-src-only, l2-dst-only, ipv6, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only                    |
     |                               | MAC_IPV6_UDP              | eth, l2-src-only, l2-dst-only, ipv6-udp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only,               |
-    |                               |                           | l4-src-only, l4-dst-only                                                         |
+    |                               |                           | l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv6                                                   |
     |                               | MAC_IPV6_TCP              | eth, l2-src-only, l2-dst-only, ipv6-tcp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only,               |
-    |                               |                           | l4-src-only, l4-dst-only                                                         |
+    |                               |                           | l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv6                                                   |
     |                               | MAC_IPV6_SCTP             | eth, l2-src-only, l2-dst-only, ipv6-sctp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only,              |
-    |                               |                           | l4-src-only, l4-dst-only                                                         |
+    |                               |                           | l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv6                                                   |
     | GTP-U data packet types       | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_IPV4        | gtpu, ipv4, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only                                             |
     | IPv4/IPv6 transport           |                           |                                                                                  |
     | IPv4/IPv6 payload             |                           |                                                                                  |
-    |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_IPV4_UDP    | gtpu, ipv4-udp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only               |
+    |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_IPV4_UDP    | gtpu, ipv4-udp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv4         |
-    |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_IPV4_TCP    | gtpu, ipv4-tcp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only               |
+    |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_IPV4_TCP    | gtpu, ipv4-tcp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv4         |
     |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_IPV6        | gtpu, ipv6, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only                                             |
-    |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_IPV6_UDP    | gtpu, ipv6-udp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only               |
+    |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_IPV6_UDP    | gtpu, ipv6-udp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv6         |
-    |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_IPV6_TCP    | gtpu, ipv6-tcp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only               |
+    |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_IPV6_TCP    | gtpu, ipv6-tcp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv6         |
     |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_IPV4        | gtpu, ipv4, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only                                             |
-    |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_IPV4_UDP    | gtpu, ipv4-udp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only               |
+    |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_IPV4_UDP    | gtpu, ipv4-udp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv4         |
-    |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_IPV4_TCP    | gtpu, ipv4-tcp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only               |
+    |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_IPV4_TCP    | gtpu, ipv4-tcp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv4         |
     |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_IPV6        | gtpu, ipv6, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only                                             |
-    |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_IPV6_UDP    | gtpu, ipv6-udp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only               |
+    |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_IPV6_UDP    | gtpu, ipv6-udp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv6         |
-    |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_IPV6_TCP    | gtpu, ipv6-tcp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only               |
+    |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_IPV6_TCP    | gtpu, ipv6-tcp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv6         |
     |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_EH_IPV4     | gtpu, ipv4, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only                                             |
-    |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_EH_IPV4_UDP | gtpu, ipv4-udp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only               |
+    |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_EH_IPV4_UDP | gtpu, ipv4-udp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv4         |
-    |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_EH_IPV4_TCP | gtpu, ipv4-tcp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only               |
+    |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_EH_IPV4_TCP | gtpu, ipv4-tcp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv4         |
     |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_EH_IPV6     | gtpu, ipv6, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only                                             |
-    |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_EH_IPV6_UDP | gtpu, ipv6-udp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only               |
+    |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_EH_IPV6_UDP | gtpu, ipv6-udp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv6         |
