[dts][V3 1/2] framework/*: Add function to support ASan test

Jun Dong junx.dong at intel.com
Thu Feb 10 03:49:51 CET 2022

- Move config related hard code.
- Add to support custom defined log output dir.

- Modify filter bound format in conf file.
- Add json foramt test report and text statistics info file.

- Add one dts run parameter to control asan test.
- Add asan.cfg in conf folder to config asan  test.
- Add one module of asan_test to support asan test.

Signed-off-by: Jun Dong <junx.dong at intel.com>
 conf/asan.cfg          |   6 +
 framework/asan_test.py | 385 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 framework/dts.py       |  14 +-
 main.py                |   6 +-
 4 files changed, 406 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 conf/asan.cfg
 create mode 100644 framework/asan_test.py

diff --git a/conf/asan.cfg b/conf/asan.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..18537f0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conf/asan.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Filter bounds pairs, use colon split bounds, use comma split pairs
+# ASan meson build related params
+build_param=-Dbuildtype=debug -Db_lundef=false -Db_sanitize=address
diff --git a/framework/asan_test.py b/framework/asan_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..72390115
--- /dev/null
+++ b/framework/asan_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+import configparser
+import os
+import re
+import xlrd
+import framework.settings as settings
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from framework.excel_reporter import ExcelReporter
+from .json_reporter import JSONReporter
+from .stats_reporter import StatsReporter
+from framework.test_result import Result
+ASan_FILTER_BOUNDS = 'filter_bounds'
+ASan_PARAM_KEY = 'build_param'
+ASan_CONFIG_FILE_PATH = '%s/asan.cfg' % settings.CONFIG_ROOT_PATH
+COMMAND_PATTERN_OF_ADDRESS_RANDOM_SWITCH = 'echo %s > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space'
+NEW_TEST_REPORT_FILE = 'asan_test_results.xls'
+NEW_JSON_REPORT_FILE = 'asan_test_results.json'
+NEW_STATS_REPORT_FILE = 'asan_statistics.txt'
+ORIGIN_TEST_REPORT_FILE = 'test_results.xls'
+class ASanTestProcess(object):
+    IS_SUPPORT_ASan_TEST = False
+    @staticmethod
+    def test_prepare(is_support_ASan_test, output_dir):
+        if is_support_ASan_test:
+            ASanTestProcess.IS_SUPPORT_ASan_TEST = True
+            # use framework default or customer defined output dir
+            global REPORT_OUTPUT_PATH
+            REPORT_OUTPUT_PATH = output_dir
+            _FrameworkADAPTER.decorator_dts_run()
+            _FrameworkADAPTER.decorator_send_expect()
+            _FrameworkADAPTER.decorator_build_install_dpdk()
+    @staticmethod
+    def test_process():
+        if ASanTestProcess.IS_SUPPORT_ASan_TEST:
+            report_process_obj = _NewReport()
+            report_process_obj.process_report_header()
+            report_process_obj.process_report_detail()
+            report_process_obj.save_report()
+class _FrameworkADAPTER(object):
+    @staticmethod
+    def decorator_build_install_dpdk():
+        added_param = _ASanConfig().build_param
+        if added_param is not None:
+            from framework.project_dpdk import DPDKdut
+            origin_func = DPDKdut.build_install_dpdk
+            def new_func(*args, **kwargw):
+                kwargw['extra_options'] = ' '.join([kwargw.get('extra_options', ''), added_param])
+                origin_func(*args, **kwargw)
+            DPDKdut.build_install_dpdk = new_func
+    @staticmethod
+    def decorator_dts_run():
+        import framework.dts as dts
+        origin_func = dts.dts_run_suite
+        def new_func(*args, **kwargs):
+            duts = args[0]
+            for dut in duts:
+                dut.send_expect(COMMAND_OF_CLOSE_ADDRESS_RANDOM, "#")
+            origin_func(*args, **kwargs)
+            for dut in duts:
+                dut.send_expect(COMMAND_OF_OPEN_ADDRESS_RANDOM, "#")
+        dts.dts_run_suite = new_func
+    @staticmethod
+    def decorator_send_expect():
+        import framework.ssh_pexpect as ssh_pexpect
+        origin_func = ssh_pexpect.SSHPexpect._SSHPexpect__flush
+        def new_func(self):
+            DELETE_CONTENT_PATTERN = r'^\s*\[?PEXPECT\]?#?\s*$'
+            befored_info = re.sub(DELETE_CONTENT_PATTERN, '', self.session.before).strip()
+            if len(befored_info) > MIN_LENGTH_OF_FILTERED_OUTPUT and self.logger:
+                self.logger.info(f'Buffered info: {befored_info}')
+            origin_func(self)
+        ssh_pexpect.SSHPexpect._SSHPexpect__flush = new_func
+class _ASanConfig(object):
+    def __init__(self, ):
+        self.config = configparser.ConfigParser()
+        self.config.read(ASan_CONFIG_FILE_PATH)
+        self._filter_list = None
