[dts][PATCH V1] tests/ice_enable_basic_hqos_on_pf:add new testcases about hqos

Zhimin Huang zhiminx.huang at intel.com
Thu Jan 5 17:53:57 CET 2023

according to the hqos testplan,add 8 new cases.

Signed-off-by: Zhimin Huang <zhiminx.huang at intel.com>
 .../TestSuite_ice_enable_basic_hqos_on_pf.py  | 849 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 849 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 tests/TestSuite_ice_enable_basic_hqos_on_pf.py

diff --git a/tests/TestSuite_ice_enable_basic_hqos_on_pf.py b/tests/TestSuite_ice_enable_basic_hqos_on_pf.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9cf60e6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/TestSuite_ice_enable_basic_hqos_on_pf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,849 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+# Copyright(c) 2023 Intel Corporation
+DPDK Test suite.
+ICE Enable basic HQoS on PF driver.
+import re
+import time
+from copy import deepcopy
+from pprint import pformat
+from framework.packet import Packet
+from framework.pktgen import TRANSMIT_CONT
+from framework.pmd_output import PmdOutput
+from framework.settings import HEADER_SIZE, get_nic_name
+from framework.test_case import TestCase
+PKT_LEN = [64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 1518, 512, 1024]
+STREAM_UP_CONFIG = [0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
+class TestIceEnableBasicHqosOnPF(TestCase):
+    def set_up_all(self):
+        self.dut_ports = self.dut.get_ports()
+        # for test topo requirement,need 1 100G port and 1 25G port
+        self.verify(len(self.dut_ports) >= 2, "Insufficient ports")
+        "test topo is port 0 is 100G-E810C and port 1 is 25G-E810"
+        self.skip_case(
+            self.check_require_nic_for_test(),
+            "Topology is ICE_100G-E810C_QSFP and ICE_25G-E810_XXV_SFP",
+        )
+        # get the nic port id
+        self.get_require_nic_port_id()
+        self.cores = "1S/9C/1T"
+        # check core num
+        core_list = self.dut.get_core_list(self.cores)
+        self.port_sockets = self.dut.get_numa_id(self.ice_100G_port_id)
+        self.verify(len(core_list) >= 9, "Insufficient cores for testing")
+        self.tester_port0 = self.tester.get_local_port(self.ice_100G_port_id)
+        self.tester_port1 = self.tester.get_local_port(self.ice_25G_port_id)
+        self.ice_100G_port_mac = self.dut.get_mac_address(self.ice_100G_port_id)
+        self.pmd_output = PmdOutput(self.dut)
+    def get_nic_info_from_ports_cfg(self):
+        """
+        get port.cfg nic type/intf/pci list
+        :return: port config nic list
+        """
+        nic_list = []
+        for id in self.dut.get_ports():
+            nic_dict = {}
+            for info in ["port_id", "type", "intf", "pci"]:
+                if info == "port_id":
+                    nic_dict[info] = id
+                    continue
+                nic_dict[info] = self.dut.ports_info[id][info]
+                if info == "type":
+                    nic_dict["name"] = get_nic_name(nic_dict[info])
+            nic_list.append(nic_dict)
+        return nic_list
+    def check_require_nic_for_test(self):
+        """
+        check the port is E810_100G and E810_25G
+        :return: check status, True or False
+        """
+        for id, _nic in enumerate(self.get_nic_info_from_ports_cfg()):
+            if _nic["name"] not in ["ICE_100G-E810C_QSFP", "ICE_25G-E810_XXV_SFP"]:
+                return False
+        return True
+    def get_require_nic_port_id(self):
+        """
+        get the nic port id
+        :return: 100G port id and 25G port id
+        """
+        nic_list = self.get_nic_info_from_ports_cfg()
+        for nic in nic_list:
+            if nic["name"] == "ICE_100G-E810C_QSFP":
+                self.ice_100G_port_id = nic["port_id"]
+            elif nic["name"] == "ICE_25G-E810_XXV_SFP":
+                self.ice_25G_port_id = nic["port_id"]
+            else:
+                raise Exception("unsupport nic for test require")
+    def launch_testpmd(self, param=""):
+        """
+        start testpmd and check testpmd link status
+        :param param: rxq/txq
+        """
+        self.pmd_output.start_testpmd(
+            cores=self.cores, socket=self.port_sockets, param=param
+        )
+        res = self.pmd_output.wait_link_status_up("all", timeout=15)
+        self.verify(res is True, "there have port link is down")
+        self.testpmd_flag = True
+    def close_testpmd(self):
+        """
+        close testpmd
+        """
+        if not self.testpmd_flag:
+            return
+        try:
+            self.pmd_output.quit()
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.logger.error("The testpmd status is incorrect")
+        self.testpmd_flag = False
