[PATCH v1] virtio_vms: Add creation script

ohilyard at iol.unh.edu ohilyard at iol.unh.edu
Mon Feb 7 20:49:31 CET 2022

From: Owen Hilyard <ohilyard at iol.unh.edu>

Adds scripts and supporting files/documentation for building virtual
machines for virtio testing.

Signed-off-by: Owen Hilyard <ohilyard at iol.unh.edu>
 vm_images/Dockerfile              |   9 +
 vm_images/README.md               |  64 ++++
 vm_images/create_vm_image.py      | 470 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 vm_images/make_build_container.sh |  16 +
 vm_images/network-init.sh         |   6 +
 5 files changed, 565 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 vm_images/Dockerfile
 create mode 100644 vm_images/README.md
 create mode 100755 vm_images/create_vm_image.py
 create mode 100755 vm_images/make_build_container.sh
 create mode 100755 vm_images/network-init.sh

diff --git a/vm_images/Dockerfile b/vm_images/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e3f1e0d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vm_images/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+FROM ubuntu:20.04
+ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
+RUN apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y libguestfs-tools \
+    qemu linux-image-generic qemu-kvm libvirt-daemon-system libvirt-clients bridge-utils \
+    linux-image-unsigned-5.11.0-46-generic
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vm_images/README.md b/vm_images/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1a59810d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vm_images/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# DTS VM Images
+This folder contains utilities to create VM 
+images for use in virtio testing.
+## Host Requirements
+The host MUST have qemu/kvm with libvirtd installed
+and set up. 
+The host MUST be the same architecture as the VM
+you are building.
+The host MUST have podman and either docker or have podman
+aliased as docker (running "docker" calls podman).
+## Creating a VM
+Use the "create_vm_image.py" script to create the vm image.
+If you do not have the required containers on your system,
+it will build them. 
+The root password it asks for is what to set the VM's 
+root password to, not the root password of the system
+you run the script on. 
+``` --debug ``` will enable debug output from guestfs 
+tools. This produces a lot of output and you shouldn't
+use it unless something is going wrong.
+The base image MUST be a "cloud ready" or "prebuilt"
+image, meaning you cannot use an installer ISO. It also
+must be in the qcow2 format, (use qemu-img to convert it).
+Most distros will have a "cloud image" which is in the 
+correct format. This base image will not be modified
+by the build script.
+The output image is where all of the modifications go and
+it is the image that you should use with DTS.
+## Supported Distros
+Currently, only RHEL 8 family distros and Ubuntu 20.04 are 
+supported. Debian might work, but it is untested. Most
+testing has gone to Ubuntu 20.04. 
+## Architectures
+Due to the way that guestfs tools work, they must run 
+under kvm, but the host needs to have a kernel image 
+that can be used to boot the VM. It may be possible
+to work around this issue using containers, but 
+several days of experimentation kept running into 
+more and more complex issues with the interactions
+between libguestfs and docker/podman. As such,
+your best bet is to build your VMs on either a 
+bare-metal system of your desired architecture
+or inside a VM already being emulated as your desired 
+architecture. This second approach may run into
+issues with the hypervisor, since not all hypervisors 
+support nested virtualization by default. Since you need
+an appropriate kernel image installed as well, it may
+be easiest to build VMs using whatever distro you already
+use for most of your servers.
