DPDK 亚太峰会将于2021年3月22-23日在线上举行,这是一场专为软件开发人员打造的社区活动,诚邀DPDK的使用者和贡献者参与本次线上峰会。活动内容包括介绍DPDK的最新发展,并就DPDK开源社区最感兴趣的话题进行深入讨论。
The DPDK Summit APAC is a community event focused on software developers who contribute to or use DPDK. The event will include presentations on the latest developments in DPDK, as well as in-depth discussions on the topics that are of most interest to the DPDK open source community.
DPDK APAC Summit will take place virtually, allowing you to attend from anywhere in the world, and include opportunities to network with other attendees, attend sessions with live speaker Q&A, and much more.