-    |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_EH_IPV6_TCP | gtpu, ipv6-tcp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only               |
+    |                               | MAC_IPV4_GTPU_EH_IPV6_TCP | gtpu, ipv6-tcp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv6         |
     |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_EH_IPV4     | gtpu, ipv4, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only                                             |
-    |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_EH_IPV4_UDP | gtpu, ipv4-udp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only               |
+    |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_EH_IPV4_UDP | gtpu, ipv4-udp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv4         |
-    |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_EH_IPV4_TCP | gtpu, ipv4-tcp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only               |
+    |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_EH_IPV4_TCP | gtpu, ipv4-tcp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv4         |
     |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_EH_IPV6     | gtpu, ipv6, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only                                             |
-    |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_EH_IPV6_UDP | gtpu, ipv6-udp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only               |
+    |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_EH_IPV6_UDP | gtpu, ipv6-udp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv6         |
-    |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_EH_IPV6_TCP | gtpu, ipv6-tcp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only               |
+    |                               | MAC_IPV6_GTPU_EH_IPV6_TCP | gtpu, ipv6-tcp, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv6         |
     | VLAN                          | MAC_VLAN_IPV4             | c-vlan                                                                           |
@@ -144,24 +144,24 @@ Pattern and input set
     | PPPOES                        | MAC_PPPOES_IPV4           | eth, l2-src-only, l2-dst-only, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, ipv4                    |
     |                               | MAC_PPPOES_IPV4_UDP       | eth, l2-src-only, l2-dst-only, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only,                         |
-    |                               |                           | l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv4-udp                                               |
+    |                               |                           | l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv4-udp, ipv4                                         |
     |                               | MAC_PPPOES_IPV4_TCP       | eth, l2-src-only, l2-dst-only, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only,                         |
-    |                               |                           | l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv4-tcp                                               |
+    |                               |                           | l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv4-tcp, ipv4                                         |
     |                               | MAC_PPPOES_IPV4_SCTP      | eth, l2-src-only, l2-dst-only, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only,                         |
-    |                               |                           | l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv4-sctp                                              |
+    |                               |                           | l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv4-sctp, ipv4                                        |
     |                               | MAC_PPPOES_IPV6           | eth, l2-src-only, l2-dst-only, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only, ipv6                    |
     |                               | MAC_PPPOES_IPV6_UDP       | eth, l2-src-only, l2-dst-only, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only,                         |
-    |                               |                           | l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv6-udp                                               |
+    |                               |                           | l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv6-udp, ipv6                                         |
     |                               | MAC_PPPOES_IPV6_TCP       | eth, l2-src-only, l2-dst-only, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only,                         |
-    |                               |                           | l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv6-tcp                                               |
+    |                               |                           | l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv6-tcp, ipv6                                         |
     |                               | MAC_PPPOES_IPV6_SCTP      | eth, l2-src-only, l2-dst-only, l3-src-only, l3-dst-only,                         |
-    |                               |                           | l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv6-udp                                               |
+    |                               |                           | l4-src-only, l4-dst-only, ipv6-udp, ipv6                                         |
     |                               | MAC_PPPOES                | eth, l2-src-only, l2-dst-only, pppoe                                             |
@@ -945,6 +945,33 @@ nvgre packet::
     sendp([Ether(src="00:11:22:33:44:53", dst="68:05:CA:BB:27:E0")/IP()/NVGRE()/Ether()/IP(dst="", src="")/UDP(sport=32,dport=23)/("X"*480)], iface="ens786f0")
+Subcase: MAC_IPV4_UDP_IPV4
+1. create rss rule::
+    flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / end actions rss types ipv4 end key_len 0 queues end / end
+2. hit pattern/defined input set:
+ipv4-udp packets::
+    sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55", src="68:05:CA:BB:26:E0")/IP(dst="", src="")/UDP(sport=22,dport=23)/("X"*480)],iface="ens786f0")
+    sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55", src="68:05:CA:BB:26:E0")/IP(dst="", src="")/UDP(sport=22,dport=23)/("X"*480)],iface="ens786f0")
+nvgre packet::
