[dts][PATCH V1 3/4] tests/loopback_vhost_async_perf_dsa: add new testsuite

Wei Ling weix.ling at intel.com
Mon Feb 6 04:39:33 CET 2023

Add tests/TestSuite_loopback_vhost_async_perf_dsa.py to test 
loopback vhost/virtio multi-paths async data-path use DSA device 
with dpdk and kernel driver.

Signed-off-by: Wei Ling <weix.ling at intel.com>
 ...TestSuite_loopback_vhost_async_perf_dsa.py | 974 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 974 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 tests/TestSuite_loopback_vhost_async_perf_dsa.py

diff --git a/tests/TestSuite_loopback_vhost_async_perf_dsa.py b/tests/TestSuite_loopback_vhost_async_perf_dsa.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..09b7e681
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/TestSuite_loopback_vhost_async_perf_dsa.py
@@ -0,0 +1,974 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+# Copyright(c) 2010-2019 Intel Corporation
+import json
+import os
+import re
+import time
+from copy import deepcopy
+import framework.rst as rst
+from framework.pmd_output import PmdOutput
+from framework.settings import UPDATE_EXPECTED, load_global_setting
+from framework.test_case import TestCase
+from .virtio_common import dsa_common as DC
+class TestLoopbackVhostAsyncPerfDsa(TestCase):
+    def set_up_all(self):
+        """
+        Run at the start of each test suite.
+        """
+        self.nb_ports = 1
+        self.vhost_user = self.dut.new_session(suite="vhost-user")
+        self.virtio_user = self.dut.new_session(suite="virtio-user")
+        self.vhost_user_pmd = PmdOutput(self.dut, self.vhost_user)
+        self.virtio_user_pmd = PmdOutput(self.dut, self.virtio_user)
+        self.dut_ports = self.dut.get_ports()
+        self.ports_socket = self.dut.get_numa_id(self.dut_ports[0])
+        self.core_list = self.dut.get_core_list(config="all", socket=self.ports_socket)
+        self.vhost_user_core = self.core_list[0:3]
+        self.virtio_user_core = self.core_list[3:5]
+        self.frame_sizes = [64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 1518]
+        self.testpmd_path = self.dut.apps_name["test-pmd"]
+        self.testpmd_name = self.testpmd_path.split("/")[-1]
+        self.base_dir = self.dut.base_dir.replace("~", "/root")
+        self.save_result_flag = True
+        self.json_obj = dict()
+        self.DC = DC(self)
+    def set_up(self):
+        """
+        Run before each test case.
+        """
+        self.dut.send_expect("killall -s INT %s" % self.testpmd_name, "#")
+        self.dut.send_expect("rm -rf %s/vhost-net*" % self.base_dir, "#")
+        self.DC.reset_all_work_queue()
+        self.DC.bind_all_dsa_to_kernel()
+        # Prepare the result table
+        self.table_header = [
+            "Frame Size",
+            "TXD/RXD",
+            "Throughput",
+            "Expected Throughput",
+            "Throughput Difference",
+        ]
+        self.result_table_create(self.table_header)
+        # test parameters include: frames size, descriptor numbers
+        self.test_parameters = self.get_suite_cfg()["test_parameters"]
+        self.nb_desc = self.test_parameters[64][0]
+        # traffic duraion in second
+        self.test_duration = self.get_suite_cfg()["test_duration"]
+        # initilize throughput attribution
+        # {'$framesize':{"$nb_desc": 'throughput'}
+        self.throughput = {}
+        # Accepted tolerance in Mpps
+        self.gap = self.get_suite_cfg()["accepted_tolerance"]
+        self.test_result = {}
+    def start_vhost_user_testpmd(
+        self, eal_param, param, no_pci=True, ports="", port_options=""
+    ):
+        """
+        start testpmd on vhost-user
+        """
+        if no_pci:
+            self.vhost_user_pmd.start_testpmd(
+                cores=self.vhost_user_core,
+                eal_param=eal_param,
+                param=param,
+                no_pci=True,
+                prefix="vhost-user",
+                fixed_prefix=True,
+            )
+        else:
+            self.vhost_user_pmd.start_testpmd(
+                cores=self.vhost_user_core,
+                eal_param=eal_param,
+                param=param,
+                ports=ports,
+                port_options=port_options,
+                prefix="vhost-user",
+                fixed_prefix=True,
+            )
+        self.vhost_user_pmd.execute_cmd("set fwd mac")
+    def start_virtio_user_testpmd(self, eal_param, param):
+        """
+        start testpmd on virtio-user
+        """
+        self.virtio_user_pmd.start_testpmd(
+            cores=self.virtio_user_core,
+            eal_param=eal_param,
+            param=param,
+            no_pci=True,
+            prefix="virtio-user",
+            fixed_prefix=True,
+        )
+        self.virtio_user_pmd.execute_cmd("set fwd mac")
+        self.virtio_user_pmd.execute_cmd("start")
+    def send_and_verify(self, frame_size):
+        self.throughput[frame_size] = dict()
+        self.vhost_user_pmd.execute_cmd("set txpkts %s" % frame_size)
+        self.vhost_user_pmd.execute_cmd("start tx_first 32")
+        self.vhost_user_pmd.execute_cmd("show port stats 0")
+        time.sleep(5)
+        show_times = 10
+        count = 0.0
+        for _ in range(show_times):
+            out = self.vhost_user_pmd.execute_cmd("show port stats 0")
+            lines = re.search("Rx-pps:\s*(\d*)", out)
+            rx_pps = lines.group(1)
+            count += float(rx_pps)
