[dpdk-users] Is this a bug?//Re: pktgen segment fault when running save cmd

Caianning caianning at huawei.com
Wed Sep 14 08:34:40 CEST 2016

In pktgen_config_ports():

/* Start up the ports and display the port Link status */
         for (pid = 0; pid < pktgen.nb_ports; pid++) {

And in pktgen_script_save()
for (i = 0; i < RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS; i++) {
                   info = &pktgen.info[i];
                   pkt = &info->seq_pkt[SINGLE_PKT];
                   range = &info->range;

                   if (info->tx_burst == 0)

(gdb) p info->tx_burst
$12 = 0
(gdb) p pktgen.info[31].tx_burst
$13 = 0
(gdb) p pktgen.info[30].tx_burst
$14 = 0
(gdb) p i
$15 = 32

Is this a bug?

发件人: Caianning
发送时间: 2016年9月14日 14:18
收件人: users at dpdk.org
抄送: Houzhipeng; 'Hu, Xuekun'
主题: pktgen segment fault when running save cmd

         I got a segment fault when saving pktgen configurations:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x000000000043db17 in pktgen_script_save (path=path at entry=0x7ffc1c1dced0 "/home/vmse/a/pktgen-nsh.cfg") at /home/vmse/a/pktgen-v3.0.09/app/pktgen-cmds.c:420
420             if (info->rnd_bitfields->active_specs) {
(gdb) p info
$2 = (port_info_t *) 0x8dfe08 <pktgen+280872>
(gdb) p info->rnd_bitfields
$3 = (struct rnd_bits_s *) 0x0
(gdb) p sizeof(*info)
$5 = 90322

Version of dpdk is 16.07, and version of pktgen is 3.0.09.
the cmdline is:
pktgen -c 0x1ff -n 3 -- -P -m "[1-2:3-4].0,[5-6:7-8].1"


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