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Second-Annual DPDK Community Awards Recognize Hard Work & Collaboration

By September 20, 2019November 25th, 2019Blog


The DPDK developer community convenes each year at the DPDK “Userspace” event to share knowledge, discuss best practices, and further align the community. During the event we take some time to reflect upon successes of the past year and recognize some of the amazing contributions from across the project – DPDK Community Awards.



Winners were recognized September 19 at the DPDK Userspace event in Bordeaux, France Details about each award category and its winners appear below. 

Please join us in congratulating all of our nominees and winners!

DPDK Top Ambassador:  Tim O’Driscoll
Tim has been involved with DPDK for many years on the management and marketing side, and will be recognized by most from his previous  “world tours” attending DPDK events in China, India, Europe and the States. He’s very approachable and always has a friendly word, which when coupled with his knowledge of DPDK and packet processing, makes him an excellent DPDK ambassador.

Innovation: Arm team
Congratulations to the Arm team for their innovative work on RCU, MCS Lock, and Ticket Lock. They spend a lot of time working to improve DPDK’s performance and find new alternatives. In just two years, they have improved performance and introduced new alternatives.

Contribution (Code): David Marchand
A long-time contributor to DPDK, David  is meticulous and accurate, taking the time to ensure the results of his work are perfect. His recent contributions DPDK (log fixes, Environment Abstraction Layer (EAL)  fixes, test fixes) show his love for a job well done. He’s also very friendly and funny guy, and it’s a real pleasure to work with him.

Contribution (Maintainer): Andrew Rybchenko
Andrew does very valuable work in DPDK; he’s of a great help for reviews in the mempool and mbuf areas. He’s rigorous and always brings a constructive and positive perspective.  He has the maintainer mindset, and ensures the APIs fit every case now and in the future.

Contribution (Operations):  Ferruh Yigit
Ferruh spends a lot of time ensuring things are progressing. He’s the engine  powering a fast=paced release and improvement cycle. In addition to his numerous contributions (code, reviews, doc, etc.) , Ferruh does an essential job in pinging people to ensure that everything is getting done on time.

Contribution (Testing): Aaron Conole
Aaron has been a regular DPDK contributor since 2015. In the  few past years, he has invested a lot of effort in setting up Travis CI for the DPDK project, working closely with the UNH Interop Lab team. He is especially good with testing powers in Open Source workflows. On top of that, Aaron is always available to provide constructive feedback, be it about technical topics, or about beer brewing!