+        Mpps = count / (1000000 * show_times)
+        self.throughput[frame_size][self.nb_desc] = Mpps
+        results_row = [frame_size]
+        results_row.append(self.nb_desc)
+        results_row.append(Mpps)
+        self.result_table_add(results_row)
+    def handle_expected(self):
+        """
+        Update expected numbers to configurate file: $DTS_CFG_FOLDER/$suite_name.cfg
+        """
+        if load_global_setting(UPDATE_EXPECTED) == "yes":
+            for frame_size in self.test_parameters.keys():
+                for nb_desc in self.test_parameters[frame_size]:
+                    self.expected_throughput[frame_size][nb_desc] = round(
+                        self.throughput[frame_size][nb_desc], 3
+                    )
+    def handle_results(self):
+        """
+        results handled process:
+        1, save to self.test_results
+        2, create test results table
+        3, save to json file for Open Lab
+        """
+        header = self.table_header
+        for frame_size in self.test_parameters.keys():
+            ret_datas = {}
+            for nb_desc in self.test_parameters[frame_size]:
+                ret_data = {}
+                ret_data[header[0]] = frame_size
+                ret_data[header[1]] = nb_desc
+                ret_data[header[2]] = "{:.3f} Mpps".format(
+                    self.throughput[frame_size][nb_desc]
+                )
+                ret_data[header[3]] = "{:.3f} Mpps".format(
+                    self.expected_throughput[frame_size][nb_desc]
+                )
+                ret_data[header[4]] = "{:.3f} Mpps".format(
+                    self.throughput[frame_size][nb_desc]
+                    - self.expected_throughput[frame_size][nb_desc]
+                )
+                ret_datas[nb_desc] = deepcopy(ret_data)
+            self.test_result[frame_size] = deepcopy(ret_datas)
+        # Create test results table
+        self.result_table_create(header)
+        for frame_size in self.test_parameters.keys():
+            for nb_desc in self.test_parameters[frame_size]:
+                table_row = list()
+                for i in range(len(header)):
+                    table_row.append(self.test_result[frame_size][nb_desc][header[i]])
+                self.result_table_add(table_row)
+        # present test results to screen
+        self.result_table_print()
+        # save test results as a file
+        if self.save_result_flag:
+            self.save_result(self.test_result)
+    def save_result(self, data):
+        """
+        Saves the test results as a separated file named with
+        self.nic+_single_core_perf.json in output folder
+        if self.save_result_flag is True
+        """
+        case_name = self.running_case
+        self.json_obj[case_name] = list()
+        status_result = []
+        for frame_size in self.test_parameters.keys():
+            for nb_desc in self.test_parameters[frame_size]:
+                row_in = self.test_result[frame_size][nb_desc]
+                row_dict0 = dict()
+                row_dict0["performance"] = list()
+                row_dict0["parameters"] = list()
+                row_dict0["parameters"] = list()
+                result_throughput = float(row_in["Throughput"].split()[0])
+                expected_throughput = float(row_in["Expected Throughput"].split()[0])
+                # delta value and accepted tolerance in percentage
+                delta = result_throughput - expected_throughput
+                gap = expected_throughput * -self.gap * 0.01
+                delta = float(delta)
+                gap = float(gap)
+                self.logger.info(
+                    "Accept tolerance of %d are (Mpps) %f" % (frame_size, gap)
+                )
+                self.logger.info(
+                    "Throughput Difference of %d are (Mpps) %f" % (frame_size, delta)
+                )
+                if result_throughput > expected_throughput + gap:
+                    row_dict0["status"] = "PASS"
+                else:
+                    row_dict0["status"] = "FAIL"
+                row_dict1 = dict(
+                    name="Throughput", value=result_throughput, unit="Mpps", delta=delta
+                )
+                row_dict2 = dict(
+                    name="Txd/Rxd", value=row_in["TXD/RXD"], unit="descriptor"
+                )
+                row_dict3 = dict(
+                    name="frame_size", value=row_in["Frame Size"], unit="bytes"
+                )
+                row_dict0["performance"].append(row_dict1)
+                row_dict0["parameters"].append(row_dict2)
+                row_dict0["parameters"].append(row_dict3)
+                self.json_obj[case_name].append(row_dict0)
+                status_result.append(row_dict0["status"])
+        with open(
+            os.path.join(
+                rst.path2Result, "{0:s}_{1}.json".format(self.nic, self.suite_name)
+            ),
+            "w",
+        ) as fp:
+            json.dump(self.json_obj, fp)
+        self.verify("FAIL" not in status_result, "Exceeded Gap")
+    def test_loopback_split_ring_inorder_mergeable_idxd(self):
+        """
+        Test Case 1: loopback vhost async test with split ring inorder mergeable path using IDXD kernel driver
+        """
+        self.DC.create_work_queue(work_queue_number=2, dsa_index=0)
+        dmas = "txq0 at wq0.0;rxq0 at wq0.1"
+        vhost_eal_param = (
+            "--vdev 'net_vhost0,iface=vhost-net,queues=1,dmas=[%s]'" % dmas