+    def get_queue_packets_stats(self, port):
+        """
+        get testpmd tx pkts stats
+        :param port: tx port
+        :return: pkts list
+        """
+        output = self.pmd_output.execute_cmd("stop")
+        time.sleep(3)
+        self.pmd_output.execute_cmd("start")
+        p = re.compile("TX Port= %d/Queue=.*\n.*TX-packets: ([0-9]+)\s" % port)
+        tx_pkts = list(map(int, p.findall(output)))
+        return tx_pkts
+    def add_stream_to_pktgen(self, txport, rxport, send_pkts, option):
+        """
+        add streams to pktgen and return streams id
+        """
+        stream_ids = []
+        for pkt in send_pkts:
+            _option = deepcopy(option)
+            _option["pcap"] = pkt
+            stream_id = self.tester.pktgen.add_stream(txport, rxport, pkt)
+            self.tester.pktgen.config_stream(stream_id, _option)
+            stream_ids.append(stream_id)
+        return stream_ids
+    def config_stream(self, fields, frame_size):
+        """
+        config stream and return pkt
+        """
+        pri = fields
+        pkt_config = {
+            "type": "VLAN_UDP",
+            "pkt_layers": {
+                "ether": {"dst": self.ice_100G_port_mac},
+                "vlan": {"vlan": 0, "prio": pri},
+                "raw": {"payload": ["58"] * self.get_pkt_len(frame_size)},
+            },
+        }
+        pkt_type = pkt_config.get("type")
+        pkt_layers = pkt_config.get("pkt_layers")
+        pkt = Packet(pkt_type=pkt_type)
+        for layer in list(pkt_layers.keys()):
+            pkt.config_layer(layer, pkt_layers[layer])
+        return pkt.pktgen.pkt
+    def testpmd_query_stats(self):
+        """
+        traffic callback function, return port stats
+        """
+        time.sleep(3)
+        output = self.pmd_output.execute_cmd(
+            "show port stats {}".format(self.ice_25G_port_id)
+        )
+        if not output:
+            return
+        port_pat = ".*NIC statistics for (port \d+) .*"
+        rx_pat = ".*Rx-pps:\s+(\d+)\s+Rx-bps:\s+(\d+).*"
+        tx_pat = ".*Tx-pps:\s+(\d+)\s+Tx-bps:\s+(\d+).*"
+        port = re.findall(port_pat, output, re.M)
+        rx = re.findall(rx_pat, output, re.M)
+        tx = re.findall(tx_pat, output, re.M)
+        if not port or not rx or not tx:
+            return
+        stat = {}
+        for port_id, (rx_pps, rx_bps), (tx_pps, tx_bps) in zip(port, rx, tx):
+            stat[port_id] = {
+                "rx_pps": float(rx_pps),
+                "rx_bps": float(rx_bps),
+                "tx_pps": float(tx_pps),
+                "tx_bps": float(tx_bps),
+            }
+        self.pmd_stat = stat
+    def get_pkt_len(self, frame_size):
+        HEADER_SIZE["vlan"] = 4
+        headers_size = sum([HEADER_SIZE[x] for x in ["eth", "ip", "vlan", "udp"]])
+        pktlen = frame_size - headers_size
+        return pktlen
+    def start_traffic(self, pkt_list):
+        """
+        send stream and return results
+        """
+        self.tester.pktgen.clear_streams()
+        duration = 20
+        s_option = {
+            "stream_config": {
+                "txmode": {},
+                "transmit_mode": TRANSMIT_CONT,
+                "rate": LINERATE,
+            },
+            "fields_config": {
+                "ip": {
+                    "src": {
+                        "start": "",
+                        "end": "",
+                        "step": 1,
+                        "action": "random",
+                    },
+                },
+            },
+        }
+        stream_ids = self.add_stream_to_pktgen(
+            self.tester_port0, self.tester_port0, pkt_list, s_option
+        )
+        traffic_opt = {
+            "method": "throughput",
+            "duration": duration,
+            "interval": duration - 5,
+            "callback": self.testpmd_query_stats,
+        }
+        time.sleep(3)
+        result = self.tester.pktgen.measure(stream_ids, traffic_opt)
+        return result
+    def get_traffic_results(self):
+        """
+        get traffic results, append results, port stats, queue stats
+        """
+        pkt_list = []
+        results = []
+        for id in range(len(STREAM_UP_CONFIG)):
+            pkt = self.config_stream(STREAM_UP_CONFIG[id], frame_size=PKT_LEN[id])
+            pkt_list.append(pkt)
+        result = self.start_traffic(pkt_list)
+        queue_stats = self.get_queue_packets_stats(self.ice_25G_port_id)
+        results.append([result, self.pmd_stat, queue_stats])
+        return results
+    def check_traffic_throughput(self, expect_results, rel_results):
+        """
+        compare traffic throughput with expect results
+        """
+        status = False
+        # the nic speed can limit the throughout is 10G
+        limit_bps = 10
