[dts][PATCH V1] tests/power_empty_poll: remove power_empty_poll test

Tadhg Kearney tadhg.kearney at intel.com
Wed Mar 8 12:31:04 CET 2023

The experimental empty poll API has been removed from the power
management library in DPDK 22.03. Removing test that tested it's

Signed-off-by: Tadhg Kearney <tadhg.kearney at intel.com>
 tests/TestSuite_power_empty_poll.py | 437 ----------------------------
 1 file changed, 437 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 tests/TestSuite_power_empty_poll.py

diff --git a/tests/TestSuite_power_empty_poll.py b/tests/TestSuite_power_empty_poll.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6db9d054..00000000
--- a/tests/TestSuite_power_empty_poll.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,437 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
-# Copyright(c) 2010-2020 Intel Corporation
-DPDK Test suite.
-power empty poll test suite.
-import os
-import time
-import traceback
-from copy import deepcopy
-from pprint import pformat
-from framework.exception import VerifyFailure
-from framework.packet import Packet
-from framework.pktgen import TRANSMIT_CONT
-from framework.settings import HEADER_SIZE, PKTGEN_TREX
-from framework.test_case import TestCase
-from framework.utils import create_mask as dts_create_mask
-class TestPowerEmptyPoll(TestCase):
-    TRAIN = "train"
-    NOTRAIN = "no-train"
-    MED = "med_threshold"
-    HIGH = "high_threshold"
-    @property
-    def target_dir(self):
-        # get absolute directory of target source code
-        target_dir = (
-            "/root" + self.dut.base_dir[1:]
-            if self.dut.base_dir.startswith("~")
-            else self.dut.base_dir
-        )
-        return target_dir
-    @property
-    def is_use_trex(self):
-        return (
-            hasattr(self.tester, "is_pktgen")
-            and self.tester.is_pktgen
-            and self.tester.pktgen.pktgen_type == PKTGEN_TREX
-        )
-    def d_con(self, cmd):
-        _cmd = [cmd, "# ", 10] if isinstance(cmd, str) else cmd
-        return self.dut.send_expect(*_cmd)
-    def d_a_con(self, cmd):
-        _cmd = [cmd, "# ", 10] if isinstance(cmd, str) else cmd
-        return self.dut.alt_session.send_expect(*_cmd)
-    def prepare_binary(self, name):
-        example_dir = "examples/" + name
-        out = self.dut.build_dpdk_apps("./" + example_dir)
-        return os.path.join(self.target_dir, self.dut.apps_name[os.path.basename(name)])
-    def get_cores_mask(self, cores_list):
-        return dts_create_mask(cores_list)
-    def add_stream_to_pktgen(self, txport, rxport, send_pkts, option):
-        stream_ids = []
-        cnt = 0
-        for pkt in send_pkts:
-            _option = deepcopy(option)
-            _option["pcap"] = pkt
-            stream_id = self.tester.pktgen.add_stream(txport, rxport, pkt)
-            self.tester.pktgen.config_stream(stream_id, _option)
-            stream_ids.append(stream_id)
-            # rxport -> txport
-            stream_id = self.tester.pktgen.add_stream(rxport, txport, pkt)
-            self.tester.pktgen.config_stream(stream_id, _option)
-            stream_ids.append(stream_id)
-            cnt += 1
-        return stream_ids
-    def run_traffic(self, option):
-        txport = self.tester.get_local_port(self.dut_ports[0])
-        rxport = self.tester.get_local_port(self.dut_ports[1])
-        stm_type = option.get("stm_types")
-        rate_percent = option.get("rate", float(100))
-        duration = option.get("duration", 10)
-        send_pkts = self.set_stream(stm_type)
-        # clear streams before add new streams