diff --git a/vm_images/create_vm_image.py b/vm_images/create_vm_image.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..88ffc7f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vm_images/create_vm_image.py
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+import argparse
+import enum
+import os
+import subprocess
+from sys import stderr
+from typing import List, Optional, Set, Tuple
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+import platform
+DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME = "dts_vm_builder"
+# From https://libguestfs.org/guestfs.3.html#guestfs_inspect_get_distro
+class OsFamily(enum.Enum):
+    ALPINE = "alpinelinux"
+    ALT = "altlinux"
+    ARCH = "archlinux"
+    BUILDROOT_DERIVED = "buildroot"
+    CENTOS = "centos"
+    CIRROS = "cirros"
+    COREOS = "coreos"
+    DEBIAN = "debian"
+    FEDORA = "fedora"
+    FREEBSD = "freebsd"
+    FREEDOS = "freedos"
+    FRUNGALWARE = "frugalware"
+    GENTOO = "gentoo"
+    KALI = "kalilinux"
+    KYLIN = "kylin"
+    MINT = "linuxmint"
+    MAGEIA = "mageia"
+    MANDRIVA = "mandriva"
+    MEEGO = "meego"
+    MSDOS = "msdos"
+    NEOKYLIN = "neokylin"
+    NETBSD = "netbsd"
+    OPENBSD = "openbsd"
+    OPENMANDRIVA = "openmandriva"
+    OPENSUSE = "opensuse"
+    ORACLE = "oraclelinux"
+    PARDUS = "pardus"
+    PLD = "pldlinux"
+    RHEL_BASED = "redhat-based"
+    RHEL = "rhel"
+    ROCKY = "rocky"
+    SCIENTIFIC_LINUX = "scientificlinux"
+    SLACKWARE = "slackware"
+    SLES = "sles"
+    SUSE_BASED = "suse-based"
+    TTY_LINUX = "ttylinux"
+    UBUNTU = "ubuntu"
+    VOID = "voidlinux"
+    WINDOWS = "windows"
+    UNKNOWN = "unknown"
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.value
+# The Os Families that are supported
+    OsFamily.CENTOS,
+    OsFamily.DEBIAN,
+    OsFamily.FEDORA,
+    OsFamily.RHEL_BASED,
+    OsFamily.RHEL,
+    OsFamily.UBUNTU,
+# From https://libguestfs.org/guestfs.3.html#guestfs_file_architecture
+class Arch(enum.Enum):
+    aarch64 = "aarch64"
+    i386 = "i386"
+    ia64 = "ia64"
+    ppc = "ppc"
+    ppc64 = "ppc64"
+    ppc64le = "ppc64le"
+    riscv32 = "riscv32"
+    riscv64 = "riscv64"
+    riscv128 = "riscv128"
+    s390 = "s390"
+    s390x = "s390x"
+    sparc = "sparc"
+    sparc64 = "sparc64"
+    x86_64 = "x86_64"
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.value
+# The supported architectures
+SUPPORTED_ARCHITECTURES = {Arch.x86_64, Arch.aarch64, Arch.ppc64}
+def validate_filepath(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, filepath: str) -> str:
+    if not os.path.isabs(filepath):
+        filepath = os.path.abspath(filepath)
+    if os.path.exists(filepath):
+        return filepath
+    else:
+        parser.error(f"Path {filepath} not found")
+def parse_arguments() -> argparse.Namespace:
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    # Base image file
+    parser.add_argument("base_image", type=lambda f: validate_filepath(parser, f))
+    # Where to write the vm image to
+    parser.add_argument("output_path")
+    # What to set the root password to
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--root_password", help="The new root password for the vm", default="dts"
+    )
+    # Whether to run virt-customize in debug mode
+    parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", default=False)
+    return parser.parse_args()
+def run_subprocess(
+    os_family_tags: Set[OsFamily],
+    base_image_path: str,
+    output_path: str,
+    root_password: str,
+    debug_mode: bool,
+    arch: Arch,
+    copy_base_image_to_output_path(base_image_path, output_path)
+    print("Building under emulation")
+    # Check if the docker container already exists
+    docker_process = subprocess.run(
+        f"docker image ls {DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}", capture_output=True, shell=True
+    )
+    if docker_process.returncode != 0:
+        error("Unable to check for presence of docker image")
+    if not len(docker_process.stdout.splitlines()) >= 2:  # image does not exist
+        subprocess.run(f"./make_build_container.sh")
+    docker_command = [
+        "docker",
+        "run",
+        # The container needs to access QEMU/KVM
+        # "--privileged",
+        "-d",
+        "--platform",
+    ]
+    if arch == Arch.x86_64:
+        docker_command += ("linux/amd64",)
+    elif arch == Arch.ppc64le:
+        docker_command += ("linux/ppc64le",)
+    elif arch == Arch.aarch64:
+        docker_command += ("linux/arm64",)
+    else:
+        error(f"Please add {arch} to the if chain selecting the docker platform")
+    docker_command += ("-v $(pwd):/vm_folder",)
+    if debug_mode:
+        docker_command += (
+            "-e",
+            "LIBGUESTFS_DEBUG=1",
+            "-e",
+            "LIBGUESTFS_TRACE=1",
+        )
+    # Run cat so it doesn't terminate until we stop it
+    docker_command += f"-it {DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}:{arch}", "cat"
+    # if debug_mode:
+    print("Running:")
+    print(" ".join(docker_command))
+    print("\n\n")