+        tx_bps = 0
+        for traffic_task, _result in zip(expect_results, rel_results):
+            _expected, unit, port = traffic_task
+            _, pmd_stat, _ = _result
+            real_stat = pmd_stat.get(f"port {port}", {})
+            real_bps = real_stat.get("tx_bps")
+            # check the real bps is between the expect value and the limit value
+            if unit == "MBps":
+                status = _expected <= (real_bps / 8 / 1e6) < (limit_bps / 8 / 1e6)
+            elif unit in ["Gbps", "rGbps"]:
+                status = _expected <= (real_bps / 1e9) < limit_bps
+            self.logger.info("the real bps is <{}>".format(real_bps))
+            msg = (
+                f"{pformat(traffic_task)}"
+                " not get expected throughput value, real is: "
+                f"{pformat(pmd_stat)}"
+            )
+            self.verify(status, msg)
+            tx_bps = real_bps
+        return tx_bps
+    def check_queue_throughout(self, result, queue_throughout):
+        """
+        check the per queue throughout.
+        "-1" to check a liitle throughout
+        """
+        status = False
+        for _result in result:
+            _, pmd_stat, queue_stats = _result
+            """
+            get the tx_bps
+            """
+            tx_bps = pmd_stat.get(f"port {self.ice_25G_port_id}").get("tx_bps")
+            for _queue_throughout in queue_throughout:
+                bias = 10
+                sum_queue_stats = 0
+                # for check the rest throughout, the value is rough value, set bias=20
+                if _queue_throughout[-1] == "rest":
+                    queue_id, value, unit, rest = _queue_throughout
+                    bias = 20
+                else:
+                    queue_id, value, unit = _queue_throughout
+                if not isinstance(queue_id, list):
+                    queue_id = [queue_id]
+                total_real_pkts = sum(queue_stats)
+                # if value is -1, check the queue has a little throughout,the throughout is less than 1Mbps
+                if value == -1:
+                    for _queue_id in queue_id:
+                        sum_queue_stats += queue_stats[_queue_id]
+                    little_throughout = sum_queue_stats / total_real_pkts * tx_bps
+                    self.verify(
+                        little_throughout / 1e6 < 1,
+                        "The throughput of queue is limited to little throughout",
+                    )
+                    self.logger.info(
+                        "check the queue {} throughout < 1Mbps".format(queue_id)
+                    )
+                    continue
+                """
+                queue pkts num / total * tx_bps,get the per queue bps
+                """
+                for _queue_id in queue_id:
+                    sum_queue_stats += queue_stats[_queue_id]
+                per_queue_throughout = sum_queue_stats / total_real_pkts * tx_bps
+                self.logger.info(
+                    "queue {} throughout: {}".format(queue_id, per_queue_throughout)
+                )
+                if unit == "MBps":
+                    status = (
+                        abs((per_queue_throughout / 8 / 1e6 - value) * 100 / value)
+                        < bias
+                    )
+                elif unit == "Mbps":
+                    status = (
+                        abs(((per_queue_throughout / 1e6 - value) * 100 / value)) < bias
+                    )
+                elif unit in ["Gbps", "rGbps"]:
+                    status = (
+                        abs(((per_queue_throughout / 1e9 - value) * 100 / value)) < bias
+                    )
+                msg = (
+                    f"{pformat(value)}"
+                    " not get expected queue throughput value, real is: "
+                    f"{pformat(per_queue_throughout)}"
+                )
+                self.verify(status, msg)
+    def check_queue_ratio(self, result, expected, **kwargs):
+        """
+        check the queue ratio
+        :param result: get the throughout result
+        :param expected: set the expected ratio
+        :param kwargs:
+            check_group: if need to check queue group ratio, set check_group is true
+        """
+        bias = 10
+        check_results = []
+        check_group = kwargs.get("check_group")
+        """
+        according to expected, split queue list, retrun queue list and group list
+        """
+        queues, queue_groups = self.get_pkts_num_list(
+            result, expected, check_group=check_group
+        )
+        for id_queue, queue in enumerate(queues):
+            """
+            if check queue group ratio, take the group list into queue list
+            """
+            if check_group:
