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MEDIA ADVISORY: Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) Publishes Defining White Paper

By Announcements

SAN FRANCISCO – July 20, 2020 –The Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) project, hosted by the Linux Foundation, consists of libraries and drivers to accelerate packet processing workloads running on a wide variety of CPU architectures, today announced the availability of a new white paper entitled, “Myth-busting DPDK in 2020: the past, present, and future of the most popular data plane development kit in the world.

 Produced by Avid Think and Converge! Network Digest with DPDK community support, the paper outlines the critical role DPDK plays in the evolution of networking infrastructure, while dispelling a number of myths and misconceptions about the technology. 

 “DPDK is a robust community that continuously adapts to shifts in technology with the goal of providing optimal value to the networking industry. As the community approaches the tenth anniversary of the project, we are pleased to release a thorough outline of DPDK’s capabilities and upcoming innovations,” said Jim St. Leger, DPDK Board Chair. 

 Topics outlined in the paper include:

  • Explanation/definition of DPDK
  • Market Evolution
  • DPDK Proliferation Across Architectures
  • Infrastructure Acceleration Trends and  DPDK’s Continued Market Evolution
  • What’s next for DPDK

 Download the white paper and check out  related videos on the top 10 DPDK myths, here: https://nextgeninfra.io/dpdk-myth-busting-2020/ 

 DPDK is a robust community of member organizations committed to enabling accessible fast packet processing to help move the networking industry forward. This includes Gold members Arm, AT&T, Ericsson, F5, Intel, Marvell, Mellanox (NVIDIA), Microsoft,  NXP, Red Hat, ZTE; Silver members 6Wind, AMD, Broadcom, Huawei; and Associate members Eötvös Loránd University, KAIST, Tsinghua University, University of Massachusetts Lowell, University of Limerick, and University of New Hampshire-Interoperability Lab. 

DPDK will host its annual DPDK Userspace summit as a virtual experience this year, September 22-23.  Userspace is a community event focused on software developers who contribute to or use DPDK, or are interested in doing so. The event includes presentations on the latest developments across DPDK, as well as in-depth discussions relevant topics to the open source data plane community. Registration is now open

For more information or details on how to participate in the DPDK Project, please visit: www.dpdk.org 

 About DPDK

The Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) project consists of libraries and drivers to accelerate packet processing workloads running on a wide variety of CPU architectures. By enabling very fast packet processing, DPDK makes it possible for organizations to move performance-sensitive applications to the cloud. Created in 2010 by Intel and made available under a permissive open source license, the open source community was established at DPDK.org in 2013 by 6WIND and moved under the auspices of The Linux Foundation in 2017. 

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The Linux Foundation has registered trademarks and uses trademarks, including The Linux Foundation. For a full list of trademarks of The Linux Foundation, please see our trademark usage page: https://www.linuxfoundation.org/trademark-usage. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.

TechXplore: Researchers mine cache of Intel processors to speed up data packet processing

By Media Coverage

Developed with Ericsson Research, the slice-aware memory-management scheme allows frequently used data to be accessed more quickly via the last-level cache of memory (LLC) of an Intel Xeon CPU. By establishing a key-value store and allocating memory in a way that it maps to the most appropriate LLC slice, they demonstrated both high-speed packet processing and improved performance of a key-value store.

Read the full article at: https://techxplore.com/news/2019-07-cache-intel-processors-packet.html

DPDK Community Lab Publishes Relative Performance Testing Results

By Blog

By Jeremy Plsek, Lincoln LaVoie and Patrick MacArthur

The DPDK Community Lab is an open, independent testing resource for the DPDK project. Its purpose is to perform automated testing on incoming patch submissions, to ensure the performance and quality of DPDK is maintained. Participation in the lab is open to all DPDK project participants.

For some time now, the DPDK Community Lab has been gathering performance deltas using the single-core packet I/O layer 2 throughput test from DTS for each patch series submitted to DPDK compared to the master branch. We are pleased to announce that the  Lab has recently been allowed to make these results public. These results are also now published to Patchwork as they are automatically generated. These results currently contain Mellanox and Intel devices, and the lab is able to support hardware from any DPDK participants wishing to support these testing efforts.

To view these results, you can go to DPDK Community Lab Dashboard via the following link: https://lab.dpdk.org. The dashboard lists an overview of all active patch series and their results. Detailed results can be viewed by clicking on the patch series. If a patch fails to merge into master, a build log will show to help identify any issues. If a patch cleanly merges into master, performance delta results will show for each participating member.

The Lab is hosted by the University of New Hampshire InterOperability Laboratory, as a neutral, third party location. This provides a secure environment for hosting equipment and generating unbiased results for all participating vendors. Lab participants, i.e. companies hosting equipment in the testing, can securely access their equipment through a VPN, allowing for maintenance and performance tuning, as the DPDK project progresses.