-        self.tester.pktgen.clear_streams()
-        # set stream into pktgen
-        s_option = {
-            "stream_config": {
-                "txmode": {},
-                "transmit_mode": TRANSMIT_CONT,
-                "rate": rate_percent,
-            }
-        }
-        stream_ids = self.add_stream_to_pktgen(txport, rxport, send_pkts, s_option)
-        # run traffic options
-        traffic_opt = option.get("traffic_opt")
-        # run pktgen(ixia/trex) traffic
-        result = self.tester.pktgen.measure(stream_ids, traffic_opt)
-        return result
-    def get_pkt_len(self, pkt_type, frame_size):
-        headers_size = sum([HEADER_SIZE[x] for x in ["eth", "ip", pkt_type]])
-        pktlen = frame_size - headers_size
-        return pktlen
-    def set_stream(self, stm_names=None):
-        # set streams for traffic
-        pkt_configs = {
-            "UDP_1": {
-                "type": "UDP",
-                "pkt_layers": {
-                    "ipv4": {"dst": ""},
-                    "raw": {
-                        "payload": ["58"]
-                        * self.get_pkt_len("udp", frame_size=self.frame_size)
-                    },
-                },
-            },
-        }
-        # create packet instance for send
-        streams = []
-        for stm_name in stm_names:
-            if stm_name not in list(pkt_configs.keys()):
-                continue
-            values = pkt_configs[stm_name]
-            pkt_type = values.get("type")
-            pkt_layers = values.get("pkt_layers")
-            pkt = Packet(pkt_type=pkt_type)
-            for layer in list(pkt_layers.keys()):
-                pkt.config_layer(layer, pkt_layers[layer])
-            streams.append(pkt.pktgen.pkt)
-        return streams
-    @property
-    def empty_poll_options(self):
-        table = {
-            "train": "1,0,0",
-            "no-train": "0,350000,500000",
-        }
-        return table
-    def init_l3fwd_power(self):
-        self.l3fwd_power = self.prepare_binary("l3fwd-power")
-    def start_l3fwd_power(self, core):
-        train_mode = self.empty_poll_options.get(self.train_mode)
-        option = (
-            "-v "
-            "-c {core_mask} "
-            "-n {mem_channel} "
-            "-- "
-            "-p 0x3 "
-            "-P "
-            '--config="(0,0,{core}),(1,0,{core})" '
-            "-l 10 -m 6 -h 1 "
-            '--empty-poll="{empty-poll}" '
-        ).format(
-            **{
-                "core": core[-1],
-                "core_mask": self.get_cores_mask(core),
-                "mem_channel": self.dut.get_memory_channels(),
-                "empty-poll": train_mode,
-            }
-        )
-        prompts = {
-            self.NOTRAIN: "POWER: Bring up the Timer",
-            self.TRAIN: "POWER: Training is Complete",
-        }
-        prompt = prompts.get(self.train_mode)
-        cmd = [" ".join([self.l3fwd_power, option]), prompt, 120]
-        self.d_con(cmd)
-        self.is_l3fwd_on = True
-    def close_l3fwd_power(self):
-        if not self.is_l3fwd_on:
-            return
-        cmd = "^C"
-        self.d_con(cmd)
-    def is_hyper_threading(self):
-        cpu_index = list(self.cpu_info.keys())[-1]
-        core_num = self.cpu_info[cpu_index].get("core")
-        return (cpu_index + 1) / 2 == (core_num + 1)
-    def is_support_pbf(self):
-        # check if cpu support bpf feature
-        cpu_attr = r"/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/base_frequency"
-        cmd = "ls {0}".format(cpu_attr)
-        self.d_a_con(cmd)
-        cmd = "echo $?"