+        self._build_params = None
+    def _read_ASan_sect_conf(self, key):
+        return self.config.get(ASan_CONFIG_SECT, key)
+    def _set_ASan_filter(self):
+        try:
+            origin_filter_string = self._read_ASan_sect_conf(ASan_FILTER_BOUNDS)
+            self._filter_list = [tuple(re.split(r':\s*', _filter)) for _filter in
+                                 re.split(r',\s*', origin_filter_string)]
+        except KeyError:
+            self._filter_list = []
+    def _set_ASan_param(self):
+        try:
+            param_string = self._read_ASan_sect_conf(ASan_PARAM_KEY)
+        except KeyError:
+            param_string = ''
+        self._build_params = param_string
+    @property
+    def filter_list(self):
+        self._set_ASan_filter()
+        return self._filter_list
+    @property
+    def build_param(self):
+        self._set_ASan_param()
+        return self._build_params
+class _OldExcelReport(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._report_file = os.path.join(REPORT_OUTPUT_PATH, ORIGIN_TEST_REPORT_FILE)
+        self._workbook: xlrd.Book = xlrd.open_workbook(self._report_file)
+        self._sheet_obj: xlrd.sheet.Sheet = self._workbook.sheets()[0]
+        self._rows = self._sheet_obj.nrows
+        self.current_row_num = 0
+    def generator_rows(self):
+        while True:
+            if self.current_row_num >= self._rows:
+                raise IndexError
+            row_number_of_jump_to = yield self._sheet_obj.row(self.current_row_num)
+            row = row_number_of_jump_to if row_number_of_jump_to is not None else self.current_row_num + 1
+            self.current_row_num = row
+class _OldExcelReportReader(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._old_report = _OldExcelReport()
+        self._header_line_num = 1
+        self._test_env_content_column = None
+        self._test_suite_content_column = None
+        self._gen_report_rows = self._old_report.generator_rows()
+        next(self._gen_report_rows)
+        self._report_content_dict = dict()
+        self._current_suite = None
+    def get_report_info(self):
+        try:
+            self._get_first_line()
+            self._get_test_env()
+            self._get_cases_result()
+        except IndexError:
+            pass
+        return self._report_content_dict
+    def _get_first_line(self):
+        header_row_title = self._gen_report_rows.send(self._header_line_num - 1)
+        header_row_content = self._gen_report_rows.send(self._header_line_num)
+        cell_num = 0
+        while header_row_title[cell_num].value != 'Test suite':
+            header_cell_title: str = header_row_title[cell_num].value
+            header_cell_content = header_row_content[cell_num].value
+            self._report_content_dict[header_cell_title.lower().replace(' ', '_')] = header_cell_content
+            cell_num = cell_num + 1
+        self._test_env_content_column = cell_num - 1
+        self._test_suite_content_column = cell_num
+    @staticmethod
+    def _get_value_from_cell(cells_list_of_row):
+        return [cell.value for cell in cells_list_of_row]
+    def _get_test_env(self):
+        env_key_list = ['driver', 'kdriver', 'firmware', 'package']
+        for env_key in env_key_list:
+            env_info_row = next(self._gen_report_rows)
+            env_cell_value = env_info_row[self._test_env_content_column].value
+            if env_cell_value:
+                env_value = env_cell_value.split(': ')[1]
+                self._report_content_dict[env_key] = env_value
+            else:
+                self._report_content_dict[env_key] = None
+                # back to previous line
+                self._gen_report_rows.send(self._old_report.current_row_num - 1)
+    def _get_cases_result(self):
+        for row_cells in self._gen_report_rows:
+            suite_content_column_begin = self._test_suite_content_column
+            suite_content_column_end = self._test_suite_content_column + 3
+            suite_name, case_name, original_result_msg = \
+                self._get_value_from_cell(row_cells[suite_content_column_begin:suite_content_column_end])
+            EMPTY_LINE_CONDITION = not suite_name and not case_name
+            NO_CASE_LINE_CONDITION = not case_name
+            SUITE_BEGIN_LINE_CONDITON = suite_name
+                continue
+                self._add_suite_info(suite_name)
+            self._add_case_info(case_name, original_result_msg)
+    def _add_suite_info(self, _suite):
+        self._report_content_dict.setdefault(_suite, dict())
+        self._current_suite = _suite
+    def _add_case_info(self, _case, _result_msg):
+        self._report_content_dict.get(self._current_suite)[_case] = _result_msg
+class _SuiteLogReader(object):
+    def __init__(self, suite_name):
+        self._suite_name = suite_name
+    @contextmanager
