[dpdk-stable] [PATCH v2] usertools: fix telemetry python3 compatibility

Ciara Power ciara.power at intel.com
Tue Jan 21 18:03:10 CET 2020

The client script for use with the telemetry library did not support
Python3, as the data being sent over the socket was in string format.
Python3 requires the data be explicitly converted to bytes before being
sent. Similarily, the received bytes need to be decoded into string

Fixes: 53f293c9a783 ("usertools: replace unsafe input function")
Fixes: fe35622659ed ("usertools: fix telemetry client with python 3")
Fixes: d1b94da4a4e0 ("usertools: add client script for telemetry")
Fixes: 4080e46c8078 ("telemetry: support global metrics")
Cc: andrius.sirvys at intel.com
Cc: robin.jarry at 6wind.com
Cc: reshma.pattan at intel.com
Cc: stable at dpdk.org

Signed-off-by: Ciara Power <ciara.power at intel.com>
Reviewed-by: Robin Jarry <robin.jarry at 6wind.com>


V2: added future import for unicode literals to ensure consistency of
data types for Python2 and Python3.
 usertools/dpdk-telemetry-client.py | 18 ++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/usertools/dpdk-telemetry-client.py b/usertools/dpdk-telemetry-client.py
index 290345dcc..35edb7cd2 100755
--- a/usertools/dpdk-telemetry-client.py
+++ b/usertools/dpdk-telemetry-client.py
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 # Copyright(c) 2018 Intel Corporation
 from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
 import socket
 import os
@@ -65,18 +66,19 @@ def register(self): # Connects a client to DPDK-instance
         JSON = (API_REG + self.file_path + "\"}}")
-        self.socket.send_fd.sendall(JSON)
+        self.socket.send_fd.sendall(JSON.encode())
         self.socket.client_fd = self.socket.recv_fd.accept()[0]
     def unregister(self): # Unregister a given client
-        self.socket.client_fd.send(API_UNREG + self.file_path + "\"}}")
+        self.socket.client_fd.send((API_UNREG + self.file_path + "\"}}").encode())
     def requestMetrics(self): # Requests metrics for given client
-        self.socket.client_fd.send(METRICS_REQ)
-        data = self.socket.client_fd.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)
-        print("\nResponse: \n", str(data))
+        self.socket.client_fd.send(METRICS_REQ.encode())
+        data = self.socket.client_fd.recv(BUFFER_SIZE).decode()
+        print("\nResponse: \n", data)
     def repeatedlyRequestMetrics(self, sleep_time): # Recursively requests metrics for given client
         print("\nPlease enter the number of times you'd like to continuously request Metrics:")
@@ -88,9 +90,9 @@ def repeatedlyRequestMetrics(self, sleep_time): # Recursively requests metrics f
     def requestGlobalMetrics(self): #Requests global metrics for given client
-        self.socket.client_fd.send(GLOBAL_METRICS_REQ)
-        data = self.socket.client_fd.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)
-        print("\nResponse: \n", str(data))
+        self.socket.client_fd.send(GLOBAL_METRICS_REQ.encode())
+        data = self.socket.client_fd.recv(BUFFER_SIZE).decode()
+        print("\nResponse: \n", data)
     def interactiveMenu(self, sleep_time): # Creates Interactive menu within the script
         while self.choice != 4:

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