+        )
+        vhost_param = "--nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        self.start_vhost_user_testpmd(eal_param=vhost_eal_param, param=vhost_param)
+        virtio_eal_param = "--vdev=net_virtio_user0,mac=00:01:02:03:04:05,path=./vhost-net,in_order=1,mrg_rxbuf=1"
+        virtio_param = "--tx-offloads=0x0 --enable-hw-vlan-strip --rss-ip --nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param)
+        for frame_size in self.frame_sizes:
+            self.send_and_verify(frame_size)
+            self.vhost_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.quit()
+            if frame_size != self.frame_sizes[-1]:
+                self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(
+                    eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param
+                )
+        self.quit_all_testpmd()
+        self.expected_throughput = self.get_suite_cfg()["expected_throughput"][
+            self.running_case
+        ]
+        self.handle_expected()
+        self.handle_results()
+    def test_loopback_split_ring_inorder_non_mergeable_idxd(self):
+        """
+        Test Case 2: loopback vhost async test with split ring inorder non-mergeable path using IDXD kernel driver
+        """
+        self.DC.create_work_queue(work_queue_number=2, dsa_index=0)
+        dmas = "txq0 at wq0.0;rxq0 at wq0.1"
+        vhost_eal_param = (
+            "--vdev 'net_vhost0,iface=vhost-net,queues=1,dmas=[%s]'" % dmas
+        )
+        vhost_param = "--nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        self.start_vhost_user_testpmd(eal_param=vhost_eal_param, param=vhost_param)
+        virtio_eal_param = "--vdev=net_virtio_user0,mac=00:01:02:03:04:05,path=./vhost-net,in_order=1,mrg_rxbuf=0"
+        virtio_param = "--tx-offloads=0x0 --enable-hw-vlan-strip --rss-ip --nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param)
+        for frame_size in self.frame_sizes:
+            self.send_and_verify(frame_size)
+            self.vhost_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.quit()
+            if frame_size != self.frame_sizes[-1]:
+                self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(
+                    eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param
+                )
+        self.quit_all_testpmd()
+        self.expected_throughput = self.get_suite_cfg()["expected_throughput"][
+            self.running_case
+        ]
+        self.handle_expected()
+        self.handle_results()
+    def test_loopback_split_ring_mergeable_idxd(self):
+        """
+        Test Case 3: loopback vhost async test with split ring mergeable path using IDXD kernel driver
+        """
+        self.DC.create_work_queue(work_queue_number=2, dsa_index=0)
+        dmas = "txq0 at wq0.0;rxq0 at wq0.1"
+        vhost_eal_param = (
+            "--vdev 'net_vhost0,iface=vhost-net,queues=1,dmas=[%s]'" % dmas
+        )
+        vhost_param = "--nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        self.start_vhost_user_testpmd(eal_param=vhost_eal_param, param=vhost_param)
+        virtio_eal_param = "--vdev=net_virtio_user0,mac=00:01:02:03:04:05,path=./vhost-net,in_order=0,mrg_rxbuf=1"
+        virtio_param = "--tx-offloads=0x0 --enable-hw-vlan-strip --rss-ip --nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param)
+        for frame_size in self.frame_sizes:
+            self.send_and_verify(frame_size)
+            self.vhost_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.quit()
+            if frame_size != self.frame_sizes[-1]:
+                self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(
+                    eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param
+                )
+        self.quit_all_testpmd()
+        self.expected_throughput = self.get_suite_cfg()["expected_throughput"][
+            self.running_case
+        ]
+        self.handle_expected()
+        self.handle_results()
+    def test_loopback_split_ring_non_mergeable_idxd(self):
+        """
+        Test Case 4: loopback vhost async test with split ring non-mergeable path path using IDXD kernel driver
+        """
+        self.DC.create_work_queue(work_queue_number=2, dsa_index=0)
+        dmas = "txq0 at wq0.0;rxq0 at wq0.1"
+        vhost_eal_param = (
+            "--vdev 'net_vhost0,iface=vhost-net,queues=1,dmas=[%s]'" % dmas
+        )
+        vhost_param = "--nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        self.start_vhost_user_testpmd(eal_param=vhost_eal_param, param=vhost_param)
+        virtio_eal_param = "--vdev=net_virtio_user0,mac=00:01:02:03:04:05,path=./vhost-net,in_order=0,mrg_rxbuf=0"
+        virtio_param = "--tx-offloads=0x0 --enable-hw-vlan-strip --rss-ip --nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param)
+        for frame_size in self.frame_sizes:
+            self.send_and_verify(frame_size)
+            self.vhost_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.quit()
+            if frame_size != self.frame_sizes[-1]:
+                self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(
+                    eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param
+                )
+        self.quit_all_testpmd()
+        self.expected_throughput = self.get_suite_cfg()["expected_throughput"][
+            self.running_case
+        ]
+        self.handle_expected()
+        self.handle_results()