+    sendp([Ether(src="00:11:22:33:44:55", dst="68:05:CA:BB:26:E0")/IP()/NVGRE()/Ether()/IP(dst="", src="")/UDP(sport=22,dport=23)/("X"*480)], iface="ens786f0")
+    sendp([Ether(src="00:11:22:33:44:55", dst="68:05:CA:BB:26:E0")/IP()/NVGRE()/Ether()/IP(dst="", src="")/UDP(sport=22,dport=23)/("X"*480)], iface="ens786f0")
+3. hit pattern/not defined input set:
+ipv4-udp packets::
+    sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:53", src="68:05:CA:BB:27:E0")/IP(dst="", src="")/UDP(sport=32,dport=33)/("X"*480)],iface="enp134s0f0")
+nvgre packet::
+    sendp([Ether(src="00:11:22:33:44:53", dst="68:05:CA:BB:27:E0")/IP()/NVGRE()/Ether()/IP(dst="", src="")/UDP(sport=32,dport=233/("X"*480)], iface="ens786f0")
 Subcase: MAC_IPV4_UDP_ALL
 1. create rss rule::
@@ -1641,6 +1668,31 @@ ipv4_udp_vxlan_ipv6_udp packet::
     sendp([Ether(src="00:11:22:33:44:53", dst="68:05:CA:BB:27:E0")/IPv6()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether()/IPv6(src="ABAB:910B:6666:3457:8295:3333:1800:2928",dst="CDCD:910A:2222:5498:8475:1111:3900:2021")/UDP(sport=32,dport=23)/("X"*480)],iface="ens786f0")
+Subcase: MAC_IPV6_UDP_IPV6
+1. create rss rule::
+    flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv6 / udp / end actions rss types ipv6 end key_len 0 queues end / end
+2. hit pattern/defined input set:
+ipv6-udp packets::
+    sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55", src="68:05:CA:BB:26:E0")/IPv6(src="ABAB:910B:6666:3457:8295:3333:1800:2928",dst="CDCD:910A:2222:5498:8475:1111:3900:2020")/UDP(sport=22,dport=23)/("X"*480)],iface="enp134s0f0")
+    sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55", src="68:05:CA:BB:26:E0")/IPv6(src="ABAB:910B:6666:3457:8295:3333:1800:2929",dst="CDCD:910A:2222:5498:8475:1111:3900:2021")/UDP(sport=22,dport=23)/("X"*480)],iface="enp134s0f0")
+ipv4_udp_vxlan_ipv6_udp packet::
+    sendp([Ether(src="00:11:22:33:44:55", dst="68:05:CA:BB:26:E0")/IPv6()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether()/IPv6(src="ABAB:910B:6666:3457:8295:3333:1800:2928",dst="CDCD:910A:2222:5498:8475:1111:3900:2020")/UDP(sport=22,dport=23)/("X"*480)],iface="ens786f0")
+    sendp([Ether(src="00:11:22:33:44:55", dst="68:05:CA:BB:26:E0")/IPv6()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether()/IPv6(src="ABAB:910B:6666:3457:8295:3333:1800:2929",dst="CDCD:910A:2222:5498:8475:1111:3900:2021")/UDP(sport=22,dport=23)/("X"*480)],iface="ens786f0")
+3. hit pattern/not defined input set:
+ipv6-udp packets::
+    sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:53", src="68:05:CA:BB:27:E0")/IPv6(src="ABAB:910B:6666:3457:8295:3333:1800:2929",dst="CDCD:910A:2222:5498:8475:1111:3900:2020")/UDP(sport=32,dport=33)/("X"*480)],iface="enp134s0f0")
+ipv4_udp_vxlan_ipv6_udp packet::
+    sendp([Ether(src="00:11:22:33:44:53", dst="68:05:CA:BB:27:E0")/IPv6()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether()/IPv6(src="ABAB:910B:6666:3457:8295:3333:1800:2929",dst="CDCD:910A:2222:5498:8475:1111:3900:2020")/UDP(sport=32,dport=23)/("X"*480)],iface="ens786f0")
 Subcase: MAC_IPV6_UDP_ALL
@@ -1787,12 +1839,8 @@ all the test cases run the same test steps as below:
    check all the packets are distributed to queues by rss.
    note: if there is not this type packet in the case, omit this step.
 7. distroy the rule and list rule.
-8. send same packets with step 2.
-   if the rule is MAC_IPV4_UDP/TCP/SCTP or MAC_IPV6_UDP/TCP/SCTP,
-   check the received packets which switched ip address have different hash value,
-   which only switched L4 ports have same hash value.
-   if the rule is MAC_IPV4 or MAC_IPV6,
-   check the received packets have not hash value.
+8. send same packets with step 3, only switch ip address.
+   check the received packets which switched ip address have different hash value.
 Test case: symmetric MAC_IPV4
@@ -2083,9 +2131,12 @@ Test Case: negative case
     testpmd> flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / end actions rss types ipv4-udp end key_len 0 queues end / end
     ice_flow_create(): Failed to create flow
     port_flow_complain(): Caught PMD error type 10 (item specification): cause: 0x7fff3b61eb08, Invalid input set: Invalid argument
-    testpmd> flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / end actions rss types ipv4 end key_len 0 queues end / end
+    testpmd> flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / end actions rss types udp end key_len 0 queues end / end
     ice_flow_create(): Failed to create flow
-    port_flow_complain(): Caught PMD error type 10 (item specification): cause: 0x7fff3b61eb08, Invalid input set: Invalid argument
+    port_flow_complain(): Caught PMD error type 10 (item specification): cause: 0x7fff70533a48, Invalid input set: Invalid argument
+    testpmd> flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv6 / tcp / end actions rss types tcp end key_len 0 queues end / end
+    ice_flow_create(): Failed to create flow
+    port_flow_complain(): Caught PMD error type 10 (item specification): cause: 0x7fff70533a48, Invalid input set: Invalid argument
     testpmd> flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / end actions rss types ipv4-tcp end key_len 0 queues end / end
     ice_flow_create(): Failed to create flow
     port_flow_complain(): Caught PMD error type 10 (item specification): cause: 0x7fff3b61eb08, Invalid input set: Invalid argument
@@ -2105,7 +2156,8 @@ Test Case: negative case
     flow validate 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / end actions rss types eth l3-src-only end key_len 0 queues end / end
     flow validate 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / end actions rss types ipv4-udp end key_len 0 queues end / end
-    flow validate 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / end actions rss types ipv4 end key_len 0 queues end / end
+    flow validate 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / end actions rss types udp end key_len 0 queues end / end
+    flow validate 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv6 / tcp / end actions rss types tcp end key_len 0 queues end / end
     flow validate 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / end actions rss types ipv4-tcp end key_len 0 queues end / end
     flow validate 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / end actions rss types ipv6 end key_len 0 queues end / end
     flow validate 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / end actions rss func symmetric_toeplitz types ipv4 l3-src-only end key_len 0 queues end / end

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