|FAILURE| pw122101 [PATCH v7 4/4] eal: add nonnull and access function attributes

0-day Robot robot at bytheb.org
Mon Jan 16 15:39:22 CET 2023

From: robot at bytheb.org

Test-Label: github-robot: build
Test-Status: FAILURE

_github build: failed_
Build URL: https://github.com/ovsrobot/dpdk/actions/runs/3930793900
Build Logs:
-----------------------Summary of failed steps-----------------------
"fedora:35-gcc" failed at step Install packages
"fedora:35-clang" failed at step Install packages
----------------------End summary of failed steps--------------------

-------------------------------BEGIN LOGS----------------------------
#### [Begin job log] "fedora:35-gcc" at step Install packages
#### [End job log] "fedora:35-gcc" at step Install packages

#### [Begin job log] "fedora:35-clang" at step Install packages
#### [End job log] "fedora:35-clang" at step Install packages
--------------------------------END LOGS-----------------------------

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