[dpdk-stable] [PATCH] mk: fix permissions when using make install

Bruce Richardson bruce.richardson at intel.com
Thu Aug 9 17:22:35 CEST 2018

When using make install, the permissions of the resulting file should be
those of the user using make install, not those of the user who ran the
build. This would not be the case when a user explicitly runs:

   "make && sudo make install"

Fix this by changing "cp -a", which preserves all attributes, to
"cp -dR --preserve=timestamp", and by adding the flags
"--no-same-owner --no-same-permissions" to the calls to tar.

Fixes: 1fa0fd9d6b42 ("mk: allow to specify DESTDIR in build rule")
Fixes: 6b62a72a70d0 ("mk: install a standard cutomizable tree")
Fixes: 576de42b83e5 ("doc: render and install man pages")

CC: stable at dpdk.org
Signed-off-by: Bruce Richardson <bruce.richardson at intel.com>
 mk/rte.sdkinstall.mk | 36 +++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mk/rte.sdkinstall.mk b/mk/rte.sdkinstall.mk
index e756ec629..8296e6dbd 100644
--- a/mk/rte.sdkinstall.mk
+++ b/mk/rte.sdkinstall.mk
@@ -85,18 +85,22 @@ else
 	@echo Installation in $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/ complete
+# when installing we want recursive copies preserving timestamps only, no
+# preservation of user/group ids or permissions
+CP_FLAGS=-dR --preserve=timestamps
+TAR_X_FLAGS=--strip-components=1 --keep-newer-files --no-same-owner --no-same-permissions
 	$(Q)$(call rte_mkdir, $(DESTDIR)$(libdir))
-	$(Q)cp -a    $O/lib/* $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)
+	$(Q)cp $(CP_FLAGS)    $O/lib/* $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)
 	$(Q)$(call rte_mkdir, $(DESTDIR)$(bindir))
 	$(Q)tar -cf -      -C $O --exclude 'app/*.map' \
 		--exclude app/dpdk-pmdinfogen \
 		--exclude 'app/cmdline*' --exclude app/test \
 		--exclude app/testacl --exclude app/testpipeline app | \
-	    tar -xf -      -C $(DESTDIR)$(bindir) --strip-components=1 \
-		--keep-newer-files
+	    tar -xf -      -C $(DESTDIR)$(bindir) $(TAR_X_FLAGS)
 	$(Q)$(call rte_mkdir,      $(DESTDIR)$(datadir))
-	$(Q)cp -a $(RTE_SDK)/usertools $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)
+	$(Q)cp $(CP_FLAGS) $(RTE_SDK)/usertools $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)
 	$(Q)$(call rte_mkdir,      $(DESTDIR)$(sbindir))
 	$(Q)$(call rte_symlink,    $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/usertools/dpdk-devbind.py, \
@@ -104,30 +108,29 @@ install-runtime:
 ifneq ($(wildcard $O/doc/man/*/*.1),)
 	$(Q)$(call rte_mkdir,      $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1)
-	$(Q)cp -a $O/doc/man/*/*.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1
+	$(Q)cp $(CP_FLAGS) $O/doc/man/*/*.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1
 ifneq ($(wildcard $O/doc/man/*/*.8),)
 	$(Q)$(call rte_mkdir,      $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man8)
-	$(Q)cp -a $O/doc/man/*/*.8 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man8
+	$(Q)cp $(CP_FLAGS) $O/doc/man/*/*.8 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man8
 ifneq ($(wildcard $O/kmod/*),)
 	$(Q)$(call rte_mkdir, $(DESTDIR)$(kerneldir))
-	$(Q)cp -a   $O/kmod/* $(DESTDIR)$(kerneldir)
+	$(Q)cp $(CP_FLAGS)   $O/kmod/* $(DESTDIR)$(kerneldir)
 	$(Q)$(call rte_mkdir, $(DESTDIR)$(includedir))
 	$(Q)tar -chf -     -C $O include | \
-	    tar -xf -      -C $(DESTDIR)$(includedir) --strip-components=1 \
-		--keep-newer-files
+	    tar -xf -      -C $(DESTDIR)$(includedir) $(TAR_X_FLAGS)
 	$(Q)$(call rte_mkdir,                            $(DESTDIR)$(sdkdir))
-	$(Q)cp -a               $(RTE_SDK)/mk            $(DESTDIR)$(sdkdir)
-	$(Q)cp -a               $(RTE_SDK)/buildtools    $(DESTDIR)$(sdkdir)
+	$(Q)cp $(CP_FLAGS)      $(RTE_SDK)/mk            $(DESTDIR)$(sdkdir)
+	$(Q)cp $(CP_FLAGS)      $(RTE_SDK)/buildtools    $(DESTDIR)$(sdkdir)
 	$(Q)$(call rte_mkdir,                            $(DESTDIR)$(targetdir)/app)
-	$(Q)cp -a               $O/.config               $(DESTDIR)$(targetdir)
-	$(Q)cp -a               $O/app/dpdk-pmdinfogen   $(DESTDIR)$(targetdir)/app
+	$(Q)cp $(CP_FLAGS)      $O/.config               $(DESTDIR)$(targetdir)
+	$(Q)cp $(CP_FLAGS)      $O/app/dpdk-pmdinfogen   $(DESTDIR)$(targetdir)/app
 	$(Q)$(call rte_symlink, $(DESTDIR)$(includedir), $(DESTDIR)$(targetdir)/include)
 	$(Q)$(call rte_symlink, $(DESTDIR)$(libdir),     $(DESTDIR)$(targetdir)/lib)
@@ -135,12 +138,11 @@ install-doc:
 ifneq ($(wildcard $O/doc/html),)
 	$(Q)$(call rte_mkdir, $(DESTDIR)$(docdir))
 	$(Q)tar -cf -      -C $O/doc --exclude 'html/guides/.*' html | \
-	    tar -xf -      -C $(DESTDIR)$(docdir) --strip-components=1 \
-		--keep-newer-files
+	    tar -xf -      -C $(DESTDIR)$(docdir) $(TAR_X_FLAGS)
 ifneq ($(wildcard $O/doc/*/*/*pdf),)
 	$(Q)$(call rte_mkdir,     $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/guides)
-	$(Q)cp -a $O/doc/*/*/*pdf $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/guides
+	$(Q)cp $(CP_FLAGS) $O/doc/*/*/*pdf $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/guides
 	$(Q)$(call rte_mkdir,         $(DESTDIR)$(datadir))
-	$(Q)cp -a $(RTE_SDK)/examples $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)
+	$(Q)cp $(CP_FLAGS) $(RTE_SDK)/examples $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)

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