+                queue.append(queue_groups[id_queue])
+            for id_ex, ex in enumerate(expected):
+                """
+                if the ratio is 0, no need to check queue ratio
+                """
+                if not any(ex):
+                    self.logger.info(
+                        "check the queue throughout, no need to test ratio"
+                    )
+                    continue
+                new_queue = []
+                new_ex = []
+                """
+                if some queue ratio is 0, no need to check this queue ratio.
+                but the queue pkts num will impact the ratio, so remove ratio is 0 in queue list and expect list
+                """
+                for _ex, _queue in zip(ex, queue[id_ex]):
+                    if _ex != 0:
+                        new_queue.append(_queue)
+                        new_ex.append(_ex)
+                total_real_pkts = sum(new_queue)
+                expect_total_ratio = sum(new_ex)
+                ratio = []
+                """
+                the ratio of the number of queues is equal to the ratio of queue througout
+                """
+                for queue_stat in new_queue:
+                    real_percentage = queue_stat / total_real_pkts * 100
+                    ratio.append(real_percentage)
+                self.logger.info("************expected [{}]************".format(id_ex))
+                """
+                check the real ratio and expect ratio
+                """
+                for id, percentage in enumerate(new_ex):
+                    expect_ratio = percentage / expect_total_ratio * 100
+                    _bias = abs(ratio[id] - expect_ratio) / expect_ratio * 100
+                    if _bias < bias:
+                        self.logger.info(
+                            "ratio and expect_ratio:{}".format(
+                                (ratio[id], expect_ratio)
+                            )
+                        )
+                        check_results.append(True)
+                        continue
+                    else:
+                        self.logger.error(
+                            "can not get expected queue ratio, ratio and expect_ratio:{}".format(
+                                (ratio[id], expect_ratio)
+                            )
+                        )
+                        check_results.append(False)
+        self.verify(all(check_results), "can not get expected queue ratio")
+    def get_pkts_num_list(self, result, expected, **kwargs):
+        """
+        get pkts num list, according to the expect to split queue num list
+        results = [1, 2, 3, 4]
+        expect = [[1, 1], [1, 1]]
+        return [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
+        """
+        queue_pkts_num_list = []
+        group_pkts_num_list = []
+        check_group = kwargs.get("check_group")
+        for _result in result:
+            ratio_list = []
+            for expect_list in expected:
+                ratio_list.append(len(expect_list))
+            """
+            if check_group, the group ratio impact queue num list split, so remove it
+            """
+            if check_group:
+                ratio_list.pop()
+            group_throughput = []
+            _, _, queue_stats = _result
+            queue_iter = iter(queue_stats)
+            group_list = [[next(queue_iter) for _ in range(i)] for i in ratio_list]
+            queue_pkts_num_list.append(group_list)
+            for queue_group in group_list:
+                group_throughput.append(sum(queue_group))
+            group_pkts_num_list.append(group_throughput)
+        return queue_pkts_num_list, group_pkts_num_list
+    def test_perf_queuegroup_RR_queue_WFQ_RR_nolimit(self):
+        self.launch_testpmd(param="--rxq=8 --txq=8")
+        cmds = [
+            "add port tm node shaper profile {} 1 100000000 0 100000000 0 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 1000000 -1 0 1 0 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 900000 1000000 0 1 1 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 800000 900000 0 1 2 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 700000 800000 0 1 3 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 600000 800000 0 1 3 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 0 700000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 1 700000 0 2 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 2 700000 0 3 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 3 700000 0 4 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 4 600000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 5 600000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 6 600000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 7 600000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "port tm hierarchy commit {} no",
