DTS WG meeting minutes - 1/12/22

Honnappa Nagarahalli Honnappa.Nagarahalli at arm.com
Fri Jan 21 01:48:38 CET 2022


> > DTS. Will be discussed when Lincoln and Juraj are available 5) The DTS
> > user guide and DTS test plans are being built using makefile. This
> > needs to be changed to using meson build.
> >
> For this point #5, not knowing the details here, but at a high level, I wonder if
> that really needs to be done, if the existing make build of the doc works ok. As
> the plan is to move DTS into DPDK repo, presumably the documentation would
> also move, and at that point it can just reuse the DPDK meson build
> infrastructure for documentation. Is there a compelling reason to invest in
> doing this change earlier? For docs rather than code, moving to meson doesn't
> generally give much benefit - the only reason we did so in main DPDK repo was
> consistency with everything else.
Thanks Bruce for the comments.
The reason for considering this was to stay consistent with DPDK and the changes seem to be small.

IMO (it still need to be discussed in WG), the DTS will stay separated from the rest of the code (though under the same repo). For ex: the documentation building might not be integrated with DPDK doc build. This will ensure that DPDK doc build times are not affected. But, we could have a different target to build DTS doc at the root level.

It makes sense to differ this to a later point.
> /Bruce

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