The Lab works by polling the Patchwork API. When new patches are submitted, the CI server merges them with the master branch and generates a tarball. Each participating system unpacks and installs the DPDK tarball and then runs the performance testing against this DPDK build. When all systems have finished testing, the CI gathers the results into our internal database to be shown on the Dashboard, and sends final reports to Patchwork to show up on the submitted patch. This allows patch submitters to utilize Patchwork to view their individual results, while also allowing anyone to quickly see an overview of results on the Dashboard. The system provides maintainers with positive confirmation of the stability and performance of the overall project.

In the future, we plan to open the Lab to more testing scenarios, such as performance testing of other features, beyond single-core packet I/O layer 2 throughput, and possibly running Unit Tests for DPDK. Additional features will be added to the Dashboard, such as showing graphs of the performance changes of master over time.

If your company would like to be involved, email the Continuous Integration group at ci@dpdk.org and dpdklab@iol.unh.edu.

First DPDK Community Awards Shine Spotlight on Teamwork, Collaboration

By Blog

As the DPDK community continues to make strides, we’d like to take some time to reflect upon successes of the past year and announce the winners of the inaugural DPDK Community Awards, acknowledging individual and team contributions to the success of the project. We have an amazing community that has been working hard to ensure DPDK’s success, so please join us in taking a moment to thank and congratulate each of our winners, and the entire developer community at large.  

Winners were recognized September 5th at the DPDK Userspace event in Dublin, Ireland. Details about each award category and its winners appear below. Please join us in congratulating all of our nominees and winners!

DPDK Project Service Award: Thomas Monjalon
The community would like to recognize Thomas for his tireless work across many groups through the entire DPDK community. Thomas has been DPDK’’s primary maintainer since the open source project was established in 2013 and works in the background to keep the projects’ CI/CD infrastructure moving smoothly. Additionally, Thomas played a crucial role in designing the updated DPDK website.

DPDK Top Ambassador: Jim St. Leger
Jim’s passion for the project is unparalleled. He continues to champion and evangelize DPDK across a variety of mediums, regularly speaks on behalf of the project, and recently briefed a handful of industry media and analysts about the project.  

Innovation: Berkeley Packet Filter library (BPF)
Konstantin Ananyev showed great initiative in creating an eBPF library for DPDK. This represents another step towards combining the best of DPDK and the kernel.  

Innovation: Compression API
Thanks to Shally Verma, Fiona Trahe, Lee Daly, Pablo de Lara Guarch and Ahmed Mansour, Compression API was a great collaborative, cross-vendor initiative to create a new acceleration API which helps to expand DPDK’s reach into new use cases such as storage.

Innovation: Virtio 1.1
Congratulations to Tiwei Bie, Maxime Coquelin, Jens Freimann, Yuanhan Liu, and Jason Wang. This was another great collaborative effort to adopt the new Virtio 1.1 standard in DPDK, leading to a significant boost in performance in virtualized environments.

Contribution (Code):  Anatoly Burakov
Not only does Anatoly regularly and consistently contribute high-quality code, but his significant work in developing a memory hotplug resulted in a significant improvement to the project’s memory management subsystem.

Contribution (Documentation):  John McNamara
John’s work with DPDK documentation has not gone unnoticed by the community. He has taken on the job of main documentation maintainer, and does a lot of crucial organization and clean-up of the docs for each release.

Contribution (Maintainer): Thomas Monjalon
Thomas has been DPDK’s primary maintainer since the open source project was established in 2013 and works in the background to keep the projects’ CI/CD infrastructure moving smoothly.

Contribution (Reviews):  Ferruh Yigit
Ferruh is known throughout the DPDK community for his deep review work, which is consistently efficient and beyond helpful.

Contribution (Testing): Intel Validation Team
Thank you to the Intel Validation team for testing each major DPDK release, and for open sourcing and maintaining the DPDK Test Suite (DTS).



Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) Further Accelerates Packet Processing Workloads, Issues Most Robust Platform Release to Date

By Announcements

DPDK’s 18.05 Release, Named ‘Venky’ in Honor of “the Father of DPDK,” Brings Even Broader High-performance Accelerated Network Support to Cloud and Telco Markets

SAN FRANCISCO – June 21, 2018 – Following the move one year ago to the Linux Foundation, the Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) project today announced the availability of its milestone DPDK 18.05 ‘Venky’ software release, named after Venky Venkatesan, who was known as “the father of DPDK”. The DPDK project’s 5th major release since joining the Linux Foundation accelerates packet processing workloads running on a wide variety of CPU architectures (including x86, ARM and Power) and supports many enhancements for Encryption, Compression and Packet processing.