-        output = self.d_a_con(cmd)
-        ret = True if output == "0" else False
-        return ret
-    def query_cpu_freq(self):
-        cmd = (
-            "cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu{0}/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq;"
-            "cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu{0}/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq;"
-        ).format(self.check_core[1])
-        output = self.d_a_con(cmd)
-        if not output:
-            self.scaling_min_freq, self.scaling_max_freq = 0, 0
-        else:
-            values = [int(item) for item in output.splitlines()]
-            self.scaling_min_freq, self.scaling_max_freq = values
-    def get_sys_power_driver(self):
-        drv_file = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_driver"
-        output = self.d_a_con("cat " + drv_file)
-        if not output:
-            msg = "unknown power driver"
-            self.verify(False, msg)
-        drv_name = output.splitlines()[0].strip()
-        return drv_name
-    def get_all_cpu_attrs(self):
-        """get all cpus' base_frequency value"""
-        key_values = ["base_frequency", "cpuinfo_max_freq", "cpuinfo_min_freq"]
-        freq = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu{0}/cpufreq/{1}".format
-        # use dut alt session to get dut platform cpu base frequency attribute
-        cpu_topos = self.dut.get_all_cores()
-        cpu_info = {}
-        for cpu_topo in cpu_topos:
-            cpu_id = int(cpu_topo["thread"])
-            cpu_info[cpu_id] = {}
-            cpu_info[cpu_id]["socket"] = cpu_topo["socket"]
-            cpu_info[cpu_id]["core"] = cpu_topo["core"]
-        for key_value in key_values:
-            cmds = []
-            for cpu_id in sorted(cpu_info.keys()):
-                cmds.append("cat {0}".format(freq(cpu_id, key_value)))
-            output = self.d_a_con(";".join(cmds))
-            freqs = (
-                [int(item) for item in output.splitlines()]
-                if key_value != "scaling_available_frequencies"
-                else [item for item in output.splitlines()]
-            )
-            for index, cpu_id in enumerate(sorted(cpu_info.keys())):
-                if key_value == "scaling_available_frequencies":
-                    cpu_info[cpu_id][key_value] = [
-                        int(item) for item in sorted(freqs[index].split())
-                    ]
-                else:
-                    cpu_info[cpu_id][key_value] = freqs[index]
-        # get high priority core and normal core
-        base_freqs_info = {}
-        for core_index, value in list(cpu_info.items()):
-            base_frequency = value.get("base_frequency")
-            base_freqs_info.setdefault(base_frequency, []).append(core_index)
-        base_freqs = list(base_freqs_info.keys())
-        # cpu should have high priority core and normal core
-        # high priority core frequency is higher than normal core frequency
-        if len(base_freqs) <= 1 or not all(
-            [len(value) for value in list(base_freqs_info.values())]
-        ):
-            msg = "current cpu has no high priority core"
-            raise VerifyFailure(msg)
-        self.logger.debug(pformat(base_freqs_info))
-        return cpu_info, base_freqs_info
-    def get_normal_cores_index(self, number):
-        normal_freq = min(self.base_freqs_info.keys())
-        cores_index = (
-            self.base_freqs_info[normal_freq][1:number]
-            if self.base_freqs_info[normal_freq][0] == 0
-            else self.base_freqs_info[normal_freq][:number]
-        )
-        return cores_index
-    def get_no_turbo_max(self, core):
-        cmd = "rdmsr -p {} 0x0CE -f 15:8 -d".format(core)
-        output = self.d_a_con(cmd)
-        freq = output.strip() + "00000"
-        return int(freq)
-    def check_core_freq_in_traffic(self, core_index, mode):
-        """
-        check the cores frequency when running traffic
-             highest frequency[no_turbo_max]: cur_min=cur_max=no_turbo_max
-        """
-        freq = self.get_no_turbo_max(core_index)
-        expected_freq = freq if mode == self.HIGH else (freq - 500000)
-        msg = "max freq is failed to get."
-        self.verify(self.scaling_max_freq, msg)
-        msg = "max freq is not the same as highest frequency <{0}>"
-        self.verify(expected_freq == self.scaling_max_freq, msg.format(expected_freq))
-        msg = "min freq is failed to get."