+    def test_loopback_split_ring_vectorized_idxd(self):
+        """
+        Test Case 5: loopback vhost async test with split ring vectorized path using IDXD kernel driver
+        """
+        self.DC.create_work_queue(work_queue_number=2, dsa_index=0)
+        dmas = "txq0 at wq0.0;rxq0 at wq0.1"
+        vhost_eal_param = (
+            "--vdev 'net_vhost0,iface=vhost-net,queues=1,dmas=[%s]'" % dmas
+        )
+        vhost_param = "--nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        self.start_vhost_user_testpmd(eal_param=vhost_eal_param, param=vhost_param)
+        virtio_eal_param = "--vdev=net_virtio_user0,mac=00:01:02:03:04:05,path=./vhost-net,in_order=0,mrg_rxbuf=0,vectorized=1"
+        virtio_param = "--nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param)
+        for frame_size in self.frame_sizes:
+            self.send_and_verify(frame_size)
+            self.vhost_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.quit()
+            if frame_size != self.frame_sizes[-1]:
+                self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(
+                    eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param
+                )
+        self.quit_all_testpmd()
+        self.expected_throughput = self.get_suite_cfg()["expected_throughput"][
+            self.running_case
+        ]
+        self.handle_expected()
+        self.handle_results()
+    def test_loopback_packed_ring_inorder_mergeable_idxd(self):
+        """
+        Test Case 6: loopback vhost async test with packed ring inorder mergeable path path using IDXD kernel driver
+        """
+        self.DC.create_work_queue(work_queue_number=2, dsa_index=0)
+        dmas = "txq0 at wq0.0;rxq0 at wq0.1"
+        vhost_eal_param = (
+            "--vdev 'net_vhost0,iface=vhost-net,queues=1,dmas=[%s]'" % dmas
+        )
+        vhost_param = "--nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        self.start_vhost_user_testpmd(eal_param=vhost_eal_param, param=vhost_param)
+        virtio_eal_param = "--vdev=net_virtio_user0,mac=00:01:02:03:04:05,path=./vhost-net,packed_vq=1,in_order=1,mrg_rxbuf=1"
+        virtio_param = "--tx-offloads=0x0 --enable-hw-vlan-strip --rss-ip --nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param)
+        for frame_size in self.frame_sizes:
+            self.send_and_verify(frame_size)
+            self.vhost_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.quit()
+            if frame_size != self.frame_sizes[-1]:
+                self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(
+                    eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param
+                )
+        self.quit_all_testpmd()
+        self.expected_throughput = self.get_suite_cfg()["expected_throughput"][
+            self.running_case
+        ]
+        self.handle_expected()
+        self.handle_results()
+    def test_loopback_packed_ring_inorder_non_mergeable_idxd(self):
+        """
+        Test Case 7: loopback vhost async test with packed ring inorder non-mergeable path path using IDXD kernel driver
+        """
+        self.DC.create_work_queue(work_queue_number=2, dsa_index=0)
+        dmas = "txq0 at wq0.0;rxq0 at wq0.1"
+        vhost_eal_param = (
+            "--vdev 'net_vhost0,iface=vhost-net,queues=1,dmas=[%s]'" % dmas
+        )
+        vhost_param = "--nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        self.start_vhost_user_testpmd(eal_param=vhost_eal_param, param=vhost_param)
+        virtio_eal_param = "--vdev=net_virtio_user0,mac=00:01:02:03:04:05,path=./vhost-net,packed_vq=1,in_order=1,mrg_rxbuf=0"
+        virtio_param = "--tx-offloads=0x0 --enable-hw-vlan-strip --rss-ip --nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param)
+        for frame_size in self.frame_sizes:
+            self.send_and_verify(frame_size)
+            self.vhost_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.quit()
+            if frame_size != self.frame_sizes[-1]:
+                self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(
+                    eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param
+                )
+        self.quit_all_testpmd()
+        self.expected_throughput = self.get_suite_cfg()["expected_throughput"][
+            self.running_case
+        ]
+        self.handle_expected()
+        self.handle_results()
+    def test_loopback_packed_ring_mergeable_idxd(self):
+        """
+        Test Case 8: loopback vhost async test with packed ring mergeable path path using IDXD kernel driver
+        """
+        self.DC.create_work_queue(work_queue_number=2, dsa_index=0)
+        dmas = "txq0 at wq0.0;rxq0 at wq0.1"
+        vhost_eal_param = (
+            "--vdev 'net_vhost0,iface=vhost-net,queues=1,dmas=[%s]'" % dmas
+        )
+        vhost_param = "--nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        self.start_vhost_user_testpmd(eal_param=vhost_eal_param, param=vhost_param)
+        virtio_eal_param = "--vdev=net_virtio_user0,mac=00:01:02:03:04:05,path=./vhost-net,packed_vq=1,in_order=0,mrg_rxbuf=1"
+        virtio_param = "--tx-offloads=0x0 --enable-hw-vlan-strip --rss-ip --nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param)
+        for frame_size in self.frame_sizes:
+            self.send_and_verify(frame_size)
+            self.vhost_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.quit()
+            if frame_size != self.frame_sizes[-1]:
