[spp] [PATCH 10/13] controller: add topo.py

ogawa.yasufumi at lab.ntt.co.jp ogawa.yasufumi at lab.ntt.co.jp
Tue Mar 6 11:50:52 CET 2018

From: Yasufumi Ogawa <ogawa.yasufumi at lab.ntt.co.jp>

This update adds 'topo.py' in which methods for 'topo' command are

Signed-off-by: Yasufumi Ogawa <ogawa.yasufumi at lab.ntt.co.jp>
 src/controller/topo.py | 312 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 312 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/controller/topo.py

diff --git a/src/controller/topo.py b/src/controller/topo.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30a9c1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/controller/topo.py
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# coding: utf-8
+import os
+import re
+from spp_common import logger
+import subprocess
+import traceback
+import uuid
+import websocket
+class Topo(object):
+    """Setup and output network topology for topo command
+    Topo command supports four types of output.
+    * terminal (but very few terminals supporting to display images)
+    * browser (websocket server is required)
+    * image file (jpg, png, bmp)
+    * text (dot, json, yaml)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, sec_ids, m2s_queues, s2m_queues):
+        logger.info("Topo initialized with sec IDs %s" % sec_ids)
+        self.sec_ids = sec_ids
+        self.m2s_queues = m2s_queues
+        self.s2m_queues = s2m_queues
+    def show(self, dtype):
+        res_ary = []
+        for sec_id in self.sec_ids:
+            self.m2s_queues[sec_id].put("status")
+            res = self.format_sec_status(self.s2m_queues[sec_id].get(True))
+            res_ary.append(res)
+        if dtype == "http":
+            self.to_http(res_ary)
+        elif dtype == "term":
+            self.to_term(res_ary)
+        else:
+            print("Invalid file type")
+            return res_ary
+    def output(self, fname, ftype="dot"):
+        res_ary = []
+        for sec_id in self.sec_ids:
+            self.m2s_queues[sec_id].put("status")
+            res = self.format_sec_status(self.s2m_queues[sec_id].get(True))
+            res_ary.append(res)
+        if ftype == "dot":
+            self.to_dot(res_ary, fname)
+        elif ftype == "json" or ftype == "js":
+            self.to_json(res_ary, fname)
+        elif ftype == "yaml" or ftype == "yml":
+            self.to_yaml(res_ary, fname)
+        elif ftype == "jpg" or ftype == "png" or ftype == "bmp":
+            self.to_img(res_ary, fname)
+        else:
+            print("Invalid file type")
+            return res_ary
+        print("Create topology: '%s'" % fname)
+        return res_ary
+    def to_dot(self, sec_list, output_fname):
+        # Label given if outport is "none"
+        NO_PORT = "none"
+        # Graphviz params
+        SEC_COLORS = [
+            "blue", "green", "orange", "chocolate", "black",
+            "cyan3", "green3", "indianred", "lawngreen", "limegreen"]
+        PORT_COLORS = {
+            "PHY": "white",
+            "RING": "yellow",
+            "VHOST": "limegreen"}
+        LINE_STYLE = {
+            "RUNNING": "solid",
+            "IDLING": "dashed"}
+        GRAPH_TYPE = "digraph"
+        LINK_TYPE = "->"
+        node_attrs = 'node[shape="rectangle", style="filled"];'
+        phys = []
+        rings = []
+        vhosts = []
+        links = []
+        for sec in sec_list:
+            for port in sec["ports"]:
+                if port["iface"]["type"] == "PHY":
+                    phys.append(port)
+                elif port["iface"]["type"] == "RING":
+                    rings.append(port)
+                elif port["iface"]["type"] == "VHOST":
+                    vhosts.append(port)
+                else:
+                    raise ValueError(
+                        "Invaid interface type: %s" % port["iface"]["type"])
+                if port["out"] != NO_PORT:
+                    out_id = int(port["out"])
+                    if sec["forward"] is True:
+                        l_style = LINE_STYLE["RUNNING"]
+                    else:
+                        l_style = LINE_STYLE["IDLING"]
+                    attrs = '[label="%s", color="%s", style="%s"]' % (
+                        "sec" + sec["sec_id"],
+                        SEC_COLORS[int(sec["sec_id"])],
+                        l_style
+                    )
+                    tmp = "%s%s %s %s%s%s;" % (
+                        port["iface"]["type"],
+                        port["iface"]["id"],
+                        LINK_TYPE,
+                        sec["ports"][out_id]["iface"]["type"],
+                        sec["ports"][out_id]["iface"]["id"],
+                        attrs
+                    )
+                    links.append(tmp)
+        output = ["%s spp{" % GRAPH_TYPE]
+        output.append("newrank=true;")
+        output.append(node_attrs)
+        phy_labels = []
+        for p in phys:
+            phy_labels.append(p["iface"]["type"] + p["iface"]["id"])
+        phy_labels = list(set(phy_labels))
+        for l in phy_labels:
+            output.append(
+                    '%s[label="%s", fillcolor="%s"];' % (
+                        l, l, PORT_COLORS["PHY"]))
+        ring_labels = []
+        for p in rings:
+            ring_labels.append(p["iface"]["type"] + p["iface"]["id"])
+        ring_labels = list(set(ring_labels))
+        for l in ring_labels:
+            output.append(
+                '%s[label="%s", fillcolor="%s"];' % (
+                    l, l, PORT_COLORS["RING"]))
+        vhost_labels = []
+        for p in vhosts:
+            vhost_labels.append(p["iface"]["type"] + p["iface"]["id"])
