[dpdk-users] Sharing of pipelines in IP_PIPELINE application

Nidhia Varghese nidhiavarghese93 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 5 11:43:44 CEST 2017


I want to create a Mac-Learning pipeline application where upstream learns
the incoming source mac and incoming port. For downstream I have to forward
the traffic based on this mac-learning table created during the upstream.
My idea is:

   - Share the mac-learning pipeline between upstream and downstream
   communication. (ie., use the same pipeline for US and DS)  Thus I will be
   able to use the same mac-learning table for both upstream and downstream.

Is it possible to do so? Or is there any other way to use the mac-learning
table in a shared manner?

Thanks for your reply and help.

Nidhia Varghese

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