[dpdk-moving] Today's Meeting

Thomas Monjalon thomas.monjalon at 6wind.com
Tue Dec 13 17:22:29 CET 2016

I give some thoughts here because there is no time during the meeting
to talk between chatty people.

First I agree some progress could be done in managing contributions.
Some progress could be done if people were giving some time.
Unfortunately a lot of people complain but do not give so much time.
There are basically 2 ways to give some time:
- work more on his own contribution (without being disturbed by other projects)
- review, test and give some opinions about other contributions or discussions

About the technical board, there is no point in using it if there is no
online discussion first. If you see a problem, use your mailer and tell it.
There is a real power in bringing some evidence to a public mailing list.
If you do not trust in the power of open discussions, an Open Source project
cannot do much for you.

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