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DPDK Developer Spotlight: Dmitry Kozlyuk

By May 6, 2022February 28th, 2024Community Spotlight

The DPDK community is comprised of a diverse set of active developers who are passionate about transforming the industry through open source. This blog series highlights the people who are collaborating in the trenches to transform data plane acceleration.

Name: Dmitry Kozlyuk
Title: Software Developer
Employer: BIFIT

When did you start getting into programming in general? What about data plane?
It began with C++ self-study in middle school around 2007. In 2014 I got my first networking-related job in high-frequency trading (HFT), since 2016 I’m working on a DDoS protection product based on DPDK.

 How are you involved in DPDK?
I mostly work on Windows subsystem; it’s my free-time activity.

 What intrigued you about DPDK or what prompted you to want to contribute to the project?
The product I’m working at is based on DPDK. I’d always been looking up to the project and the people building it. Then I discovered that I can be of help and become one of them.

 When did you start contributing to DPDK?
February 2020. 

 What is your favorite thing about working with DPDK, and what are you most proud of? 
The impact: DPDK is used so widely that every contribution may be valuable to someone, often to many.

What has been the most challenging part of working with DPDK?
The scale and variety of environments you have to care of and test your code for.

 What advice would you give to developers (or others) interested in joining DPDK?
Read mail discussions to learn what’s going on, what people care about, what are the best practices—then share your work just as they do.

What are other things you are interested in outside of DPDK (hobbies, fun facts, etc.)?
I teach programming at university (mpei.ru). At free time, I love reading SciFi books.