+        ]
+        for cmd in cmds:
+            cmd = cmd.format(self.ice_25G_port_id)
+            self.pmd_output.execute_cmd(cmd)
+        self.pmd_output.execute_cmd("start")
+        traffic_tasks = [
+            [8.25, "Gbps", self.ice_25G_port_id],
+        ]
+        results = self.get_traffic_results()
+        self.check_traffic_throughput(traffic_tasks, results)
+        expected = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1]]
+        self.check_queue_ratio(results, expected, check_group=True)
+    def test_perf_queuegroup_SP_queue_WFQ_RR_nolimit(self):
+        self.launch_testpmd(param="--rxq=8 --txq=8")
+        cmds = [
+            "add port tm node shaper profile {} 1 100000000 0 100000000 0 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 1000000 -1 0 1 0 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 900000 1000000 0 1 1 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 800000 900000 0 1 2 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 700000 800000 0 1 3 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 600000 800000 1 1 3 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 0 700000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 1 700000 0 2 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 2 700000 0 3 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 3 700000 0 4 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 4 600000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 5 600000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 6 600000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 7 600000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "port tm hierarchy commit {} no",
+            "start",
+        ]
+        for cmd in cmds:
+            cmd = cmd.format(self.ice_25G_port_id)
+            self.pmd_output.execute_cmd(cmd)
+        self.pmd_output.execute_cmd("start")
+        traffic_tasks = [
+            [8.25, "Gbps", self.ice_25G_port_id],
+        ]
+        results = self.get_traffic_results()
+        self.check_traffic_throughput(traffic_tasks, results)
+        expected = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [0, 0, 0, 0]]
+        expected_queue = [
+            [4, -1, "Gbps"],
+            [5, -1, "Gbps"],
+            [6, -1, "Gbps"],
+            [7, -1, "Gbps"],
+        ]
+        self.check_queue_throughout(results, expected_queue)
+        self.check_queue_ratio(results, expected)
+    def test_perf_queuegroup_RR_queue_WFQ_RR(self):
+        self.launch_testpmd(param="--rxq=8 --txq=8")
+        cmds = [
+            "add port tm node shaper profile {} 1 300000000 0 300000000 0 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 1000000 -1 0 1 0 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 900000 1000000 0 1 1 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 800000 900000 0 1 2 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 700000 800000 0 1 3 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 600000 800000 0 1 3 1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 0 700000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 1 700000 0 2 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 2 700000 0 3 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 3 700000 0 4 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 4 600000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 5 600000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 6 600000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 7 600000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "port tm hierarchy commit {} no",
+            "start",
+        ]
+        for cmd in cmds:
+            cmd = cmd.format(self.ice_25G_port_id)
+            self.pmd_output.execute_cmd(cmd)
+        self.pmd_output.execute_cmd("start")
+        traffic_tasks = [
+            [8.25, "Gbps", self.ice_25G_port_id],
+        ]
+        results = self.get_traffic_results()
+        self.check_traffic_throughput(traffic_tasks, results)
+        expected = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 1, 1, 1]]
+        expected_queue = [
+            [[4, 5, 6, 7], 2.4, "Gbps"],
+        ]
+        self.check_queue_throughout(results, expected_queue)
+        self.check_queue_ratio(results, expected)
+    def test_perf_queuegroup_SP_queue_WFQ_SP(self):
+        self.launch_testpmd(param="--rxq=12 --txq=12")
+        cmds = [
+            "add port tm node shaper profile {} 1 300 0 300000000 0 0 0",
+            "add port tm node shaper profile {} 2 300 0 100000000 0 0 0",
+            "add port tm node shaper profile {} 3 300 0 10000000 0 0 0",
+            "add port tm node shaper profile {} 4 300 0 20000000 0 0 0",
