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First DPDK Community Awards Shine Spotlight on Teamwork, Collaboration

By September 5, 2018Blog

As the DPDK community continues to make strides, we’d like to take some time to reflect upon successes of the past year and announce the winners of the inaugural DPDK Community Awards, acknowledging individual and team contributions to the success of the project. We have an amazing community that has been working hard to ensure DPDK’s success, so please join us in taking a moment to thank and congratulate each of our winners, and the entire developer community at large.  

Winners were recognized September 5th at the DPDK Userspace event in Dublin, Ireland. Details about each award category and its winners appear below. Please join us in congratulating all of our nominees and winners!

DPDK Project Service Award: Thomas Monjalon
The community would like to recognize Thomas for his tireless work across many groups through the entire DPDK community. Thomas has been DPDK’’s primary maintainer since the open source project was established in 2013 and works in the background to keep the projects’ CI/CD infrastructure moving smoothly. Additionally, Thomas played a crucial role in designing the updated DPDK website.

DPDK Top Ambassador: Jim St. Leger
Jim’s passion for the project is unparalleled. He continues to champion and evangelize DPDK across a variety of mediums, regularly speaks on behalf of the project, and recently briefed a handful of industry media and analysts about the project.  

Innovation: Berkeley Packet Filter library (BPF)
Konstantin Ananyev showed great initiative in creating an eBPF library for DPDK. This represents another step towards combining the best of DPDK and the kernel.  

Innovation: Compression API
Thanks to Shally Verma, Fiona Trahe, Lee Daly, Pablo de Lara Guarch and Ahmed Mansour, Compression API was a great collaborative, cross-vendor initiative to create a new acceleration API which helps to expand DPDK’s reach into new use cases such as storage.

Innovation: Virtio 1.1
Congratulations to Tiwei Bie, Maxime Coquelin, Jens Freimann, Yuanhan Liu, and Jason Wang. This was another great collaborative effort to adopt the new Virtio 1.1 standard in DPDK, leading to a significant boost in performance in virtualized environments.

Contribution (Code):  Anatoly Burakov
Not only does Anatoly regularly and consistently contribute high-quality code, but his significant work in developing a memory hotplug resulted in a significant improvement to the project’s memory management subsystem.

Contribution (Documentation):  John McNamara
John’s work with DPDK documentation has not gone unnoticed by the community. He has taken on the job of main documentation maintainer, and does a lot of crucial organization and clean-up of the docs for each release.

Contribution (Maintainer): Thomas Monjalon
Thomas has been DPDK’s primary maintainer since the open source project was established in 2013 and works in the background to keep the projects’ CI/CD infrastructure moving smoothly.

Contribution (Reviews):  Ferruh Yigit
Ferruh is known throughout the DPDK community for his deep review work, which is consistently efficient and beyond helpful.

Contribution (Testing): Intel Validation Team
Thank you to the Intel Validation team for testing each major DPDK release, and for open sourcing and maintaining the DPDK Test Suite (DTS).