+    docker_process = subprocess.run(
+        " ".join(docker_command), shell=True, capture_output=True
+    )
+    if docker_process.returncode != 0:
+        print(docker_process.stderr)
+        print(docker_process.stdout)
+        error("Unable to run docker container, try --debug")
+    container_id = docker_process.stdout.strip().decode()
+    if debug_mode:
+        print(f"Docker container is {container_id}")
+    virt_customize_command = get_virt_customize_command(
+        os_family_tags, output_path, root_password
+    )
+    vm_build_command = ["docker", "exec", "-w", "/vm_folder"]
+    if debug_mode:
+        vm_build_command += (
+            "-e",
+            "LIBGUESTFS_DEBUG=1",
+            "-e",
+            "LIBGUESTFS_TRACE=1",
+        )
+    vm_build_command += (
+        "-it",
+        container_id,
+    )
+    vm_build_command += (virt_customize_command,)
+    # if debug_mode:
+    print(" ".join(vm_build_command))
+    vm_build_process = subprocess.run(" ".join(vm_build_command), shell=True)
+    if vm_build_process.returncode == 0:
+        # Shut down the build container
+        subprocess.run(f"docker kill {container_id}", shell=True)
+    print(vm_build_process.returncode)
+def run_command_in_docker_container(
+    container_id: str, command: str, debug_mode: bool, **kwargs
+) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess:
+    docker_command = "docker exec "
+    if debug_mode:
+        docker_command += f"-e LIBGUESTFS_DEBUG=1 -e LIBGUESTFS_TRACE=1"
+    docker_command += f"-w /vm_folder -t {container_id} {command}"
+    return subprocess.run(docker_command, **kwargs)
+def copy_base_image_to_output_path(base_image_path: str, output_path: str):
+    real_base_image_path: str = os.path.realpath(base_image_path)
+    real_output_path: str = os.path.realpath(output_path)
+    if (
+        real_base_image_path != real_output_path
+    ):  # do not copy if they are the same path
+        subprocess.run(
+            ["cp", real_base_image_path, real_output_path],
+            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+            stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+        )
+def get_virt_customize_command(
+    os_family_tags: Set[OsFamily], output_path: str, root_password: str
+) -> str:
+    commands = [
+        f"virt-customize -a {output_path} --root-password password:{root_password} --update",
+    ]
+    commands = commands + get_enable_additional_repos_commands(os_family_tags)
+    packages = get_packages_for_os_family(os_family_tags)
+    packagelist = ",".join(packages)
+    commands += (f"--run-command dhclient",)
+    commands += (f"--install {packagelist}",)
+    commands += (f"--run-command {get_install_meson_command(os_family_tags)}",)
+    commands += (f"--run-command {get_setup_hugepages_command(os_family_tags)}",)
+    commands += (f"--run-command {get_hugepage_mount_command(os_family_tags)}",)
+    commands = commands + get_security_enforcement_disable_command(
+        os_family_tags, output_path
+    )
+    return " ".join(commands)
+def get_enable_additional_repos_commands(os_family_tags: Set[OsFamily]):
+    if OsFamily.RHEL in os_family_tags and OsFamily.FEDORA not in os_family_tags:
+        packages = [
+            "yum-utils",
+            "epel-release",
+        ]
+        packagelist = ",".join(packages)
+        return [
+            f"--install {packagelist}",
+            f"--run-command 'yum-config-manager --enable powertools'",
+        ]
+    elif OsFamily.DEBIAN in os_family_tags:
+        return []
+def get_packages_for_os_family(os_family_tags: Set[OsFamily]) -> List[str]:
+    if OsFamily.DEBIAN in os_family_tags:
+        return [
+            "make",
+            "gcc",
+            "g++",
+            "libc-dev",
+            "libc6-dev",
+            "ninja-build",
+            "pkg-config",
+            "libnuma-dev",
+            "python3-pyelftools",
+            "abigail-tools",
+            "git",
+            "librdmacm-dev",
+            "librdmacm1",
+            "rdma-core",
+            "libelf-dev",
+            "libmnl-dev",
+            "libpcap-dev",
+            "libcrypto++-dev",
+            "libjansson-dev",
+            "libatomic1",
+            "python3-pip",
+            "python3-setuptools",
+            "python3-wheel",
+            "iperf",
+        ]
+    elif OsFamily.RHEL in os_family_tags:
+        return [
+            "make",
+            "gcc",
+            "pkg-config",
+            "ninja-build",
+            "numactl-libs",
+            "python3-pyelftools",
+            "libabigail-devel",
+            "git",
+            "librdmacm",
+            "librdmacm-utils",
+            "rdma-core",
+            "elfutils-libelf-devel",
+            "libmnl-devel",
+            "libpcap-devel",
+            "cryptopp-devel",
+            "jansson-devel",
+            "libatomic",
+            "python3-pip",
+            "python3-setuptools",
+            "python3-wheel",
+        ]
+    else:
+        error(f"Unable to get packages for {os_family_tags} OS family.")