Network performance, throughput, and latency are increasingly important for a whole range of applications and implementations such as 5G, Cloud, Network Functions Virtualization (NFV),  wireless core and access, wireline infrastructure, routers, load balancers, firewalls, video streaming, VoIP, SD-WAN, vCPE and more as the ways in which the world communicates rely more and more on fast and stable networks. By enabling very fast packet processing, DPDK makes it possible for organizations to move performance-sensitive applications – like the backbone for mobile networks and voice –  to the Cloud and help create higher performing edge devices.

“The first release of DPDK open source code came out eight years ago; since that time, we’ve built a vibrant community around the DPDK project,” said Jim St. Leger, DPDK Board chair and Data Plane Software Product Marketing Manager, Intel. “We’ve created a series of global DPDK Summit events where the community developers and code consumers gather. The growth in the number of code contributions, participating companies, and developers working on the project continues to reflect the robust, healthy community that the DPDK project is today.”

A true community effort, DPDK 18.05 ‘Venky’ release was built with contributions from over 160 developers, and over 1700 commits across more than 25 organizations.

Key highlights include support for:

  • Compression and Cryptography
  • Dynamic Memory Scaling – faster application launches
  • Event Mode – Hardware or software Event driven scheduler
  • Better Virtual Function Management
  • Updated driver support for Smart NICs, FPGA and System on Chip (SoCs)
  • Future Hardware acceleration of data path, encryption and compression
  • More details here – http://dpdk.org/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_18_05.html

In the year since the project joined the Linux Foundation, DPDK has continued to grow its robust community of 19 member organizations and a broad ecosystem of cross-industry partners: spanning hardware vendors, commercial software vendors,  commercial distros and open source organizations, many of which leverage DPDK, such as:

Since mid-2017 when DPDK joined The Linux Foundation, the project has issued five major new releases, hosted five community summits, and established a lab to perform automated performance testing of new patches.

Another exciting development in DPDK is the ability to run on Microsoft Windows. This is available in a draft repository (http://dpdk.org/browse/draft/dpdk-draft-windows/) and will be merged into the main repository in future releases. This expansion in OS support will help to enable new use cases for DPDK.

The DPDK and FD.io communities recently lost a key founding member of the communities: Venky Venkatesan, known as “the father of DPDK,” passed away following a long illness. The DPDK community expresses its utmost condolences to Venky’s family, friends, and extended community. As a token of appreciation, the DPDK 18.05 release has been re-named in Venky’s honor. Venky was an incredibly inspiring man who exuded greatness all around; he will be dearly missed.

DPDK is comprised of a robust community of member organizations committed to enabling accessible fast packet processing to help move the networking industry forward. This includes Gold members Arm, AT&T, Cavium, Ericsson, F5, Intel, Mellanox, NXP, Red Hat, ZTE; Silver members 6Wind, Broadcom, Huawei, Spirent; and Associate members Eötvös Loránd University, KAIST, Tsinghua University, University of Massachusetts Lowell, and University of Limerick.  

DPDK will host its next DPDK Summit in Beijing, China on June 28. Co-located with LinuxCon + ContainerCon +  Cloud Open China 2018, the agenda will cover the latest developments to DPDK and other related projects, plans for future releases, and updates from DPDK end users. More details, including registration information, are available here: http://linux.31huiyi.com/   

For more information or details on how to participate in the DPDK Project, please visit: www.dpdk.org.

Supporting Quotes

“AT&T is proud of the advancements the DPDK community has accomplished since joining The Linux Foundation a year ago,” said Mazin Gilbert, VP of Advanced Technology at AT&T Labs. “This release further accelerates packet processing workloads, which is critical as we move to the 5G era where we’ll see an explosion of devices and machines requiring high-bandwidth and low-latency connections for applications such as video processing, data analytics, augmented reality and virtual reality, and more.”

“F5 is pleased to see yet another strong delivery by the DPDK.org community. The 18.05 Venky release contains vital enhancements for hardware acceleration which broadens the value proposition for end customers, making this open community even more attractive and valuable to all ecosystem players,”  said Dave Schmitt, Chief Architect, F5 Networks.

About DPDK

The Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) project consists of libraries and drivers to accelerate packet processing workloads running on a wide variety of CPU architectures. By enabling very fast packet processing, DPDK makes it possible for organizations to move performance-sensitive applications to the cloud. Created in 2010 by Intel and made available under a permissive open source license, the open source community was established at DPDK.org in 2013 by 6WIND and moved under the auspices of The Linux Foundation in 2017.

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The Linux Foundation has registered trademarks and uses trademarks, including The Linux Foundation. For a full list of trademarks of The Linux Foundation, please see our trademark usage page: https://www.linuxfoundation.org/trademark-usage. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.