+            "add port tm node shaper profile {} 5 200 0 400000000 0 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 1000000 -1 0 1 0 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 900000 1000000 0 1 1 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 800000 900000 0 1 2 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 700000 800000 0 1 3 1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 600000 800000 7 1 3 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 0 700000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 1 700000 0 2 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 2 700000 0 3 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 3 700000 0 4 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 4 600000 0 1 4 3 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 5 600000 2 1 4 3 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 6 600000 1 1 4 2 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 7 600000 2 1 4 4 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 8 600000 3 1 4 1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 9 600000 3 1 4 5 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 10 600000 5 1 4 3 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 11 600000 7 1 4 3 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "port tm hierarchy commit {} no",
+        ]
+        for cmd in cmds:
+            cmd = cmd.format(self.ice_25G_port_id)
+            self.pmd_output.execute_cmd(cmd)
+        self.pmd_output.execute_cmd("start")
+        traffic_tasks = [
+            [8.25, "Gbps", self.ice_25G_port_id],
+        ]
+        results = self.get_traffic_results()
+        real_bps = self.check_traffic_throughput(traffic_tasks, results)
+        expected = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]
+        expected_queue = [
+            [[0, 1, 2, 3], 2.4, "Gbps"],
+            [4, 80, "Mbps"],
+            [5, 80, "Mbps"],
+            [6, 800, "Mbps"],
+            [7, 160, "Mbps"],
+            [
+                8,
+                ((real_bps / 1e9 - 2.4) * 1e3 - 80 - 80 - 800 - 160) / 2,
+                "Mbps",
+                "rest",
+            ],
+            [
+                9,
+                ((real_bps / 1e9 - 2.4) * 1e3 - 80 - 80 - 800 - 160) / 2,
+                "Mbps",
+                "rest",
+            ],
+            [10, -1, "Mbps"],
+            [11, -1, "Mbps"],
+        ]
+        self.check_queue_throughout(results, expected_queue)
+        self.check_queue_ratio(results, expected)
+    def test_perf_queuegroup_RR_queue_RR_SP_WFQ(self):
+        self.launch_testpmd(param="--rxq=16 --txq=16")
+        cmds = [
+            "add port tm node shaper profile {} 1 300 0 300000000 0 0 0",
+            "add port tm node shaper profile {} 2 100 0 100000000 0 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 1000000 -1 0 1 0 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 900000 1000000 0 1 1 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 800000 900000 0 1 2 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 700000 800000 0 1 3 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 600000 800000 0 1 3 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 500000 800000 0 1 3 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 0 700000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 1 700000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 2 700000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 3 700000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 4 600000 0 1 4 2 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 5 600000 4 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 6 600000 1 1 4 1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 7 600000 7 1 4 2 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 8 500000 0 4 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 9 500000 0 2 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 10 500000 0 2 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 11 500000 0 100 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 12 500000 0 3 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 13 500000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 14 500000 0 5 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 15 500000 0 7 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "port tm hierarchy commit {} no",
+        ]
+        for cmd in cmds:
+            cmd = cmd.format(self.ice_25G_port_id)
+            self.pmd_output.execute_cmd(cmd)
+        self.pmd_output.execute_cmd("start")
+        traffic_tasks = [
+            [8.25, "Gbps", self.ice_25G_port_id],
+        ]
+        results = self.get_traffic_results()
+        real_bps = self.check_traffic_throughput(traffic_tasks, results)
