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DPDK Governing Board Meeting Summary – 6/20/23

By June 20, 2023February 28th, 2024Governing Board Minutes

Tech Board Updates
The 23.07 release of DPDK is in the works, and stabilization work is underway to prep for a July release. Release notes link up has occurred. The API freeze happened along with the C1 on the week of June 5th, and the PMD feature freeze is anticipated for June 21. Extensive work is also underway to clear up a large backlog of patches. Finally, there has been extensive internal discussion about when and how to break ABI and API; policy is already in place for both, but there has been internal discussion about how the community would like to see things change in this area.

Community Lab Updates
A number of patch series have been submitted by UNH to the DPDK CI public repository and are being reviewed for formatting and maintenance aesthetics. Once that review is done, merges will take place. These are the final setups as deployed in the lab, and the lab is running with them. This has been submitted to the CI, and they will merge this before the end of June, assuming that everything looks satisfactory. There is additional development work happening with respect to DTS; the target is to get these in as part of the 23.07 release. Following this release, the lab will start automatically testing with DTS. The upstream improvements that go into DTS upstream will be automatically deployed in the lab. There has also been additional change with respect to distros being maintained in the lab. Fedora 35-36 are end of life, so the lab has moved on to Fedora 37-38. And finally, the lab is working on hardening up some of its reporting.

Events Summary
DPDK Summit 2023 is planned for September 12-13 in Dublin Ireland; the CFP is live and accepting proposals, and registrations are underway. There was brief discussion about the possibility of adding an additional on-site DPDK event for either late September 2023 or November or December 2023, but this is only a matter of discussion. This matter is still under review.

Finance Updates
There have not been significant changes in this area. The project is in a healthy financial place, with a decent surplus, and putting available monies toward additional investments that are being used to promote the project and grow the community.

Marcomms Updates
As DPDK’s new marketing coordinator, Ben Thomas of Linux Foundation has been strategically increasing the project’s presence with a multi-tiered approach that includes: publishing the monthly newsletter (on the DPDK website with its own tab), ramping up social media, developing and publishing multiple end user stories with several ready for publication and others soon to be, updating DPDK’s summit branding, and reviewing all channel analytics and responding accordingly.