DTS WG Meeting Minutes - February 14, 2024

Patrick Robb probb at iol.unh.edu
Wed Feb 14 21:35:21 CET 2024

February 14, 2024

* Patrick Robb
* Juraj Linkeš
* Thomas Monjalon
* Gregory Etelson
* Juraj Linkes
* Luca Vizzarro
* Nicholas Pratte

* Additions to the agenda
* Patch discussions
* DTS Developer documentation
* Bugzilla discussion


General Announcements
* Added developers for DTS: Nick from UNH is starting on DTS now, and 1-2
more people from UNH will be starting on this project in the near future.
   * The first thing Nick will do is build the DTS API docs from Juraj’s
patch and provide a review
   * He will be joining the meetings going forward
* Recordings of these meetings can be seen at the below url, by clicking on
the meeting date, then the 3 dots, then share meeting recording:

Patch discussions
* Docs improvements: Luca’s patch was accepted
   * Thomas noted that the schema for DPDK build options was probably not
well thought out, and just imported from old dts.
   * Noting I remember Juraj mentioned once that cross compile targets
probably are not needed
      1. This is not a priority - we should wait and see if there is
interest later.
      2. https://bugs.dpdk.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1360
      3. There are some unused values which can be removed
      4. Lcores value: change from empty string to “all” (if not specifying
a specific list of cores)
      5. Port topology: should this be a part of the conf schema?
         1. Some testsuites may allow for different port topologies and
should be configurable, others may have specific requirements which should
be built into the capabilities assessment per testsuite
      6. Ports: If we specify port 0 on machine 1 connects to port 0 on
machine 2, we don’t then need to specify port 0 on machine 2 connects to
port 0 on machine 1 - it’s redundant configuration (and introduces possible
setup human error)
* Improved error messages:
   * Intent for Luca’s patch is to improve patch reporting, as well as log
errors from remote sessions
* Scatter
   * Per conversation at the previous meeting, adding a 2nd testcase to the
testsuite (one will include the rx offload testpmd flag, one will not)
   * Ran into a type error yesterday from the xmlrpc client when running on
one of the community lab’s testbeds, but will continue debugging
      1. Error is about a list not being callable? Jeremy Spewock will send
the error and latest diff to Juraj on Slack
   * When running a suite in which testpmd is started for 1 testcase, then
stopped, then started again for subsequent testcases, this can lead to a
timeout. The timeout comes from paramiko.
* Device capabilities: Only source of truth for collecting capabilities
should be any information we can gather via testpmd
   * Needs to build a way to mark testsuites with capabilities
   * Will build a list of capabilities per device
* Dockerfile patch:
   * Patrick Robbneeds to apply this, run from container on one of our
baremetal servers, and ask Thomas to merge
* API Docs:
   * Needs reviews - Nick will provide one
* Juraj: Small patch for storing the output from remote commands (strips
the whitespace)
* Testcase blocking: When a testcase fails, everything under it is blocked.
This patch is final from Juraj’s point of view, and Jeremy has provided
some comments.
   * More reviews are needed. Patrick and Nick can do reviews, also Luca

* If we can assign configuration file bugzillas to two people, they can
provide reviews for one another
* We will discuss bugzilla tickets more tomorrow at the CI meeting

Any other business
* Juraj is on vacation 4th of March to 29 March.
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