+        expected = [[1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0], [4, 2, 2, 100, 3, 1, 5, 7], [1, 1, 1]]
+        expected_queue = [
+            [4, 800, "Mbps"],
+            [5, -1, "Mbps"],
+            [6, real_bps / 3 / 1e6 - 800, "Mbps", "rest"],
+            [7, -1, "Mbps"],
+        ]
+        self.check_queue_throughout(results, expected_queue)
+        self.check_queue_ratio(results, expected, check_group=True)
+    def test_perf_queuegroup_SP_queue_RR_SP_WFQ(self):
+        self.launch_testpmd(param="--rxq=16 --txq=16")
+        cmds = [
+            "add port tm node shaper profile {} 1 300 0 300000000 0 0 0",
+            "add port tm node shaper profile {} 2 100 0 100000000 0 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 1000000 -1 0 1 0 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 900000 1000000 0 1 1 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 800000 900000 0 1 2 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 700000 800000 0 1 3 2 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 600000 800000 1 1 3 2 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 500000 800000 2 1 3 1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 0 700000 0 1 4 1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 1 700000 0 1 4 1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 2 700000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 3 700000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 4 600000 0 1 4 1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 5 600000 4 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 6 600000 1 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 7 600000 7 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 8 500000 0 4 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 9 500000 0 2 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 10 500000 0 2 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 11 500000 0 100 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 12 500000 0 3 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 13 500000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 14 500000 0 5 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 15 500000 0 7 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "port tm hierarchy commit {} no",
+        ]
+        for cmd in cmds:
+            cmd = cmd.format(self.ice_25G_port_id)
+            self.pmd_output.execute_cmd(cmd)
+        self.pmd_output.execute_cmd("start")
+        traffic_tasks = [
+            [4, "Gbps", self.ice_25G_port_id],
+        ]
+        results = self.get_traffic_results()
+        self.check_traffic_throughput(traffic_tasks, results)
+        expected = [[1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0], [4, 2, 2, 100, 3, 1, 5, 7], [1, 1, 3]]
+        expected_queue = [
+            [4, 800, "Mbps"],
+            [5, -1, "Mbps"],
+            [6, -1, "Mbps"],
+            [7, -1, "Mbps"],
+        ]
+        self.check_queue_throughout(results, expected_queue)
+        self.check_queue_ratio(results, expected, check_group=True)
+    def test_perf_queuegroup_RR_queue_WFQ_WFQ(self):
+        self.launch_testpmd(param="--rxq=8 --txq=8")
+        cmds = [
+            "add port tm node shaper profile {} 1 10000000 0 10000000 0 0 0",
+            "add port tm node shaper profile {} 2 20000000 0 20000000 0 0 0",
+            "add port tm node shaper profile {} 3 30000000 0 30000000 0 0 0",
+            "add port tm node shaper profile {} 4 40000000 0 40000000 0 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 1000000 -1 0 1 0 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 900000 1000000 0 1 1 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 800000 900000 0 1 2 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 700000 800000 0 1 3 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 600000 800000 0 1 3 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 0 700000 0 1 4 1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 1 700000 0 2 4 1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 2 700000 0 3 4 4 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 3 700000 0 4 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 4 600000 0 1 4 4 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 5 600000 0 2 4 3 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 6 600000 0 3 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 7 600000 0 4 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "port tm hierarchy commit {} no",
+        ]
+        for cmd in cmds:
+            cmd = cmd.format(self.ice_25G_port_id)
+            self.pmd_output.execute_cmd(cmd)
+        self.pmd_output.execute_cmd("start")
+        traffic_tasks = [
+            [8.25, "Gbps", self.ice_25G_port_id],
+        ]