+    def suite_log_file(self):
+        from framework.utils import get_subclasses
+        from framework.test_case import TestCase
+        suite_full_name = 'TestSuite_' + self._suite_name
+        suite_module = __import__('tests.' + suite_full_name, fromlist=[suite_full_name])
+        suite_class_name = [test_case_name for test_case_name, _ in get_subclasses(suite_module, TestCase)][0]
+        log_file_path = os.path.join(REPORT_OUTPUT_PATH, suite_class_name)
+        log_file_obj = open(log_file_path + '.log', 'r')
+        yield log_file_obj
+        log_file_obj.close()
+class _NewReport(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._excel_report_file = os.path.join(REPORT_OUTPUT_PATH, NEW_TEST_REPORT_FILE)
+        self._json_report_file = os.path.join(REPORT_OUTPUT_PATH, NEW_JSON_REPORT_FILE)
+        self._stats_report_file = os.path.join(REPORT_OUTPUT_PATH, NEW_STATS_REPORT_FILE)
+        self._remove_history_asan_report()
+        self._excel_report = ExcelReporter(self._excel_report_file)
+        self._json_report = JSONReporter(self._json_report_file)
+        self._stats_report = StatsReporter(self._stats_report_file)
+        self._result_obj = Result()
+        self._old_report_reader = _OldExcelReportReader()
+        self._old_report_content: dict = self._old_report_reader.get_report_info()
+        self._new_suites_result = dict()
+        self._ASan_filter = _ASanConfig().filter_list
+        self._current_case = None
+        self._current_suite = None
+        self._filtered_line_cache = []
+        self._filter_begin = None
+        self._filter_end = None
+    def process_report_header(self):
+        head_key_list = ['dut', 'kdriver', 'firmware', 'package', 'driver', 'dpdk_version', 'target', 'nic']
+        for head_key in head_key_list:
+            head_value = self._old_report_content.setdefault(head_key, None)
+            self._old_report_content.pop(head_key)
+            setattr(self._result_obj, head_key, head_value)
+    def process_report_detail(self):
+        for suite in self._old_report_content.keys():
+            self._get_suite_new_result(suite)
+            self._parse_suite_result_to_result_obj()
+    def _get_suite_new_result(self, suite):
+        suite_log_reader = _SuiteLogReader(suite)
+        self._current_suite = suite
+        gen_suite_lines = suite_log_reader.suite_log_file()
+        self._get_case_result(gen_suite_lines)
+    def _parse_suite_result_to_result_obj(self):
+        self._result_obj.test_suite = self._current_suite
+        for case in self._old_report_content[self._current_suite]:
+            self._result_obj.test_case = case
+            if case in self._new_suites_result:
+                self._result_obj._Result__set_test_case_result(*self._new_suites_result[case])
+            else:
+                origin_result = self._get_origin_case_result(case)
+                self._result_obj._Result__set_test_case_result(*origin_result)
+    def save_report(self):
+        for report in (self._excel_report, self._json_report, self._stats_report):
+            report.save(self._result_obj)
+    def _remove_history_asan_report(self):
+        for file in (self._excel_report_file, self._json_report_file, self._stats_report_file):
+            if os.path.exists(file):
+                os.remove(file)
+    def _get_origin_case_result(self, case_name):
+        origin_cases_result: dict = self._old_report_content.get(self._current_suite)
+        origin_case_result: str = origin_cases_result.get(case_name)
+        CASE_RESULT_AND_MSG_PATTERN = r'(\S+)\s?(.*)'
+        result, msg = re.search(CASE_RESULT_AND_MSG_PATTERN, origin_case_result).groups()
+        if msg:
+            msg = msg.replace("'", '').replace('"', '')
+        return result, msg
+    def _get_case_result(self, suite_log_reader):
+        with suite_log_reader as log_file:
+            for line in log_file:
+                self._filter_asan_except(line)
+            self._log_file_end_handler()
+    def _filter_asan_except(self, line):
+        CASE_LOG_BEGIN_PATTERN = r'Test Case test_(\w+) Begin'
+        case_begin_match = re.search(CASE_LOG_BEGIN_PATTERN, line)
+        if case_begin_match:
+            case_name = case_begin_match.groups()[0]
+            self._case_begin_handler(case_name)
+            return
+        for filter_tuple in self._ASan_filter:
+            begin_filter, end_filter = filter_tuple
+            if begin_filter in line:
+                self._filter_matched_begin_handler(begin_filter, line)
+                return
+            if self._filter_begin is not None:
+                self._filter_matched_line_handler(line)
+                return
+            if end_filter in line:
+                self._filter_matched_end_handler(end_filter, line)
+                return