+                self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(
+                    eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param
+                )
+        self.quit_all_testpmd()
+        self.expected_throughput = self.get_suite_cfg()["expected_throughput"][
+            self.running_case
+        ]
+        self.handle_expected()
+        self.handle_results()
+    def test_loopback_packed_ring_non_mergeable_idxd(self):
+        """
+        Test Case 9: loopback vhost async test with packed ring non-mergeable path path using IDXD kernel driver
+        """
+        self.DC.create_work_queue(work_queue_number=2, dsa_index=0)
+        dmas = "txq0 at wq0.0;rxq0 at wq0.1"
+        vhost_eal_param = (
+            "--vdev 'net_vhost0,iface=vhost-net,queues=1,dmas=[%s]'" % dmas
+        )
+        vhost_param = "--nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        self.start_vhost_user_testpmd(eal_param=vhost_eal_param, param=vhost_param)
+        virtio_eal_param = "--vdev=net_virtio_user0,mac=00:01:02:03:04:05,path=./vhost-net,packed_vq=1,in_order=0,mrg_rxbuf=0"
+        virtio_param = "--tx-offloads=0x0 --enable-hw-vlan-strip --rss-ip --nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param)
+        for frame_size in self.frame_sizes:
+            self.send_and_verify(frame_size)
+            self.vhost_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.quit()
+            if frame_size != self.frame_sizes[-1]:
+                self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(
+                    eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param
+                )
+        self.quit_all_testpmd()
+        self.expected_throughput = self.get_suite_cfg()["expected_throughput"][
+            self.running_case
+        ]
+        self.handle_expected()
+        self.handle_results()
+    def test_loopback_packed_ring_vectorized_idxd(self):
+        """
+        Test Case 10: loopback vhost async test with packed ring vectorized path using IDXD kernel driver
+        """
+        self.DC.create_work_queue(work_queue_number=2, dsa_index=0)
+        dmas = "txq0 at wq0.0;rxq0 at wq0.1"
+        vhost_eal_param = (
+            "--vdev 'net_vhost0,iface=vhost-net,queues=1,dmas=[%s]'" % dmas
+        )
+        vhost_param = "--nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        self.start_vhost_user_testpmd(eal_param=vhost_eal_param, param=vhost_param)
+        virtio_eal_param = "--vdev=net_virtio_user0,mac=00:01:02:03:04:05,path=./vhost-net,packed_vq=1,in_order=1,mrg_rxbuf=0,vectorized=1"
+        virtio_param = "--nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param)
+        for frame_size in self.frame_sizes:
+            self.send_and_verify(frame_size)
+            self.vhost_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.quit()
+            if frame_size != self.frame_sizes[-1]:
+                self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(
+                    eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param
+                )
+        self.quit_all_testpmd()
+        self.expected_throughput = self.get_suite_cfg()["expected_throughput"][
+            self.running_case
+        ]
+        self.handle_expected()
+        self.handle_results()
+    def test_loopback_split_ring_inorder_mergeable_vfio_pci(self):
+        """
+        Test Case 11: loopback vhost async test with split ring inorder mergeable path using vfio-pci driver
+        """
+        self.use_dsa_list = self.DC.bind_dsa_to_dpdk(
+            dsa_number=1, driver_name="vfio-pci", socket=self.ports_socket
+        )
+        dmas = "txq0@%s-q0;" "rxq0@%s-q1" % (self.use_dsa_list[0], self.use_dsa_list[0])
+        vhost_eal_param = (
+            "--vdev 'net_vhost0,iface=vhost-net,queues=1,dmas=[%s]'" % dmas
+        )
+        vhost_param = "--nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        port_options = {self.use_dsa_list[0]: "max_queues=2"}
+        self.start_vhost_user_testpmd(
+            eal_param=vhost_eal_param,
+            param=vhost_param,
+            no_pci=False,
+            ports=self.use_dsa_list,
+            port_options=port_options,
+        )
+        virtio_eal_param = "--vdev=net_virtio_user0,mac=00:01:02:03:04:05,path=./vhost-net,in_order=1,mrg_rxbuf=1"
+        virtio_param = "--tx-offloads=0x0 --enable-hw-vlan-strip --rss-ip --nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param)
+        for frame_size in self.frame_sizes:
+            self.send_and_verify(frame_size)
+            self.vhost_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.quit()
+            if frame_size != self.frame_sizes[-1]:
+                self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(
+                    eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param
+                )
+        self.quit_all_testpmd()
+        self.expected_throughput = self.get_suite_cfg()["expected_throughput"][
+            self.running_case
+        ]
+        self.handle_expected()
+        self.handle_results()
+    def test_loopback_split_ring_inorder_non_mergeable_vfio_pci(self):
+        """
+        Test Case 12: loopback vhost async test with split ring inorder non-mergeable path using vfio-pci driver
+        """
+        self.use_dsa_list = self.DC.bind_dsa_to_dpdk(
+            dsa_number=1, driver_name="vfio-pci", socket=self.ports_socket