+        results = self.get_traffic_results()
+        real_bps = self.check_traffic_throughput(traffic_tasks, results)
+        expected = [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 3, 4], [1, 1]]
+        expected_queue = [
+            [0, 10, "MBps"],
+            [1, 10, "MBps"],
+            [2, 40, "MBps"],
+            [3, real_bps / 2 / 1e6 / 8 - 10 - 10 - 40, "MBps", "rest"],
+            [4, 40, "MBps"],
+            [5, 30, "MBps"],
+            [6, (real_bps / 2 / 1e6 / 8 - 40 - 30) * 3 / 7, "MBps", "rest"],
+            [7, (real_bps / 2 / 1e6 / 8 - 40 - 30) * 4 / 7, "MBps", "rest"],
+        ]
+        self.check_queue_throughout(results, expected_queue)
+        self.check_queue_ratio(results, expected, check_group=True)
+    def test_perf_negative_case(self):
+        self.launch_testpmd(param="--rxq=16 --txq=16")
+        cmd1 = [
+            "add port tm node shaper profile {} 1 100000000 0 100000000 0 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 1000000 -1 0 1 0 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 900000 1000000 0 1 1 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 800000 900000 0 1 2 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 700000 800000 0 1 3 -1 1 0 0",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 600000 800000 0 2 3 -1 1 0 0",
+        ]
+        output = ""
+        for cmd in cmd1:
+            cmd = cmd.format(self.ice_25G_port_id)
+            output += self.pmd_output.execute_cmd(cmd)
+        check_msg = "ice_tm_node_add(): weight != 1 not supported in level 3"
+        self.verify(
+            check_msg in output, "Configure invalid parameters, report expected errors."
+        )
+        cmd2 = [
+            "port stop {}",
+            "del port tm node {} 600000",
+            "add port tm nonleaf node {} 600000 800000 0 1 3 -1 1 0 0",
+            "port start {}",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 0 700000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 1 700000 0 2 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 2 700000 0 3 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 3 700000 0 201 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+        ]
+        output = ""
+        for cmd in cmd2:
+            cmd = cmd.format(self.ice_25G_port_id)
+            output += self.pmd_output.execute_cmd(cmd)
+        check_msg = "node weight: weight must be between 1 and 200 (error 21)"
+        self.verify(
+            check_msg in output, "Configure invalid parameters, report expected errors."
+        )
+        cmd3 = [
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 3 700000 0 200 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 4 600000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 5 600000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 6 600000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 7 600000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 8 600000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 9 600000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 10 600000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 11 600000 8 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+        ]
+        output = ""
+        for cmd in cmd3:
+            cmd = cmd.format(self.ice_25G_port_id)
+            output += self.pmd_output.execute_cmd(cmd)
+        check_msg = "node priority: priority should be less than 8 (error 20)"
+        self.verify(
+            check_msg in output, "Configure invalid parameters, report expected errors."
+        )
+        cmd4 = [
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 11 600000 7 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 12 600000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 13 600000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 14 600000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "add port tm leaf node {} 15 600000 0 1 4 -1 0 0xffffffff 0 0",
+            "port tm hierarchy commit {} no",
+        ]
+        output = ""
+        for cmd in cmd4:
+            cmd = cmd.format(self.ice_25G_port_id)
+            output += self.pmd_output.execute_cmd(cmd)
+        check_msg = "ice_move_recfg_lan_txq(): move lan queue 12 failed\r\nice_hierarchy_commit(): move queue 12 failed\r\ncause unspecified: (no stated reason) (error 1)"
+        self.verify(
+            check_msg in output, "Configure invalid parameters, report expected errors."
+        )
+    def tear_down(self):
+        """
+        Run after each test case.
+        """
+        self.close_testpmd()
+        self.dut.kill_all()
+    def tear_down_all(self):
+        """
+        Run after each test suite.
+        """
+        self.dut.kill_all()

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