+        vhost_labels = list(set(vhost_labels))
+        for l in vhost_labels:
+            output.append(
+                '%s[label="%s", fillcolor="%s"];' % (
+                    l, l, PORT_COLORS["VHOST"]))
+        # rank
+        output.append(
+            '{rank=same; %s}' % ("; ".join(ring_labels)))
+        if len(phys) > 0:
+            output.append(
+                '{rank=max; %s}' % (
+                    phys[0]["iface"]["type"] + phys[0]["iface"]["id"]))
+        output.append(
+            '{rank=same; %s}' % ("; ".join(phy_labels)))
+        # subgraph
+        cluster_id = "cluster0"
+        sg_label = "Host"
+        sg_ports = "; ".join(phy_labels + ring_labels)
+        output.append(
+            'subgraph %s {label="%s" %s}' % (cluster_id, sg_label, sg_ports))
+        for link in links:
+            output.append(link)
+        output.append("}")
+        # remove duplicated entries
+        f = open(output_fname, "w+")
+        f.write("\n".join(output))
+        f.close()
+    def to_json(self, sec_list, output_fname):
+        import json
+        f = open(output_fname, "w+")
+        f.write(json.dumps(sec_list))
+        f.close()
+    def to_yaml(self, sec_list, output_fname):
+        import yaml
+        f = open(output_fname, "w+")
+        f.write(yaml.dump(sec_list))
+        f.close()
+    def to_img(self, sec_list, output_fname):
+        tmpfile = "%s.dot" % uuid.uuid4().hex
+        self.to_dot(sec_list, tmpfile)
+        fmt = output_fname.split(".")[-1]
+        cmd = "dot -T%s %s -o %s" % (fmt, tmpfile, output_fname)
+        subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
+        subprocess.call("rm -f %s" % tmpfile, shell=True)
+    def to_http(self, sec_list):
+        tmpfile = "%s.dot" % uuid.uuid4().hex
+        self.to_dot(sec_list, tmpfile)
+        msg = open(tmpfile).read()
+        subprocess.call("rm -f %s" % tmpfile, shell=True)
+        ws_url = "ws://localhost:8989/spp_ws"
+        ws = websocket.create_connection(ws_url)
+        ws.send(msg)
+        ws.close()
+    def to_term(self, sec_list):
+        tmpfile = "%s.jpg" % uuid.uuid4().hex
+        self.to_img(sec_list, tmpfile)
+        from distutils import spawn
+        # TODO(yasufum) Add check for using only supported terminal
+        if spawn.find_executable("img2sixel") is not None:
+            img_cmd = "img2sixel"
+        else:
+            img_cmd = "%s/%s/imgcat.sh" % (
+                os.path.dirname(__file__), '3rd_party')
+        # Resize image to fit the terminal
+        img_size = "60%"
+        cmd = "convert -resize %s %s %s" % (img_size, tmpfile, tmpfile)
+        subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
+        subprocess.call("%s %s" % (img_cmd, tmpfile), shell=True)
+        subprocess.call(["rm", "-f", tmpfile])
+    def format_sec_status(self, stat):
+        """Return formatted secondary status as a hash
+        By running status command on controller, status is sent from
+        secondary process and receiving message is displayed.
+        This is an example of receiving status message.
+            recv:8:{Client ID 1 Idling
+            client_id:1
+            port_id:0,on,PHY,outport:2
+            port_id:1,on,PHY,outport:none
+            port_id:2,on,RING(0),outport:3
+            port_id:3,on,VHOST(1),outport:none
+            }
+        This method returns as following.
+            {
+            'forward': False,
+            'ports': [
+                {
+                    'out': 'none',
+                    'id': '0',
+                    'iface': {'type': 'PHY', 'id': '0'}
+                },
+                {
+                    'out': 'none',
+                    'id': '1',
+                    'iface': {'type': 'PHY', 'id': '1'}
+                }
+            ],
+            'sec_id': '2'
+            }
+        """
+        stat_ary = stat.split("\n")
+        res = {}
+        try:
+            # Check running status
+            if "Idling" in stat_ary[0]:
+                res["forward"] = False
+            elif "Running" in stat_ary[0]:
+                res["forward"] = True
+            else:
+                print("Invalid forwarding status:", stat_ary[0])
+            ptn = re.compile(r"clinet_id:(\d+)")
+            m = ptn.match(stat_ary[1])
+            if m is not None:
+                res["sec_id"] = m.group(1)
+            else:
+                raise Exception("No client ID matched!")
+            ports = []
+            # match PHY, for exp. 'port_id:0,on,PHY,outport:none'
+            ptn_p = re.compile(r"port_id:(\d+),on,(\w+),outport:(\w+)")
+            # match RING for exp. 'port_id:2,on,RING(0),outport:3'
+            # or VHOST for exp. 'port_id:3,on,VHOST(1),outport:none'
+            ptn_v = re.compile(
+                r"port_id:(\d+),on,(\w+)\((\d+)\),outport:(\w+)")
+            for i in range(2, len(stat_ary)-1):
+                m = ptn_p.match(stat_ary[i])
+                if m is not None:
+                    ports.append({
+                        "id": m.group(1),
+                        "iface": {"type": m.group(2), "id": m.group(1)},
+                        "out": m.group(3)})
+                    continue
+                m = ptn_v.match(stat_ary[i])
+                if m is not None:
+                    ports.append({
+                        "id": m.group(1),
+                        "iface": {"type": m.group(2), "id": m.group(3)},
+                        "out": m.group(4)})
+            res["ports"] = ports
+            return res
+        except Exception:
+            traceback.print_exc()
+            return None

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