+        )
+        dmas = "txq0@%s-q0;" "rxq0@%s-q1" % (self.use_dsa_list[0], self.use_dsa_list[0])
+        vhost_eal_param = (
+            "--vdev 'net_vhost0,iface=vhost-net,queues=1,dmas=[%s]'" % dmas
+        )
+        vhost_param = "--nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        port_options = {self.use_dsa_list[0]: "max_queues=2"}
+        self.start_vhost_user_testpmd(
+            eal_param=vhost_eal_param,
+            param=vhost_param,
+            no_pci=False,
+            ports=self.use_dsa_list,
+            port_options=port_options,
+        )
+        virtio_eal_param = "--vdev=net_virtio_user0,mac=00:01:02:03:04:05,path=./vhost-net,in_order=1,mrg_rxbuf=0"
+        virtio_param = "--tx-offloads=0x0 --enable-hw-vlan-strip --rss-ip --nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param)
+        for frame_size in self.frame_sizes:
+            self.send_and_verify(frame_size)
+            self.vhost_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.quit()
+            if frame_size != self.frame_sizes[-1]:
+                self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(
+                    eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param
+                )
+        self.quit_all_testpmd()
+        self.expected_throughput = self.get_suite_cfg()["expected_throughput"][
+            self.running_case
+        ]
+        self.handle_expected()
+        self.handle_results()
+    def test_loopback_split_ring_mergeable_vfio_pci(self):
+        """
+        Test Case 13: loopback vhost async test with split ring mergeable path using vfio-pci driver
+        """
+        self.use_dsa_list = self.DC.bind_dsa_to_dpdk(
+            dsa_number=1, driver_name="vfio-pci", socket=self.ports_socket
+        )
+        dmas = "txq0@%s-q0;" "rxq0@%s-q1" % (self.use_dsa_list[0], self.use_dsa_list[0])
+        vhost_eal_param = (
+            "--vdev 'net_vhost0,iface=vhost-net,queues=1,dmas=[%s]'" % dmas
+        )
+        vhost_param = "--nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        port_options = {self.use_dsa_list[0]: "max_queues=2"}
+        self.start_vhost_user_testpmd(
+            eal_param=vhost_eal_param,
+            param=vhost_param,
+            no_pci=False,
+            ports=self.use_dsa_list,
+            port_options=port_options,
+        )
+        virtio_eal_param = "--vdev=net_virtio_user0,mac=00:01:02:03:04:05,path=./vhost-net,in_order=0,mrg_rxbuf=1"
+        virtio_param = "--tx-offloads=0x0 --enable-hw-vlan-strip --rss-ip --nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param)
+        for frame_size in self.frame_sizes:
+            self.send_and_verify(frame_size)
+            self.vhost_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.quit()
+            if frame_size != self.frame_sizes[-1]:
+                self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(
+                    eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param
+                )
+        self.quit_all_testpmd()
+        self.expected_throughput = self.get_suite_cfg()["expected_throughput"][
+            self.running_case
+        ]
+        self.handle_expected()
+        self.handle_results()
+    def test_loopback_split_ring_non_mergeable_vfio_pci(self):
+        """
+        Test Case 14: loopback vhost async test with split ring non-mergeable path using vfio-pci driver
+        """
+        self.use_dsa_list = self.DC.bind_dsa_to_dpdk(
+            dsa_number=1, driver_name="vfio-pci", socket=self.ports_socket
+        )
+        dmas = "txq0@%s-q0;" "rxq0@%s-q1" % (self.use_dsa_list[0], self.use_dsa_list[0])
+        vhost_eal_param = (
+            "--vdev 'net_vhost0,iface=vhost-net,queues=1,dmas=[%s]'" % dmas
+        )
+        vhost_param = "--nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        port_options = {self.use_dsa_list[0]: "max_queues=2"}
+        self.start_vhost_user_testpmd(
+            eal_param=vhost_eal_param,
+            param=vhost_param,
+            no_pci=False,
+            ports=self.use_dsa_list,
+            port_options=port_options,
+        )
+        virtio_eal_param = "--vdev=net_virtio_user0,mac=00:01:02:03:04:05,path=./vhost-net,in_order=0,mrg_rxbuf=0"
+        virtio_param = "--tx-offloads=0x0 --enable-hw-vlan-strip --rss-ip --nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param)
+        for frame_size in self.frame_sizes:
+            self.send_and_verify(frame_size)
+            self.vhost_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.quit()
+            if frame_size != self.frame_sizes[-1]:
+                self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(
+                    eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param
+                )
+        self.quit_all_testpmd()
+        self.expected_throughput = self.get_suite_cfg()["expected_throughput"][
+            self.running_case
+        ]
+        self.handle_expected()
+        self.handle_results()
+    def test_loopback_split_ring_vectorized_vfio_pci(self):
+        """
+        Test Case 15: loopback vhost async test with split ring vectorized path using vfio-pci driver
+        """
+        self.use_dsa_list = self.DC.bind_dsa_to_dpdk(
+            dsa_number=1, driver_name="vfio-pci", socket=self.ports_socket
+        )
+        dmas = "txq0@%s-q0;" "rxq0@%s-q1" % (self.use_dsa_list[0], self.use_dsa_list[0])
+        vhost_eal_param = (