+    def _case_begin_handler(self, case_name):
+        self._save_previous_case_result_and_clean_env()
+        self._current_case = case_name
+    def _filter_matched_begin_handler(self, begin_key,  line):
+        self._filter_begin = begin_key
+        self._filtered_line_cache.append(line)
+    def _filter_matched_line_handler(self, line):
+        self._filtered_line_cache.append(line)
+    def _filter_matched_end_handler(self, end_key, line):
+        self._filtered_line_cache.append(line)
+        self._filter_begin = end_key
+    def _log_file_end_handler(self):
+        self._save_previous_case_result_and_clean_env()
+    def _save_previous_case_result_and_clean_env(self):
+        exist_previous_case_condition = self._current_case is not None
+        origin_report_contain_previous_case_result = \
+            self._current_case in self._old_report_content.get(self._current_suite)
+        if exist_previous_case_condition and origin_report_contain_previous_case_result:
+            self._save_case_result()
+        self._filtered_line_cache.clear()
+        self._filter_begin = None
+        self._filter_end = None
+    def _save_case_result(self):
+        cached_content = self._get_filtered_cached_result()
+        if self._current_case in self._new_suites_result:
+            # Run multiple times and keep the last result
+            self._new_suites_result.pop(self._current_case)
+        if cached_content:
+            # filter hit scene
+            self._new_suites_result[self._current_case] = ('FAILED', cached_content)
+        else:
+            # filter not hit scene
+            self._new_suites_result[self._current_case] = self._get_origin_case_result(self._current_case)
+    def _get_filtered_cached_result(self):
+        ASan_FILTER_CONTENT_PATTERN = rf"{self._filter_begin}[\s\S]+(?!{self._filter_end})?"
+        key_search_result = re.findall(ASan_FILTER_CONTENT_PATTERN, ''.join(self._filtered_line_cache))
+        return key_search_result[0] if key_search_result else ''
diff --git a/framework/dts.py b/framework/dts.py
index 892aa1fc..e0af1747 100644
--- a/framework/dts.py
+++ b/framework/dts.py
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ from .utils import (
+from framework.asan_test import ASanTestProcess
 requested_tests = None
@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ def dts_run_suite(duts, tester, test_suites, target, subtitle):
 def run_all(config_file, pkgName, git, patch, skip_setup,
             read_cache, project, suite_dir, test_cases,
             base_dir, output_dir, verbose, virttype, debug,
-            debugcase, re_run, commands, subtitle, update_expected):
+            debugcase, re_run, commands, subtitle, update_expected, asan):
     Main process of DTS, it will run all test suites in the config file.
@@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ def run_all(config_file, pkgName, git, patch, skip_setup,
     global log_handler
     global check_case_inst
-    # check the python version of the server that run dts 
+    # check the python version of the server that run dts
     # save global variable
@@ -530,6 +530,9 @@ def run_all(config_file, pkgName, git, patch, skip_setup,
     if output_dir == '':
         output_dir = settings.FOLDERS['Output']
+    # prepare ASan test
+    ASanTestProcess.test_prepare(asan, output_dir)
     if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
@@ -561,7 +564,7 @@ def run_all(config_file, pkgName, git, patch, skip_setup,
     # Read config file
     dts_cfg_folder = settings.load_global_setting(settings.DTS_CFG_FOLDER)
     if dts_cfg_folder != '':
-        config_file = dts_cfg_folder + os.sep +  config_file
+        config_file = dts_cfg_folder + os.sep + config_file
     config = configparser.SafeConfigParser()
     load_cfg = config.read(config_file)
@@ -635,6 +638,9 @@ def run_all(config_file, pkgName, git, patch, skip_setup,
+    # process ASan test report
+    ASanTestProcess.test_process()
 def show_speedup_options_messages(read_cache, skip_setup):
     if read_cache:
diff --git a/main.py b/main.py
index 10ed88b5..cae1840e 100755
--- a/main.py
+++ b/main.py
@@ -158,6 +158,10 @@ parser.add_argument('--update-expected',
                     help='update expected values based on test results')
+                    action='store_true',
+                    help='add function to support ASan test')
 args = parser.parse_args()
@@ -175,4 +179,4 @@ dts.run_all(args.config_file, args.snapshot, args.git,
             args.project, args.suite_dir, args.test_cases,
             args.dir, args.output, args.verbose,args.virttype,
             args.debug, args.debugcase, args.re_run, args.commands,
-            args.subtitle, args.update_expected)
+            args.subtitle, args.update_expected, args.asan)

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