-        self.verify(self.scaling_min_freq, msg)
-        msg = "min freq is not the same as highest frequency <{0}>"
-        self.verify(expected_freq == self.scaling_min_freq, msg.format(expected_freq))
-        msg = "core <{0}>: max freq/min_freq/expected freq<{1}> are the same"
-        self.logger.info(msg.format(core_index, expected_freq))
-    def check_no_train(self):
-        output = self.dut.get_session_output(timeout=2)
-        msg = "training steps should not be executed"
-        self.verify("POWER: Training is Complete" not in output, msg)
-    @property
-    def train_mode_check_item(self):
-        # Injected Rate:
-        #      10G -> 0.1G -> 10G -> 0.1G -> 10G -> 0.1G
-        check_item = [
-            [100, self.HIGH],
-            [1, self.MED],
-            [100, self.HIGH],
-            [1, self.MED],
-            [100, self.HIGH],
-            [1, self.MED],
-        ]
-        return check_item
-    def verify_train_mode(self):
-        except_content = None
-        # begin run vm power policy testing
-        try:
-            self.start_l3fwd_power(self.check_core)
-            if self.train_mode == self.NOTRAIN:
-                self.check_no_train()
-            else:
-                time.sleep(10)  # wait some time for stable training
-                msg = "{0} begin test mode <{1}> with traffic rate percent {2}%"
-                for rate, mode in self.train_mode_check_item:
-                    self.logger.info(msg.format(self.train_mode, mode, rate))
-                    duration = 20 if self.is_use_trex else 10
-                    info = {
-                        "traffic_opt": {
-                            "method": "throughput",
-                            "interval": duration - 2,
-                            "duration": duration,
-                            "callback": self.query_cpu_freq,
-                        },
-                        "stm_types": ["UDP_1"],
-                        "rate": rate,
-                    }
-                    # run traffic
-                    self.run_traffic(info)
-                    time.sleep(15 if self.is_use_trex else 2)
-                    # check test result
-                    self.check_core_freq_in_traffic(self.check_core[1], mode)
-        except Exception as e:
-            self.logger.error(traceback.format_exc())
-            except_content = e
-        finally:
-            self.close_l3fwd_power()
-        # check verify result
-        if except_content:
-            raise VerifyFailure(except_content)
-        else:
-            msg = "test <{0}> successful !!!".format(self.train_mode)
-            self.logger.info(msg)
-    def verify_power_driver(self):
-        expected_drv = "intel_pstate"
-        power_drv = self.get_sys_power_driver()
-        msg = "{0} should work with {1} driver on DUT".format(
-            self.suite_name, expected_drv
-        )
-        self.verify(power_drv == expected_drv, msg)
-    def verify_hyper_threading(self):
-        msg = "{} should work under hyper threading close status"
-        self.verify(not self.is_hyper_threading(), msg.format(self.suite_name))
-    def verify_pbf_supported(self):
-        if self.is_support_pbf():
-            return
-        msg = "dut cpu doesn't support priority base frequency feature"
-        raise VerifyFailure(msg)
-    def preset_test_environment(self):
-        self.is_l3fwd_on = None
-        self.cpu_info, self.base_freqs_info = self.get_all_cpu_attrs()
-        test_content = self.get_suite_cfg()
-        self.frame_size = test_content.get("frame_size") or 1024
-        self.check_core = self.get_normal_cores_index(2)
-        self.verify_hyper_threading()
-        # modprobe msr module to let the application can get the CPU HW info
-        self.d_a_con("modprobe msr")
-        # init binary
-        self.init_l3fwd_power()
-    #
-    # Test cases.
-    #
-    def set_up_all(self):
-        """
-        Run at the start of each test suite.
-        """
-        self.verify_power_driver()
-        # check if cpu support bpf feature
-        self.verify_pbf_supported()
-        self.dut_ports = self.dut.get_ports(self.nic)
-        self.verify(len(self.dut_ports) >= 2, "Not enough ports")
-        # prepare testing environment
-        self.preset_test_environment()
-    def tear_down_all(self):
-        """
-        Run after each test suite.
-        """
-        pass
-    def set_up(self):
-        """
-        Run before each test case.
-        """
-        pass
-    def tear_down(self):
-        """
-        Run after each test case.
-        """
-        self.dut.kill_all()
-    def test_perf_basic_train_mode(self):
-        """
-        Set Branch-Ratio Rate by User
-        """
-        self.train_mode = self.TRAIN
-        self.verify_train_mode()
-    def test_perf_no_training_mode(self):
-        """
-        Set Branch-Ratio Rate by User
-        """
-        self.train_mode = self.NOTRAIN
-        self.verify_train_mode()

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