+            "--vdev 'net_vhost0,iface=vhost-net,queues=1,dmas=[%s]'" % dmas
+        )
+        vhost_param = "--nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        port_options = {self.use_dsa_list[0]: "max_queues=2"}
+        self.start_vhost_user_testpmd(
+            eal_param=vhost_eal_param,
+            param=vhost_param,
+            no_pci=False,
+            ports=self.use_dsa_list,
+            port_options=port_options,
+        )
+        virtio_eal_param = "--vdev=net_virtio_user0,mac=00:01:02:03:04:05,path=./vhost-net,in_order=0,mrg_rxbuf=0,vectorized=1"
+        virtio_param = "--nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param)
+        for frame_size in self.frame_sizes:
+            self.send_and_verify(frame_size)
+            self.vhost_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.quit()
+            if frame_size != self.frame_sizes[-1]:
+                self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(
+                    eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param
+                )
+        self.quit_all_testpmd()
+        self.expected_throughput = self.get_suite_cfg()["expected_throughput"][
+            self.running_case
+        ]
+        self.handle_expected()
+        self.handle_results()
+    def test_loopback_packed_ring_inorder_mergeable_vfio_pci(self):
+        """
+        Test Case 16: loopback vhost async test with packed ring inorder mergeable path using vfio-pci driver
+        """
+        self.use_dsa_list = self.DC.bind_dsa_to_dpdk(
+            dsa_number=1, driver_name="vfio-pci", socket=self.ports_socket
+        )
+        dmas = "txq0@%s-q0;" "rxq0@%s-q1" % (self.use_dsa_list[0], self.use_dsa_list[0])
+        vhost_eal_param = (
+            "--vdev 'net_vhost0,iface=vhost-net,queues=1,dmas=[%s]'" % dmas
+        )
+        vhost_param = "--nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        port_options = {self.use_dsa_list[0]: "max_queues=2"}
+        self.start_vhost_user_testpmd(
+            eal_param=vhost_eal_param,
+            param=vhost_param,
+            no_pci=False,
+            ports=self.use_dsa_list,
+            port_options=port_options,
+        )
+        virtio_eal_param = "--vdev=net_virtio_user0,mac=00:01:02:03:04:05,path=./vhost-net,packed_vq=1,in_order=1,mrg_rxbuf=1"
+        virtio_param = "--tx-offloads=0x0 --enable-hw-vlan-strip --rss-ip --nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param)
+        for frame_size in self.frame_sizes:
+            self.send_and_verify(frame_size)
+            self.vhost_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.quit()
+            if frame_size != self.frame_sizes[-1]:
+                self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(
+                    eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param
+                )
+        self.quit_all_testpmd()
+        self.expected_throughput = self.get_suite_cfg()["expected_throughput"][
+            self.running_case
+        ]
+        self.handle_expected()
+        self.handle_results()
+    def test_loopback_packed_ring_inorder_non_mergeable_vfio_pci(self):
+        """
+        Test Case 17: loopback vhost async test with packed ring inorder non-mergeable path using vfio-pci driver
+        """
+        self.use_dsa_list = self.DC.bind_dsa_to_dpdk(
+            dsa_number=1, driver_name="vfio-pci", socket=self.ports_socket
+        )
+        dmas = "txq0@%s-q0;" "rxq0@%s-q1" % (self.use_dsa_list[0], self.use_dsa_list[0])
+        vhost_eal_param = (
+            "--vdev 'net_vhost0,iface=vhost-net,queues=1,dmas=[%s]'" % dmas
+        )
+        vhost_param = "--nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        port_options = {self.use_dsa_list[0]: "max_queues=2"}
+        self.start_vhost_user_testpmd(
+            eal_param=vhost_eal_param,
+            param=vhost_param,
+            no_pci=False,
+            ports=self.use_dsa_list,
+            port_options=port_options,
+        )
+        virtio_eal_param = "--vdev=net_virtio_user0,mac=00:01:02:03:04:05,path=./vhost-net,packed_vq=1,in_order=1,mrg_rxbuf=0"
+        virtio_param = "--tx-offloads=0x0 --enable-hw-vlan-strip --rss-ip --nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param)
+        for frame_size in self.frame_sizes:
+            self.send_and_verify(frame_size)
+            self.vhost_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.quit()
+            if frame_size != self.frame_sizes[-1]:
+                self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(
+                    eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param
+                )
+        self.quit_all_testpmd()
+        self.expected_throughput = self.get_suite_cfg()["expected_throughput"][
+            self.running_case
+        ]
+        self.handle_expected()
+        self.handle_results()
+    def test_loopback_packed_ring_mergeable_vfio_pci(self):
+        """
+        Test Case 18: loopback vhost async test with packed ring mergeable path using vfio-pci driver
+        """
+        self.use_dsa_list = self.DC.bind_dsa_to_dpdk(
+            dsa_number=1, driver_name="vfio-pci", socket=self.ports_socket
+        )
+        dmas = "txq0@%s-q0;" "rxq0@%s-q1" % (self.use_dsa_list[0], self.use_dsa_list[0])
+        vhost_eal_param = (
+            "--vdev 'net_vhost0,iface=vhost-net,queues=1,dmas=[%s]'" % dmas
+        )
