[dpdk-stable] patch 'test: improve filtering' has been queued to LTS release 17.11.4

Yongseok Koh yskoh at mellanox.com
Mon Aug 13 22:37:45 CEST 2018


FYI, your patch has been queued to LTS release 17.11.4

Note it hasn't been pushed to http://dpdk.org/browse/dpdk-stable yet.
It will be pushed if I get no objections before 08/15/18. So please
shout if anyone has objections.



>From a0a51cb787d98cd90f59c955061b5b88beb0f27d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Anatoly Burakov <anatoly.burakov at intel.com>
Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2018 10:40:15 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] test: improve filtering

[ upstream commit 71d97e03d812713715e409e18f2e27134cfdcd92 ]

Improve code for filtering test groups. Also, move reading binary
symbols into filtering stage, so that tests that are meant to be
skipped are never attempted to be executed in the first place.
Before running tests, print out any tests that were skipped because
they weren't compiled.

Signed-off-by: Anatoly Burakov <anatoly.burakov at intel.com>
 test/test/autotest_runner.py | 118 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 66 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/test/autotest_runner.py b/test/test/autotest_runner.py
index 4c02af17b..c6a9105b1 100644
--- a/test/test/autotest_runner.py
+++ b/test/test/autotest_runner.py
@@ -123,13 +123,6 @@ def run_test_group(cmdline, target, test_group):
     results.append((0, "Success", "Start %s" % test_group["Prefix"],
                     time.time() - start_time, startuplog.getvalue(), None))
-    # parse the binary for available test commands
-    binary = cmdline.split()[0]
-    stripped = 'not stripped' not in subprocess.check_output(['file', binary])
-    if not stripped:
-        symbols = subprocess.check_output(['nm', binary]).decode('utf-8')
-        avail_cmds = re.findall('test_register_(\w+)', symbols)
     # run all tests in test group
     for test in test_group["Tests"]:
@@ -149,10 +142,7 @@ def run_test_group(cmdline, target, test_group):
             print("\n%s %s\n" % ("-" * 20, test["Name"]), file=logfile)
             # run test function associated with the test
-            if stripped or test["Command"] in avail_cmds:
-                result = test["Func"](child, test["Command"])
-            else:
-                result = (0, "Skipped [Not Available]")
+            result = test["Func"](child, test["Command"])
             # make a note when the test was finished
             end_time = time.time()
@@ -214,8 +204,10 @@ class AutotestRunner:
     def __init__(self, cmdline, target, blacklist, whitelist):
         self.cmdline = cmdline
         self.target = target
+        self.binary = cmdline.split()[0]
         self.blacklist = blacklist
         self.whitelist = whitelist
+        self.skipped = []
         # log file filename
         logfile = "%s.log" % target
@@ -304,53 +296,58 @@ class AutotestRunner:
             if i != 0:
                 self.csvwriter.writerow([test_name, test_result, result_str])
-    # this function iterates over test groups and removes each
-    # test that is not in whitelist/blacklist
-    def __filter_groups(self, test_groups):
-        groups_to_remove = []
-        # filter out tests from parallel test groups
-        for i, test_group in enumerate(test_groups):
-            # iterate over a copy so that we could safely delete individual
-            # tests
-            for test in test_group["Tests"][:]:
-                test_id = test["Command"]
-                # dump tests are specified in full e.g. "Dump_mempool"
-                if "_autotest" in test_id:
-                    test_id = test_id[:-len("_autotest")]
-                # filter out blacklisted/whitelisted tests
-                if self.blacklist and test_id in self.blacklist:
-                    test_group["Tests"].remove(test)
-                    continue
-                if self.whitelist and test_id not in self.whitelist:
-                    test_group["Tests"].remove(test)
-                    continue
-            # modify or remove original group
-            if len(test_group["Tests"]) > 0:
-                test_groups[i] = test_group
-            else:
-                # remember which groups should be deleted
-                # put the numbers backwards so that we start
-                # deleting from the end, not from the beginning
-                groups_to_remove.insert(0, i)
+    # this function checks individual test and decides if this test should be in
+    # the group by comparing it against  whitelist/blacklist. it also checks if
+    # the test is compiled into the binary, and marks it as skipped if necessary
+    def __filter_test(self, test):
+        test_cmd = test["Command"]
+        test_id = test_cmd
+        # dump tests are specified in full e.g. "Dump_mempool"
+        if "_autotest" in test_id:
+            test_id = test_id[:-len("_autotest")]
+        # filter out blacklisted/whitelisted tests
+        if self.blacklist and test_id in self.blacklist:
+            return False
+        if self.whitelist and test_id not in self.whitelist:
+            return False
+        # if test wasn't compiled in, remove it as well
+        # parse the binary for available test commands
+        stripped = 'not stripped' not in \
+                   subprocess.check_output(['file', self.binary])
+        if not stripped:
+            symbols = subprocess.check_output(['nm',
+                                               self.binary]).decode('utf-8')
+            avail_cmds = re.findall('test_register_(\w+)', symbols)
+            if test_cmd not in avail_cmds:
+                # notify user
+                result = 0, "Skipped [Not compiled]", test_id, 0, "", None
+                self.skipped.append(tuple(result))
+                return False
-        # remove test groups that need to be removed
-        for i in groups_to_remove:
-            del test_groups[i]
+        return True
-        return test_groups
+    def __filter_group(self, group):
+        group["Tests"] = list(filter(self.__filter_test, group["Tests"]))
+        return len(group["Tests"]) > 0
     # iterate over test groups and run tests associated with them
     def run_all_tests(self):
         # filter groups
-        self.parallel_test_groups = \
-            self.__filter_groups(self.parallel_test_groups)
-        self.non_parallel_test_groups = \
-            self.__filter_groups(self.non_parallel_test_groups)
+        # for each test group, check all tests against the filter, then remove
+        # all groups that don't have any tests
+        self.parallel_test_groups = list(
+            filter(self.__filter_group,
+                   self.parallel_test_groups)
+        )
+        self.non_parallel_test_groups = list(
+            filter(self.__filter_group,
+                   self.non_parallel_test_groups)
+        )
         # create a pool of worker threads
         pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=1)
@@ -366,6 +363,23 @@ class AutotestRunner:
                   "Test".center(9) + "Total".center(9))
             print("=" * 80)
+            # print out skipped autotests if there were any
+            if len(self.skipped):
+                print("Skipped autotests:")
+                # print out any skipped tests
+                for result in self.skipped:
+                    # unpack result tuple
+                    test_result, result_str, test_name, _, _, _ = result
+                    self.csvwriter.writerow([test_name, test_result,
+                                             result_str])
+                    t = ("%s:" % test_name).ljust(30)
+                    t += result_str.ljust(29)
+                    t += "[00m 00s]"
+                    print(t)
             # make a note of tests start time
             self.start = time.time()

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