+def get_install_meson_command(os_family_tags: Set[OsFamily]) -> str:
+    if OsFamily.DEBIAN in os_family_tags or OsFamily.RHEL in os_family_tags:
+        return '"python3 -m pip install meson"'
+    else:
+        error(f"Unknown command to install meson for {os_family_tags}")
+def get_setup_hugepages_command(os_family_tags: Set[OsFamily]) -> str:
+    if OsFamily.DEBIAN in os_family_tags or OsFamily.RHEL in os_family_tags:
+        return (
+            '"sed -i -r \'s/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\\"([^\\"]+)\\"/'
+            'GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\\"\\1 default_hugepagesz=2M hugepagesz=2M'
+            ' hugepages=1375 hugepagesz=1G hugepages=8\\"/\' /etc/default/grub"'
+        )
+    else:
+        error(f"Unknown command to setup hugepages for {os_family_tags}")
+def get_hugepage_mount_command(os_family_tags: Set[OsFamily]) -> str:
+    if OsFamily.DEBIAN in os_family_tags or OsFamily.RHEL in os_family_tags:
+        return '"mkdir -p /dev/huge && mount nodev -t hugetlbfs -o rw,pagesize=2M /dev/huge/ && umount /dev/huge"'
+    else:
+        error(f"Unknown hugepage mount command for {os_family_tags}")
+def get_security_enforcement_disable_command(
+    os_family_tags: Set[OsFamily], output_path: str
+) -> List[str]:
+    if OsFamily.RHEL in os_family_tags:
+        return [f"--run-command 'echo \"SELINUX=disabled\" > /etc/selinux/config'"]
+    else:
+        return []
+def get_os_family_tags(distribution: OsFamily) -> Set[OsFamily]:
+    tags: Set[OsFamily] = {distribution}
+    # This is not an if-elif-else chain to reduce duplicate code. This way,
+    # for example, a specialized ubuntu distribution may first be tagged
+    # ubuntu, then all the ubuntu tags will be applied to it. The most
+    # specific distros should be placed first.
+    if OsFamily.UBUNTU in tags:
+        tags.add(OsFamily.DEBIAN)
+    if OsFamily.FEDORA in tags:
+        tags.add(OsFamily.CENTOS)
+    if OsFamily.CENTOS in tags:
+        tags.add(OsFamily.RHEL)
+    if OsFamily.RHEL in tags:
+        tags.add(OsFamily.RHEL)
+    return tags
+def check_being_run_as_root():
+    proc = subprocess.run(["whoami"], capture_output=True)
+    if "root".encode() not in proc.stdout:
+        error("This program must be run as root.")
+def get_image_info(base_image_path: str) -> (OsFamily, Arch):
+    command = [
+        "virt-inspector",
+        # Otherwise it will show everything installed via the package manager
+        "--no-applications",
+        # We don't need to icon for the distro
+        "--no-icon",
+        "-a",
+        base_image_path,
+    ]
+    proc = subprocess.run(command, capture_output=True)
+    if proc.returncode != 0:
+        print(proc.stdout)
+        print(proc.stderr)
+        error("Unable to inspect base image")
+    tree = ET.fromstring(proc.stdout)
+    distro = OsFamily(tree.findtext("operatingsystem/distro"))
+    arch = Arch(tree.findtext("operatingsystem/arch"))
+    return distro, arch
+def main():
+    args = parse_arguments()
+    check_being_run_as_root()
+    distro, arch = get_image_info(args.base_image)
+    if distro not in SUPPORTED_OS_FAMILIES:
+        error(f"Unsupported distro {distro}")
+    if arch not in SUPPORTED_ARCHITECTURES:
+        error(f"Unsupported architecture {arch}")
+    os_family_tags = get_os_family_tags(distro)
+    run_subprocess(
+        os_family_tags,
+        args.base_image,
+        args.output_path,
+        args.root_password,
+        args.debug,
+        arch,
+    )
+def error(message: str):
+    print(message, file=stderr)
+    exit(1)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/vm_images/make_build_container.sh b/vm_images/make_build_container.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..fb447243
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vm_images/make_build_container.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Podman is used here because Docker does very odd things when
+# building for another architecture. Docker's solution to this,
+# buildx, is still unstable.
+podman build --arch arm64 -t dts_vm_builder:aarch64 . &
+podman build --arch amd64 -t dts_vm_builder:x86_64 . &
+podman build --arch ppc64le -t dts_vm_builder:ppc64le . &
+wait $DTS_x86_64_BUILD_PID
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vm_images/network-init.sh b/vm_images/network-init.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..ad0190a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vm_images/network-init.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Used to ensure networking is up for all images
+# This is a brute-force approach to try to ensure it always works
+ifconfig | grep -Po "^[^:\s]+:" | tr -d ':' | xargs -I % ip link set % up
\ No newline at end of file

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