+        vhost_param = "--nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        port_options = {self.use_dsa_list[0]: "max_queues=2"}
+        self.start_vhost_user_testpmd(
+            eal_param=vhost_eal_param,
+            param=vhost_param,
+            no_pci=False,
+            ports=self.use_dsa_list,
+            port_options=port_options,
+        )
+        virtio_eal_param = "--vdev=net_virtio_user0,mac=00:01:02:03:04:05,path=./vhost-net,packed_vq=1,in_order=0,mrg_rxbuf=1"
+        virtio_param = "--tx-offloads=0x0 --enable-hw-vlan-strip --rss-ip --nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param)
+        for frame_size in self.frame_sizes:
+            self.send_and_verify(frame_size)
+            self.vhost_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.quit()
+            if frame_size != self.frame_sizes[-1]:
+                self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(
+                    eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param
+                )
+        self.quit_all_testpmd()
+        self.expected_throughput = self.get_suite_cfg()["expected_throughput"][
+            self.running_case
+        ]
+        self.handle_expected()
+        self.handle_results()
+    def test_loopback_packed_ring_non_mergeable_vfio_pci(self):
+        """
+        Test Case 19: loopback vhost async test with packed ring non-mergeable path using vfio-pci driver
+        """
+        self.use_dsa_list = self.DC.bind_dsa_to_dpdk(
+            dsa_number=1, driver_name="vfio-pci", socket=self.ports_socket
+        )
+        dmas = "txq0@%s-q0;" "rxq0@%s-q1" % (self.use_dsa_list[0], self.use_dsa_list[0])
+        vhost_eal_param = (
+            "--vdev 'net_vhost0,iface=vhost-net,queues=1,dmas=[%s]'" % dmas
+        )
+        vhost_param = "--nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        port_options = {self.use_dsa_list[0]: "max_queues=2"}
+        self.start_vhost_user_testpmd(
+            eal_param=vhost_eal_param,
+            param=vhost_param,
+            no_pci=False,
+            ports=self.use_dsa_list,
+            port_options=port_options,
+        )
+        virtio_eal_param = "--vdev=net_virtio_user0,mac=00:01:02:03:04:05,path=./vhost-net,packed_vq=1,in_order=0,mrg_rxbuf=0"
+        virtio_param = "--tx-offloads=0x0 --enable-hw-vlan-strip --rss-ip --nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param)
+        for frame_size in self.frame_sizes:
+            self.send_and_verify(frame_size)
+            self.vhost_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.quit()
+            if frame_size != self.frame_sizes[-1]:
+                self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(
+                    eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param
+                )
+        self.quit_all_testpmd()
+        self.expected_throughput = self.get_suite_cfg()["expected_throughput"][
+            self.running_case
+        ]
+        self.handle_expected()
+        self.handle_results()
+    def test_loopback_packed_ring_vectorized_vfio_pci(self):
+        """
+        Test Case 20: loopback vhost async test with packed ring vectorized path using vfio-pci driver
+        """
+        self.use_dsa_list = self.DC.bind_dsa_to_dpdk(
+            dsa_number=1, driver_name="vfio-pci", socket=self.ports_socket
+        )
+        dmas = "txq0@%s-q0;" "rxq0@%s-q1" % (self.use_dsa_list[0], self.use_dsa_list[0])
+        vhost_eal_param = (
+            "--vdev 'net_vhost0,iface=vhost-net,queues=1,dmas=[%s]'" % dmas
+        )
+        vhost_param = "--nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        port_options = {self.use_dsa_list[0]: "max_queues=2"}
+        self.start_vhost_user_testpmd(
+            eal_param=vhost_eal_param,
+            param=vhost_param,
+            no_pci=False,
+            ports=self.use_dsa_list,
+            port_options=port_options,
+        )
+        virtio_eal_param = "--vdev=net_virtio_user0,mac=00:01:02:03:04:05,path=./vhost-net,packed_vq=1,in_order=0,mrg_rxbuf=0,vectorized=1"
+        virtio_param = "--nb-cores=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param)
+        for frame_size in self.frame_sizes:
+            self.send_and_verify(frame_size)
+            self.vhost_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+            self.virtio_user_pmd.quit()
+            if frame_size != self.frame_sizes[-1]:
+                self.start_virtio_user_testpmd(
+                    eal_param=virtio_eal_param, param=virtio_param
+                )
+        self.quit_all_testpmd()
+        self.expected_throughput = self.get_suite_cfg()["expected_throughput"][
+            self.running_case
+        ]
+        self.handle_expected()
+        self.handle_results()
+    def quit_all_testpmd(self):
+        self.virtio_user_pmd.quit()
+        self.vhost_user_pmd.quit()
+    def tear_down(self):
+        """
+        Run after each test case.
+        """
+        self.dut.send_expect("killall -s INT %s" % self.testpmd_name, "#")
+        self.dut.send_expect("rm -rf %s/vhost-net*" % self.base_dir, "#")
+        self.DC.reset_all_work_queue()
+        self.DC.bind_all_dsa_to_kernel()
+    def tear_down_all(self):
+        """
+        Run after each test suite.
+        """
+        self.dut.close_session(self.virtio_user)
+        self.dut.close_session(self.vhost_user)

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